#The last time the mood continued


In fact, I think I also have quite a few short stories in my head... I think if there is a way to write them or string them together, it should be quite exciting...

But to be able to write a novel...

Published a book, and even became popular,

I think this should also take a period of hard practice & acceptance of criticism from others, and then constant revision + improvement, and finally catch the essence that everyone loves (in short, it takes time to do it to get results. ....then I'm lazy 😱)

There are many things to say:

There are many things to comment on:

There is a lot that can and cannot be said:

Now, what I want to say most is

Just recently saw that YT fortune teller Jiutian Xuannv

It was only when a colleague told me that I knew about this...

There is no smile in front, the point that pokes me is not counting how long it takes to land...

But in the popcorn section....

I also read some comments and comments, I think it's really funny XD

What I want to express is

In fact, I used to be a person who believed in fortune-telling...

Believe in yourself what will happen in the future....

Emotionally... at work... at home etc...

But recently...

start to realize

why some people say

trust yourself

Far more important than believing in the law of large numbers from someone else's mouth

A fortune teller once said that it is difficult for me to lose weight below 60 hahahahaha

And predict my feelings, etc.

In the past, I also believed this matter very much. I thought that it was like this, and this was my life! ! ! !


I really want to prove it to him.

I can change your so-called destiny! ! !

And there is

Recently a friend of mine told me

what do you want to happen

will go in that direction

the so-called law of attraction

In the past, I just looked at

like something out of a textbook

See it and forget it~

Nothing special

But recently,

But it has been verified and realized all the time 😂😂

I hit these now

because i want to record

Records before I succeeded

From feeling rotten > being rotten > being rotten for a long time and can't stand being rotten or being stimulated by others > trying to change > setting a plan + goals for myself > failing > feeling rotten...

The above has been repeated many times...

It should be because, it has not been successful, right?

So I'm still rolling here

But after reading a few articles just last night,

I can finally understand healthy weight loss patterns and why. …

It's really a bit mad coach No. 2,

Why didn't you go into detail when teaching me about eating...

I only understand now....

(Well, I can only blame myself for not checking and doing my homework hard)

So you think it should be a success this time? ? ?

Hope to lose 2-3 kg in a month

Then I need to lose about 20 kilograms, then I need at least half a year... ok

Long-term goals take your time


It's late at night and I haven't slept yet....... I stayed up late again......


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