"Just do 'this thing' well and make you perform better throughout the day! 》

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
Why do we often want to say during the day, "Go back after get off work at night to read the book you bought and haven't read for a while, and take the course that you have never taken..." Just want to be lazy?

That's because, usually, in the morning, we have the strongest willpower of the day! That's why it's easier to do what we need to do in the morning.

In a book, " Managing Willpower with Ease: Stanford's Most Popular Mental Quality Class ," researchers found that people's self-control peaks in the morning and then gradually declines throughout the day , which is why When we come home tired from work and just want to be lazy, or make some bad decisions like choosing to eat unhealthy things...etc, that's because your willpower is exhausted...

Therefore, we can make good use of the 15 minutes or even an hour after waking up in the morning to "prepare ourselves"!
Get yourself into a "good state" for a brand new day!

Stefan James, a personal growth practitioner I really like and want to emulate, suggests 3 things we can do to prepare ourselves: prepare your mind, your body, and your mind.

Maybe you can choose to exercise outside, run, or do yoga in the room, stretch, or drink a large glass of water, after 7-8 hours of sleep, your body is hungry for water, drink a warm glass of 200c.c. Water helps reduce blood concentration, promote blood circulation, and wake up the brain quickly!

You can also choose to read a book or watch an inspirational video, or read aloud your life vision, goals, stare at your dream version, and strengthen your desire for them!

You can also choose to meditate or write down what you are grateful for the day before, or read out your "Thanksgiving List" aloud, like I have prepared a "Thanksgiving List" and read it every morning or before bed if possible. , remind yourself of what you have now; or, you can celebrate what you have achieved and start your day with a positive belief!

My own morning ritual has 3 things:

  1. Morning meditation after waking up
  2. After morning meditation, say Life Vision & Purpose & Goals aloud
  3. Before starting the first job every day, recite the self-confidence building mantra /get rich statement/ millionaire mind declaration / success declaration

The self-confidence training mantra and the statement to get rich are from the book "Think and Grow Rich", the Millionaire Mind Declaration is from "The Rich Think Differently from You", and the Declaration of Success is a few words I have compiled to remind myself, from different sources .

I think it's enough to start with one thing when practicing morning rituals

You can choose to start by meditating, or stretching in the room, remember the "two-minute rule" from The Atomic Habit? When starting a habit, reduce the time to complete that behavior to 2 minutes.

Stretch for 2 minutes, read a one-page book, go to a big glass of water for a drink, watch a 2-minute motivational video...etc, whatever you choose to do, when you take the time every day to be at your best status, you will get many benefits!

What you are doing is improving your "state". When your state improves, you are more likely to perform better, you are more likely not to procrastinate, and you will have more strength to break free from those depression and anxiety!

It's not that you'll never have those emotions, but that there are things we can do to make things better—like adjusting our state through a daily morning ritual.

Instead of focusing on the things you can't change,
Let's focus on what we "can change".

Focusing on things you can't change won't help you, but if you focus on things you can change, you have a chance to make things better!

When you have a problem, you should spend 10% of your efforts on the problem itself, and the remaining 90% on finding a solution , but the mistake most people make is to focus too much on the problem itself, Only 10% focus on finding solutions...

You have to switch your focus, and if you can do that successfully, you have the chance to turn your life around!

Review the main points of this article:

Seize the time in the morning when our willpower is strongest, adjust our state through simple morning rituals, and welcome a new day, let us not procrastinate, and more importantly, perform better throughout the day!
When you encounter a problem, you should spend 10% of your efforts on the problem itself, and the remaining 90% on finding a solution!

Reference source:


I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

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Email: johnson@growthlab.com.tw

See you in our next article!


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Dr.J 的成長實驗室歡迎加入《成長進行式》電子報! https://hustling-thinker-3584.ck.page/46f51c16b2 一起踏上成長的行列! 前國際品牌的全球產品行銷企劃 一個熱愛閱讀、追求個人成長與改變的實驗家 成長來自於一個個實驗的過程 生活,是最理想的實驗室 協助一樣喜歡成長的你, 共同實驗出更精采的人生😊
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