Movie|"Suicide Squad: Assemble" Original Soundtrack Songs & Quotes Sharing & Experience After Watching

楊心樂 saavini
I like all the elements in this film. The gorgeous, violent and bloody sense of benefit, the spoof plot and character dialogue that don't follow the usual routines add a lot of peculiar fun to this film. The distinct psychological state of the characters makes people feel that they have a lot of shadow stories in the past, and the idea that the movie wants to present does not require too many words. The audience can get to the point through the behavioral patterns of the characters or a few words. When the audience is three years old, they will tell you the true appearance of the world. Although it is dark and cruel, it also tells us that each of us can turn the faint spark of possibility in our hearts into the brilliance of reaching our goals.

The film is a reboot of the DC Universe's anti-hero team 2016 "Suicide Squad", written and directed by James Gunn , who wrote and directed "Interstellar" . This time, it is still centered on Amanda Waller (played by Willa Davis), and the X task force is reorganized and sent to the island country of Coto Malta in South America for missions.

I always like DC more than Marvel, because DC's hero movies give me a strong feeling, the stories told and the psychological state of the characters are closer to reality, and I dare to tell those things that others dare not say or shoot. All presented, full of irony, but not contrived.

The key point is the newly recruited members at the beginning, and the weasel really made me laugh. After landing on the island, the whole army was wiped out, and some super villains' abilities were completely messed up. This kind of opening is refreshing!

Picture from IMDb

I like all the elements in this film. The gorgeous, violent and bloody images that are beneficial, the spoof plot and character dialogue that do not follow the usual routines all add a lot of strange fun to this film. The clear psychological state of the characters also makes people feel that they have a long list of shadow stories in the past, and the concept that the film wants to present does not require too many words, and the audience can get the point through the behavioral patterns of the characters or a few words. Treat the audience as three years old, and tell you the true appearance of the world. Although it is dark and cruel, it also tells us that each of us can use the faint spark of possibility in our hearts and the brilliance to achieve our goals.

Picture from IMDb

My favorite part is Harley Quinn 's solo kill scene, wearing a red tutu, dancing gracefully like a princess when escaping, to contrast her tyranny of killing, and finally using a lot of colorful petals instead of flesh and blood The flying scene is presented in an animated way, allowing the audience to enter the world of Harley Quinn and see her crazy and playful mentality in this world.

Picture from IMDb

There is also the lovable Nanaue Shark King , whose cute personality often makes people forget that he is capable of eating a whole person without mercy.

And the Polkadot man who was infected with a multi-dimensional virus, a veritable tragic figure. In his world, his mother is his only virus, an incurable psychological shadow, and he can't escape even if he wants to, so he always hangs up. With a sad face.

Picture from IMDb

There are also cute jelly piranhas that add a lot of fun to the whole movie 🤡 (I got the jelly piranhas myself, because I don't know what they are called)

Picture from IMDb

Of course, the person responsible for selling cuteness also includes the lovely Sebastian (Sebastian)

Picture from IMDb

Among them, the second-generation mousetrap represents the core of the film. What his father said to Cleo is the concept that the film wants to convey. It also echoes the events of a group of behind-the-scenes teams sitting in distant offices. When weak forces are gathered , No matter how huge the power is, it will eventually disintegrate. To paraphrase Sun Quan 's famous words: "If you can use all your strengths, you will be invincible in the world; if you can use all your wisdom, you will have no fear in the sages."

🎵 Soundtrack Time!

Picture from IMDb

There are two important things to a generally engaging movie: the picture and the sound. The combination of the two complements each other and moves the audience is what director James Gunn is good at. We all know that James Gunn is known for using songs in movies that directly echo the plot.

Picture from IMDb

Not only did James Gunn write the script with which music to use at what moment, but he also broadcasted the music directly on set, allowing him to guide the filming, the movement of the camera, and the way the actors performed, and to allow the actors to perform. Step directly into his post-production world to present films with immersion and overall visual style.

