Wormwood, a good life partner

From ancient times to the present, from eating, drinking and drinking to purifying and deworming medical moxibustion, wormwood can be said to be ubiquitous and versatile.

Wormwood is almost all over the world, and every soil and water in every place can grow wormwood with different personalities.

From ancient times to the present, from eating, drinking and drinking to purifying and deworming medical moxibustion, wormwood can be said to be ubiquitous and versatile. Flip through the ancient medical books a little, warming the yang, nourishing the yang and warming the palace to regulate menstruation... and so on, it is an eye-opener for various prescriptions. Just a little note, this common but very interesting good friend!

★Eat and drink★

1. Mugwort Tea <br class="smart">A wormwood tea without caffeine, I would make a pot of wormwood and drink it for the whole family when I think of it. Check the information, wormwood tea is almost becoming a divine tea, what about irregular menstruation, dehumidification, coldness, cough, asthma, beauty and beauty, etc. If there is really a problem, it should be more effective to find a professional doctor or traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning! Just drink it occasionally and enjoy some delicious tea! Personally love this flavor!

2. Cao Zai Kueh <br class="smart"> I have eaten the wormwood grown by my relatives to make juice, knead the dough, prepare the ingredients, wrap it up, print the perfect turtle shell seal with the meaning of health and longevity, steam it, and bake it The grassy kueh I eat now is full of color, flavor, and taste. Now I feel that what I ate before was scum...
ps In Taiwan, the traditional grass kueh kueh is famous for two kinds of raw materials, one is wormwood, and the other is rat koji, each with its own flavor.

Be sure to cover everything perfectly!
Just out of the oven, the grassy kueh in the cool...

3. I also saw mugwort egg and tender leaf omelette on the Internet. They look so delicious! Someday you can have a chance to play!

★Various usages★

1. The simple and comfortable old method of foot bath and bath <br class="smart"> must have its own characteristics handed down from ancient times! If you like the fragrance of wormwood, you should enjoy it very much!

2. Moxibustion <br class="smart">The most complete and detailed information about moxibustion I have seen so far is the Institute of Moxibustion and Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care . Regarding this therapy, which has a history similar to that of traditional Chinese medicine, even the king of medicine, Sun Simiao If you have written feedback for moxibustion, you know how deeply moxibustion has penetrated into the heart of traditional Chinese medicine! Especially now, it is very convenient to obtain related moxa sticks. I have tried it before, and I think it is a great boon for people with cold body! However, most moxibustion requires patience and slow conditioning, and it is also a science to study.

3. Moxa <br class="smart">Since I know moxibustion, I know moxa indirectly. After reading the information, I always feel that I can play and watch it myself. The first step is to start planting my own potted plants (potted mugwort will not grow. It is too tall, it is very suitable to be a roommate with a very tall plant such as magnolia), and I started to encourage my friends and relatives to plant green fingers, which can prevent weeds, and when I grow up, I can pick it up and use it. !
I have simplified the production method of moxa velvet. Simply put, it is harvesting → drying → storing it for at least one year if there are conditions and places (the humidity in Taiwan is high, and it is occasionally taken out for drying) → separation of branches and leaves → with a grinder The bean-effect conditioning machine and the bean grinder grind the leaves into moxa velvet (of course, it is also possible to use a stone mortar to slowly grind it into moxa velvet. My family does not have this equipment and I have to use a lazy machine) → cut the moxa sticks into small pieces and put them in cans .
Occasionally, I have the opportunity to learn from an old Chinese medicine practitioner. His method is to dry it into moxa velvet and then store it for aging. It depends on the way you like to raise Chen Ai! It is said that Chen Ai, which has been stored well enough for a long time, has the best taste and energy!

Keep a good mood to make moxa, the smell is honest and warm, I like the taste very much.

4. Purification + Insect, Mosquito and Ant Prevention<br class="smart">As long as you ask the older generation, almost everyone will use it to ward off evil spirits and purify the body. For example, when you come back from a funeral, you can use wormwood to boil water to take a bath. Or take a bath, etc. Of course, here I mainly record the most commonly used method: moxa purification.
In ancient times, burning wormwood itself was a way of preventing diseases and disinfecting the environment. It even had a great purification effect on the humidity of the environment. Insects, mosquitoes and ants did not like the smell of wormwood. The method is very simple, keep the doors and windows ventilated, put the moxa in a container (special ceramics is the best) and light it, and smoke the surrounding corners and the whole space. Mugwort sticks are usually used to burn, and it is more natural to place them at the door at dusk to prevent mosquitoes than mosquito coils, and the effect is quite good!
(Lugang High School has done an experiment. Mosquito repellent effect: wormwood > rosemary > citronella; durability: rosemary > wormwood > citronella)

5. Dragon Boat Festival Water + Wormwood <br class="smart">Dragon Boat Festival is the most yang day of the year. May coincides with the alternation of spring and summer. The ancients also called it "Poison Moon". out activities. It is very suitable for collecting water at noon, adding wormwood (or wormwood + mowing grass + hibiscus + calamus) and boiling it to cleanse the body and remove filth and evil. The wisdom of the ancients is really amazing by using the sun-filled days to add plants!
Extended reading: " Dragon Boat Festival Water "

6. Mugwort essential oil <br class="smart">The origin is different, that is, the taste and performance are different. You can choose the one you like and accept. Essential oils are concentrated energy, and special care should be taken to avoid excessive use, especially for pregnant women, infants, and those with special diseases.

7. Removing dampness and edema <br class="smart">The wormwood is really good at removing dampness. You can refer to "The Gift of Moisture Tainan♥ Extreme Climate" .
I have tried it when the humidity is heavy, and I really recommend it. I have seen a Chinese doctor recommend that it has a great effect on edema and dehumidification, and I especially added it.


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