Raydium Harvest Diary - 19 May 2021

⏳Time is money💰, and when you are addicted, you have to calculate the opportunity cost. In the event of a major event, first presume a bad situation, and then act decisively to implement a good layout.

I was named in class by@高建建 last night. It seems that I have committed some of the problems in the total investment of high total investment. Some issues I take very seriously. For example, people's emotions are easily affected by fluctuations in property changes, and emotional fluctuations can affect life and work. If you have read some of my long articles on facebook, or know that my mother suffered from depression because of stock trading, and my first entry into the stock market was actually half revenge and half self-help. But when I earned the capital of my own study and freedom, I left the stock market with a lot of money and remained unmoved for nearly 20 years. During this period, many people were buoyed by the appreciation of stock and property prices, while I suffered three major losses and faced bankruptcy twice because of several unsuccessful startups.

Speaking of which, are you afraid? But the truth is I'm in a situation where I'm being persuaded to retire by relatives and friends because when it comes to assets, I'm better than most, if not a billionaire. I even helped a lot of people for free, but at the same time, I was in poverty, and I didn't appreciate people who depended on me. I rarely pursue people who can't pay back, but I'd rather cut off the relationship forever with people who are rogues. To help people, it is not for the sake of repayment, but only those who actually reciprocate in return are trustworthy people.

We do investment, in fact, inseparable from three purposes:

1) Principal safety reserve, plus interest rate return.

2) Provide financial assistance to the cause that you think to promote its development.

3) Establish equity relationships and influence institutional operations.

2 and 3 are actually the same thing, just to a different degree. When we invest little money, we can only call ourselves 2. But in fact, we still practice very microscopically 3 . The real problem, instead, often lies in whether we take the responsibility for the direction, operation and governance seriously. In many cases, large investors will not intervene in the operation and governance of institutions, and their investment behavior and endorsement (if not disguised) have already exerted influence.

Back to the story on Raydium.

I propose another ETH today and transfer it to STEP-USDC farming. The reason is simple, the harvest rate is high.

The share price of STEP has also changed a lot, and there is no incentive for a big increase. If you can really read my article yesterday, whether it is good or not, please torture yourself. However, unlike Gao, I have strict separation between 1 and 2/3. That is, in order to preserve value and pursue profits, I will allocate some assets to strange places, instead of going deep into the essence, but only analyzing risks. The risk is high, the reward is high, or the bust is very sudden. For example, the bust of CHIA recently, it must be natural, but the bust is so fast, it can not be regarded as a sudden. Therefore, under the consideration of risk, all we have to do is to allocate the market and control our psychological expectations: the high-risk ones will lose everything sooner or later, and you will not be afraid of losing as much as you want, just put a part of it for profit. . I have roughly calculated that STEP will drop from 2 yuan to 1 yuan in a certain period of time. The gambling position is whether the interest rate can reach more than 116% in the same period. If it does, it will be 8% of the profit, then the remaining problem is Can't walk. On the premise that there is an LP fund pool, the loss of the big boss is about 1~2%, so the 6% profit will still be stronger than the ETH deposit.

I cut it every day, and it took me less than ten minutes. I will read some articles to broaden my horizons. If there is a project that AYP is better than Raydium STEP-USDC, it is estimated that I will transfer within 5 days. This is the rational operation at target No. 1.

As for 2 or 3, in fact, I have never been stingy, and I have configured a lot, even if I will lose money.

Everything has a time cost and room for value-added. I don't think there is a greater return on investment than educating people. But I am not a teacher, I am more like a preacher. I dedicate no less than 2 hours a day to reading, digesting, and sharing. In fact, I am promoting social education.

To a certain extent, I spend an average of about 1 hour a day on Category 1 inputs, which are often not enough. Spend about 4 hours on building and operating a company by yourself. Take time for self-study, at least 2 hours. The time spent teaching people is about 1 hour. Recently, I have spent more time exercising, and I have been advised to sleep more, so I can only reduce the time for hanging out and entertainment. I'm not an All-in person! Ask yourself the most unreasonable return on investment is to take care of housework... But housework must be done, right?

And before, I also wrote on facebook, my expected return on a day's work, that is. Around 3000 to 4000. Not much, it is about 60,000 to 80,000 yuan to hire me full-time. In fact, there are also jobs that recruit me with six figures, but I ask myself that I may not be competent, and I enjoy my own direction more.

In terms of investment, I work 8 hours a day, if I spend half an hour and can't get a return of 200-300 hours in a day, then it is actually redundant. If it is an investment in nature, the annual rate of return is less than 8%, which is also redundant. Therefore, I basically ignore the investment of HKD less than 10,000 yuan. I used to do quantification. The goal of a transaction unit is to exclude the 2% difference in transaction costs, and only 200 yuan can be earned per 10,000 yuan, unless it is greatly automated, one day How many times can you operate in half an hour? I am also afraid of this intensive information-based operation, but I still cannot ignore the interest rate and time return.

Next, I will present daily returns on platforms like Raydium. For STEP-USDC, my expectation is that with an investment of HK$30,000, I can earn about 200 yuan per day (interest minus depreciation), so I added more today. Whether it works, I can report tomorrow. Don't be envious if you have more, a devaluation can be turned into nothing, don't say I don't warn you again and again.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

BenCrox因為興趣,不斷求新,意外地變成事業。 創科、公關公司創辦人。
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