Picture from IMDb

This time, the soundtrack of "Suicide Squad: Assemble" is also a retro playlist that can be collected in seconds. When you listen to it, your body will rhythm unconsciously. It is more diverse than the "Awesome Mix" soundtrack of "Interstellar", with melody. It's more suitable for strolling, and it also adds to the story. The director also added a song that he didn't think Disney would allow him to use in Star Wars.

"In the opening scene of the movie, either Johnny Cash's 'Folsom Prison Blues' or The Pixies' 'Hey', I always wanted to use it. I used to think Well, oh! That would be fine in the Alienware movie, but it's all about the "whore" lyrics. So you can't really use it in the Alienware movie. But I really Love this song because I love a nice, slow stroll, so what better way to stroll than 'Hey' by Leprechaun?"
Picture from the Internet

When the movie kicks off and takes us into Dream Prison , Johnny Cash 's "Folsom Prison Blues" is heard, but it's not the usual version, it's the version Johnny Cash performs for real prisoners in prison.

Picture from the Internet

And Leprechaun 's "Hey" comes from one of the greatest rock albums of the 1980s, "Doolittle," and it does create the perfect "walking" vibe.

Here are all the songs from the soundtrack (without the soundtrack) that sound 🤩
1. "Folsom Prison Blues" - Johnny Cash
2. "People Who Died" - The Jim Carroll Band
3. "Sucker's Prayer" - The Decemberists
4. "Samba na Sola" - Ceu
5. "Adagio (CONCIERTO DE ARANJUEZ FOR GUITAR AND ORCHESTRA)" - Pepe Romero, Sir Neville Marriner, Academy of St Martin in the Fields
6. "Whistle for the Choir" - The Fratellis
7. "Point of Know Return" - Kansas
8. "Sola" - Jessie Reyez
9. "Ca't Sleep" - K. Flay
10. "Quem tem Joga" - Dirk Barbosa ft. Gloria Groove e Karol Conka
11. "Meu Tambor" - Marcelo D2 ft. Zuzuka Poderosa
12. "Just a Gigolo (I Ain't Got Nobody)" - Louis Prima
13. "Hey" - The Pixies
14. "So Busted" - Culture Abuse
15. "Oh No!" - grandson
16. "Rain" - grandson and Jessie Reyes

🎬Golden Sentence Time!

There are many amazing and funny dialogues in the movie that are worth collecting.
I really like the bloody movement and the dialogue of each character 😂

