"Suffix" Commemorative Badge Announced! ! !

Commissioned by @林宇painting

"Suffix" is a virtual magazine dedicated to Matters, starting from 2022.02.02 ( a self-interview ), mainly to promote the spirit of " becoming your first reader ".

A month later, I suddenly wanted to design a "Suffix Commemorative Badge " that could represent this spirit.

At that time, I thought of @林宇's post : [Painting] Sharing of unprofessional eye drawing methods . In his painting, " glass marble-like pupils " gave me an inspiration to design the "Suffix" Commemorative Badge. In the graphic design draft of , Slogan is:

Be matters' first Writer

Be matters' first Reader

First Writer means a beginner writer, or " the first person to write ", which is understood as innovative writing: "A certain subject or form, the first person to write this, the first to write this subject. people."

At the end of March, the "Suffix" commemorative badge commissioned by Lin Yu was completed:

"Suffix" Commemorative Badge (Designed by Jeger and drawn by Lin Yu)

In short, I think in Matters:

" Being a good author " and " being a good reader " are equally important things, represented by "one-eyed illusion and two-color", in fact, this is the same thing at all!
 "Single Eye Phantom Eye Dual Color":
Quoted from Matters' Logo color matching "Retro Glasses Chain":
The young scholar's false sense of "noisy color spots in the base map":
The image of "affix" 

Ideally, at Matters, authors who admire each other can meet, be readers and authors, sympathize with each other, and even co-author.

▷ Come and visit @林宇

Q: What is your favorite painting style? An artist you admire? What is your current favorite theme style?

A: If it is a more orthodox (?) painting art, I like painting styles that emphasize light and shadow and various colors, such as Monet, Dietbrand, Avremov, and I prefer Impressionism, but they are not I often come into contact, and I also check the names of people specially, otherwise I just remember the paintings (laughs).

If it's an anime, in addition to emphasizing the type of color, light and shadow, I like the style with transparency or solid line shadow, but I rarely pay attention to a specific artist. Generally, when I see a favorite work, I just right-click and save it. At present, I should be good at avatar design. The coloring is mainly electric and watercolor, but I want to learn impasto after watching the video of Empty Can King.

Q: Are you still a student? Is it art related?

A: Two months after graduating from university, I am a newcomer who is returning to high school (8 in the morning and 6 in the evening). I didn't study in the Department of Fine Arts. Basically, I have never formally studied painting. I don't know how to do many things, so I can only explore slowly, so the painting speed is relatively slow.

Q: What is the most long-winded and low-money case you have ever accepted?

I've only taken cases in matters, so the money is basically the same... um...

Q: What's the matter, suddenly there is something unspeakable?

Uh... But this time the most revisions should be made, so if this is the most verbose case I've ever taken on, will I be beaten? (laughs)

Hahaha, you are so cute, hahahahahaha (embarrassed dry laugh)
Q: Do you have any experience or thoughts on the process of making this "Suffix Commemorative Badge"?

A: My experience is... animation is so troublesome to do (laughs) It is not difficult to draw each frame, so at the beginning I believed (exceeded) heart (points) full (days) full (true) took over this case, but Later, I found out that there were actually quite a few technical problems, which made me regret for a while that I could make animations. The editor-in-chief had a lot of requirements (I was beaten again). Animation!) Very idiot made mistakes twice, once in the final stage of QQ... The hand-carved animation really needs patience and care, but I am very short, and I have been asking the editor-in-chief to help me check for typos, I am really sorry orz.

But in the end, the finished product is quite a sense of accomplishment, more refined than originally expected. In short, I have experienced get for the first time in animation production, and I don't want to try it again in the short term _(:з"∠)_, thank the editor-in-chief for the invitation, and I hope everyone likes this design.



Thanks a lot! Lin Yu!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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