"If you write without punishment, how do you teach it?" I'll give you a clear answer right now!

Regarding "penalty writing", there have been a lot of backlashes on the Internet recently, but some people have questioned, "If you don't punish writing, how will you teach it?" Below, I propose a more effective way to deal with students' behavior problems than punishing writing - writing "Confession". You don't need to worry about the beginning and end of a confession, and you don't need to write a long essay. As long as you master three steps and write three paragraphs, even if it is only less than 300 words, you can still achieve the effect of calm thinking and self-reflection.

Can " penalty writing " be used as a means of punishment or memory enhancement?

Recently, many people are discussing this topic, and many teachers, parents, and counseling psychologists can be found on the Internet, and they put forward objections based on their personal experience and professionalism. Of course, the message below is full of such arguments:

"Students in our era could be beaten or scolded; today's students can't be beaten, scolded, and punished for writing. What's going on?"

"We were also punished for growing up like this, isn't it good?"

To be honest, a moderate penalty might work, but what about an excessive penalty? Although I also grew up in punishment writing, but since I was a student, I have known that punishment - writing - fundamental - fundamental - not - useful - useful!

My teacher in the middle grade of primary school is famous for punishing students for copying. Once a student makes a mistake, he will be punished for writing the text one to three times depending on the degree. If you accidentally commit a crime several times within a day, it is common for you to be fined a dozen times.

Once, because of my own mistakes and the involvement of the team members, I had to copy dozens of texts in one go before leaving school. Our whole group not only wrote secretly in class, but also wrote violently after class, and even the club class hid to the side to write, and wrote to the end--

Due to the familiarity of writing the same words over and over again, the brain has temporarily entered a dormant state, and only the right hand is left to perform unconscious reflex actions. If I continue to write like this, it will become a zombie whose brain is dead but the body is still active. I will not be too surprised...

So, if the brain is not functioning, can it still perform the function of understanding and realize its own mistakes? The answer is already obvious.

However, if you are not punished for writing, how will you teach it?

The following is a more effective way to deal with students' behavior problems than writing a punishment - writing a " confession letter".

Confession letters were called " repentance letters " in our day, but I do not agree with the use of the word "repentance", because it is difficult for us to ensure that there is no unknown grievance under the child's superficial deviant behavior. If he is ordered to repent unilaterally and It's not fair, so it's more appropriate to use "confession".

Next, the teacher will definitely raise two questions:

Question 1: I'm so busy, how can I read the students' confessions?

You don't have time to read the student's confession. The student has copied the text hundreds of times. Do you read it one by one? By the way, I forgot to mention that when I was young, once I was punished for copying the text, I only wrote the first three times more carefully, and the later was more scribbled, and the teacher would not read it carefully anyway.

In this case, rather than wasting time and punishing writing, it is better to ask students to take a little time to reflect on themselves and write a confession.

Question 2: Some students have poor writing ability and cannot write their confessions. Wouldn't it be easier to just ask them to copy the text?

It is precisely because of the poor writing ability of the students that they exercise their ability to explain and discuss through the writing of the confession. Of course, I know that most teachers do not have experience in teaching writing. However, a confession is not as complicated as you think. It doesn't need to worry about the origins and transitions, and it doesn't need to write a long essay. Just master the three steps and write three Paragraphs, even if they are as short as less than 300 words, can achieve the effect of calm thinking and self-reflection. When the teacher is reading, he can also clarify the beginning and end of the matter in a very short time and carry out the next disposal.

To put it bluntly, the way of writing a confession is very simple, as long as you use the " inverted pyramid structure " common in writing news releases, you can complete it. As shown in the figure, when narrating, write from top to bottom according to the degree of importance:

The first paragraph: what happened

When narrating events, put the most important information—that is, what happened—in the first paragraph, and ask the children to grasp the information related to the “Six He Dharma” statements and events . For example: I read on the Internet that a parent complained that a sixth-grade child in elementary school was punished by the teacher for writing because he forgot to bring his Mandarin textbook, and he did not finish writing until nearly 5:00 in the morning.

If he writes a confession, "what happened" can be written like this:

Event : Forgot to bring Mandarin textbook
I ( person ) last night ( time ) in order to do my Mandarin homework, so I took out my Mandarin textbook and put it on the living room table ( location ). Because I wrote too late, I went to bed without my schoolbag ( why ), so I didn't put my Mandarin textbook in my schoolbag the next morning, and only when I got to school did I realize that I forgot to bring ( thing ). I couldn't go to class and it made the teacher very angry ( how ).

After completing the first paragraph, the child will rearrange the sequence of events and find out why.

Paragraph 2: Description

In the description of the second paragraph, you can ask the child to restore the reason for the incident in detail. If there is any difficulty, you can also state it here . Then, specific improvement methods must be proposed. example:

My homework would be written too late because I kept writing new words until I was a little bored. Finally, I couldn't help turning on the TV and watching it while I was writing, and I didn't finish it until half past ten. In the future, I will do my homework in the room so that I will not be tempted by the TV, and I will pack my school bag before going to bed. In addition, in fact, I can write all these words, so it is easy to get tired of repeating it all the time. It would be great if the teacher could let our students write in a different way!

As mentioned earlier, the deviant behavior of children may only be a superficial phenomenon, and it may be caused by problems with the discipline and teaching methods of adults. Blindly penalizing naturally cannot help children express their true feelings. Only through the confession book can they see the whole picture.

Paragraph 3: Conclusion

At the end of the confession, students only need to add a short conclusion, re- emphasizing what they should do, or how others can help them , and then they can draw a period. like:

In short, I hope the teacher understands my troubles when writing new characters. However, I should also improve the efficiency of my homework, so that I don't write too late and leave my schoolbag unpacked, so as to avoid the situation of forgetting to bring textbooks from happening again.

These three paragraphs are written in less than 300 words, which will not delay the students too much time, and can indeed achieve the effect of calmly clarifying the cause of the incident, and can also cultivate a solid discussion ability. For teachers, students use the " inverted pyramid structure " to write a confession book, because the theme of each paragraph is clear, no matter how busy you are, you can quickly grasp the outline of the matter with a glance; and know yourself and the enemy, not only understand the students' voices, but also understand own negligence and blind spots.

Children in the upper grades of elementary school are required to write a three-hundred-word confession in this way, and they will be able to master the essentials of writing after practicing two or three times. However, for younger children, their ability to express themselves is not enough to write an article, so I might as well lead them to fill out my self-made " confession form ". It is not too late to start writing a confession after they are familiar with the structure of the confession.

 Remember: you are a "teacher" who preaches and teaches, not an "old corpse" who only punishes students for copying and turns them into zombies!

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