Picture from IMDb
“Rats are the lowliest and most despised of all creatures. If they have purpose, so do we all.” — Ratcatcher
Rats are the humblest and most despised of all creatures. If they all have goals, so should we.
Picture from IMDb
“I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many, men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.” — Peacemaker
I cherish peace with all my heart and I don't care how many men and women and children I need to kill to get it.
Picture from IMDb
Rick Flag: Savant. Or would you rather be called Durlin?
Savant: I'd rather not be called at all. But I'll do anything to get out of this hellhole.
Rick Flag: Well, welcome to “anything”.
Rick Flegg: Scholar. Or would you rather be called Delin?
Scholar: I'd rather you don't call anything. But I'd do anything to get out of this hellish place.
Rick Flegg: Well, welcome to What's Up.
Picture from IMDb
Javelin: Your name is TDK, correct?
TDK: Yeah.
Javelin: And it stands for what?
TDK: It stands for me. It's what a name is.
Javelin: Your name is letters?
Captain Boomerang: All names are letters, d**khead.
Javelin: Your name is TDK, right?
Broken Arm: Yes.
Javelin: What does that mean?
Broken Arm: It means me. Just call it that name.
Javelin: Is your name just letters?
Captain Boomerang: All names are letters, idiot.
Picture from IMDb
Bloodsport: Why the f*ck are you in your underwear? Tighty-whities? Really?
Peacemaker: Now, that's just racist.
Bloodsport: No. It's not racist. They're tighty-whities.
Bloodsport: Why the fuck are you wearing panties? Tight white Nene? seriously?
Peacemaker: Wow, that's a bit racist.
Bloodsport: No. This is not racism. They are tight-fitting white Nene.
Picture from IMDb
Ratcatcher 2: If I die because I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death.
Ratcatcher 2: Friends. [shakes hands with King Shark]
Bloodsport: You are a little idiot.
Ratcatcher II: If I die for gambling love, it's a worthwhile death.
Second-generation mousetrap: friend. [Shake hands with King Shark]
Bloodsport: You're a little idiot.
Picture from IMDb
Bloodsport: No one likes a show-off.
Peacekeeper: Unless what they're showing off is dope as f*ck.
Bloodsport: F*ck. That's true.
Bloody Sports: No one likes showing off.
Peacemaker: Unless they're showing off shit.
Bloodsport: Shit, it does.
Picture from IMDb
Sol Soria: Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing.
Sol Soria: Typical American style. Just like this wanton invasion, set fire to kill.
Picture from IMDb
Harley Quinn: You were real pretty and all. And RIP to that absolutely beautiful monster between your legs. But all in all, I think you're more pretty like this, with all those rotten thoughts emptied from your head.
Harley Quinn: You are really good looking. May the beast between your legs rest in peace. But overall, I think you're more beautiful now, with all those bad and corrupt thoughts out of your mind.
Picture from IMDb
Bloodsport: Don't you worry, yeah? I'm going to get you out of here alive.
Ratcatcher 2: I'm going to get you out of here alive.
Blood Movement: You don't have to worry, I will protect you from leaving alive.
Second-generation mousetrap: I will protect you from leaving alive.
Picture from IMDb
Bloodsport: Hey, Pissmaker, we're on a mission.
Peacemaker: Easy, Inspector Gadget. A little drink never hurt nobody.
Polka-Dot Man: Except for the thousands of people killed in drunk driving accidents every year.
Bloodsport: Hey Pee Messenger, we're on a mission.
Peacemaker: Take it easy, Detective Gadget. Not so much for a drink.
Polkadot people: Except that thousands of people die every year in drunk driving accidents.
Picture from IMDb
Rick Flag: Ratatouille, what do you got?
Ratcatcher 2: Third floor hallway's clear. Abner?
Polka-Dot Man: There doesn't seem to be any incoming traffic.
King Shark: Bird.
Rick Flag: Nanaue. Stay off the comm.
Rick Flegg: Ratatouille, what did you see?
Ratcatcher II: No one is in the corridor on the third floor. What about Abner?
Polkadot man: It doesn't look like there's any traffic coming.
King Shark: There is a bird.
Rick Flegg: Nanaue, turn off the intercom.
Picture from IMDb
Rick Flag: Alright, here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die.
Bloodsport: We find out any information you give us is false, you die.
Harley Quinn: If we find out you have personalized license plates, you die.
Rick Flag: What? No.
Harley Quinn: If you mismatch blacks, you die.
Rick Flag: No.
Harley Quinn: If you cough without covering your mouth…
Rick Flag: Harley. Those last three aren't things. Although, probably don't need to say this, but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.
Rick Flegg: All right, if we fail our mission, you'll die.
Bloodsport: If we catch you giving any false information, you will die.
Harley Quinn: If we find out you have custom license plates, you'll die.
Rick Flegg: Clams? It's not like this.
Harley Quinn: If you don't get along with black people, you'll die Rick Flegg: No.
Harley Quinn: If you don't cover your mouth when you cough...
Rick Flegg: Halle. The last three don't count. But, you know without me telling you, that doesn't mean you're allowed to cough without covering your mouth.
Picture from IMDb
Harley Quinn: I love the rain. It's like angels are splooging all over us.
Bloodsport: It's good for cover.
Harley Quinn: Yep, that too.
Harley Quinn: I love rain. Like angels splattered on us.
Bloody Sports: This is good for cover.
Harley Quinn: Yes, you're right.
Picture from IMDb
Starro: I was happy, floating, staring at the stars.
Haidaxing: I used to be happy too, floating free, staring at the stars.

🎥Poster Time!

Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
Poster from IMP Awards
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