LikeCoin Governance Proposal | Voting Decision on Proposal #39

Introducing the voting intention of motion #39

I will briefly explain the motion, put forward my own ideas, and finally clearly state my voting decision. If you have entrusted likecoin to me, but do not agree with my decision, you can leave a message and tell me your thoughts, or you can vote by yourself. You can ask me about the voting method, or you can read Daisy's teaching article. Appreciate Citizens Republic Nationals AKA All Likers can now directly vote for governance proposals! . If you really strongly deny me, you can also drag the transfer to other verifiers.

If the content is unclear, you can ask me. It is also encouraged to look at the related works, the way of the likecoin governance proposal, and the thinking of liquid democracy.

#39 Follow up by Tech Subdao #33 Remaining work

Proposal : Signalling proposal: Tech Subdao to pick up outstanding work of proposal 33


 This is a signalling proposal to follow up proposal 33 which has paid 50% of project fee to OurSky for chain development work. By voting YES, you agree to have the newly formed Tech Subdao pick up the outstanding work left over by proposal 33, including but not limited to managing the developer relationship with the vendor, paying the rest of project fee weekly according to progress, etc.

This is a proposal to ask the community for comments, and 50% of the development cost has been paid to OurSky in response to proposal #33. If you vote Yes, you agree to let the newly established Tech Subdao manage and coordinate the relevant developers and suppliers in accordance with the authority previously granted to follow up on the remaining work of Motion #33, and pay weekly instead.


The Tech Subdao to manage the previous work of OurSky is itself one of the reasons for the establishment of Tech Subdao. I don't see any problem with this. Paying the fee on a weekly basis can actually avoid the developer (feeling) losing too much because the currency price fluctuates too much, which is better for the developer. I also support this, and I can't let people do things, but because the price changes too much and lose something, it will reduce the willingness to participate. So the motion agrees.

Decision : Yes

I'm John Shao, thank you for being here. If you want to know more about me and want to support me, please see this article !


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