Mortal raving - 22.8.8 - Survivor deviation of the movement

Are there really so many athletes around?

Holy matters:

Some time ago, a flag was set up, saying that I wanted to see my eight-pack abs before cremation. I know this is just a joke, because if you really work out with your heart, you can say hello to your abs in a few months or at most a year before being cremated.

The flagpole was poked, and only gritted his teeth and persevered, but this time he was determined to shape it well, but the public flag was just a pretext. But then again, if one thing is done in a state of gritted teeth for a long time, there is a high probability that this thing will not last long. Unless you have to do it, if you don't do it, it will affect your life, or if you have super willpower, you can do it and get the results you want. Otherwise, if you can do it or not, if it is not for interest, it is estimated that it will be difficult to continue, especially sports, after all, it is against human nature, and if one thing can't get results for a long time, it will inevitably kill the will.

The old ancestors said that everything is difficult at the beginning, honestly don't deceive me. In the first 2-3 weeks of exercising, it will be relatively painful, because after sweating profusely every day, looking at myself in the mirror, my body has not changed in the slightest, and it is indeed quite collapsed. Although the truth is understood, good results must require a process. But in the beginning, I often doubted myself, and felt that I was tossing so much for what. However, it is a little gratifying that although the figure has not changed during that time, the number on the scale has decreased visibly to the naked eye. Although I know a lot of the weight lost is water, I am still happier. After all, there is a process of quantifying the results, and there will be a better positive incentive effect.

Unknowingly, it has persisted for more than two months, and the weight has dropped from 162 to 140 pounds. Although there is some loss of muscle, I can see that the lines of my abdomen are getting clearer and clearer, and the sense of achievement is also very strong. And more importantly, in the process, I also experienced the fun of lifting iron, and I finally developed the habit of anaerobic exercise. The previous exercises were mainly based on Buddhist aerobic jogging. Although it is also good for the body, after all, the purpose of this time is to develop abdominal muscles, so the strategy has also been adjusted. Reduced the frequency of pure aerobic jogging. Because exercise and fitness has become a part of life, we don’t deliberately care about more time for aerobic exercise or more time for anaerobic exercise. In short, they all serve the purpose, and the goals are different at different stages. This process will ultimately benefit It's all yourself.

What's even happier is that due to my persistence, I also began to slowly drive my relatives and friends around. Because the lover is usually busy with work and suffers from insomnia, although there is drug assistance, he will eventually have the hidden worry of addiction. Although I exercised under my supervision before, I couldn't persist. But this time it was different. I didn't supervise her in particular, but drove her with practical actions and results. When she saw that my belly fat was less than hers, she also began to move, and she felt that this time it was real, and it seemed that she had to persist for a long time, which was gratifying. So sometimes, people have a ruler in their hearts. No matter how good you say, it is useless. Use the results to prove that it is actually not that difficult to advance many things.

In the process of developing exercise habits, because I often pay attention to fitness information and videos on various self-media platforms, big data will desperately push relevant content to me. Although watching these content suits my appetite, I will always feel some anxiety when I watch too much, because all the content I see are all kinds of sharing by successful fitness experts. In addition to positive incentives, there will also be A little inferiority complex, you will feel that there are so many sports masters and talents that you have seen, and you will feel that you are really a rookie when you grab a lot of them. But after I slowly observed, I actually found that it was the survivor bias that was misleading me. Because of the contact in daily life, most of the people I see are very ordinary, not the eight-pack abs and vest lines that are full of eyes. After all, exercise and fitness needs to fight against human nature, and it requires long-term persistence. There is no such thing as a once and for all statement, so it is quite difficult. You have exercise habits, especially long-term exercise habits, and you have requirements for your body and take action. of people, even fewer.

I am glad that I have put body management on the agenda in my cognition. Although I am still a rookie, although I started a little old, everything is gradually improving. The most important thing is that I have established a correct I think that the benefits of sports for the rest of my life will continue to feed back to me.

Exercise is really the most cost-effective investment for yourself, so let's all move, take the first step, and success is not far away!

Matt City lives forever!


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