"Food Love" Episode 26


Cheng Kaiyi finally made up her mind to date Zhang Shixiang until the day of the meal. She took Xiao Zhu's car to the steakhouse with them and arrived at the restaurant on time at 6:30. The three happily ordered meals and waited for Zhang Shixiang to appear. Xu Xiaoping and Xiao Zhu chatted happily, Cheng Kaiyi Looking at the direction of the door from time to time, Zhang Shixiang was really slow today.

Cheng Kaiyi waited until the waiter served the food, but Zhang Shixiang was not seen. She ate the steak and salad in silence, and Xu Xiaoping and Xiao Zhu did not smile.

"Why is Zhang Shixiang so slow, you called to inquire about the situation." Xu Xiaoping noticed her friend's small movements and her depressed expression.

Xiao Zhu picked up the mobile phone on the table and called Zhang Shixiang. After the phone rang three times, the other party picked up the phone.

"Where are you?" Xiao Zhu asked.

Zhang Shixiang said that he was about to arrive at the restaurant, and he hung up the phone in peace to explain the situation to the two.

Xu Xiaoping put down a heart hanging in the air and hoped that Zhang Shixiang would arrive as soon as possible. She had known in advance that Cheng Kaiyi's decision was happy for the two, and she waited for Zhang Shixiang's appearance and Cheng Kaiyi's reply, so as to celebrate the relationship for the two.

But the sky does not follow people's wishes. After Cheng Kaiyi ate the main dish, side dishes, dessert, and ice cream all the way, Zhang Shixiang never showed up. The other two people were already full and drinking.

"I'm going back." Cheng Kaiyi didn't say a few words all night, and the original good mood had been worn away by the person who was 40 minutes late.

"Wait a minute, he'll be there in a while," Xu Xiaoping said.

"You have said this three times." Cheng Kaiyi said in frustration, Xu Xiaoping kicked her boyfriend.

Xiao Zhu called Zhang Shixiang's cell phone again to relay his words, "He will be there soon."

"Right now, he said forty minutes ago that he was coming soon." Cheng Kaiyi said.

"He must be stuck in traffic on the road. It's normal to have heavy traffic during off-duty hours," Xu Xiaoping said.

"The traffic jam can take 40 minutes. Xiao Zhu, when did he go out?" Cheng Kaiyi asked.

"Uh..." Xiao Zhu didn't dare to answer. The second call was made by Xu Xiaoping. At that time, Zhang Shixiang had just left, but Xu Xiaoping told him not to speak.

"Don't blame him, Zhang Shixiang was late because of a temporary situation at work." Xu Xiaoping explained that it was her own fault that caused her misunderstanding.

"It turned out to be the first time that I didn't tell the truth." Cheng Kaiyi said, no wonder she had to wait so long.

"Temporary situations at work are common occurrences. Give him another chance." Xu Xiaoping pleaded for him.

"I don't want to wait any longer, I'm going back." Cheng Kaiyi stood up.

Xu Xiaoping quickly took her hand, "You didn't want to reply to Zhang Shixiang."

"The answer will be discussed next time." Cheng Kaiyi asked her to let go.

"Then will you agree to date?" Xu Xiaoping was afraid that she might change temporarily.

"I will give him another chance, as long as you don't make trouble, don't mislead Zhang Shixiang at will." Cheng Kaiyi warned.

"I won't say anything that shouldn't be said." Xu Xiaoping said.

"Just understand." Cheng Kaiyi dropped these words before leaving, and quickly left the restaurant door and turned left toward the stop sign.

Zhang Shixiang rushed to the steakhouse to find Xiao Zhu and Xu Xiaoping but did not see Cheng Kaiyi. Xiao Zhu quickly comforted him and said that there was still a chance in the future.


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