There is still no unit responsible for the Qiao You case? Family members hope that the supervisory committee will correct the administrative organ

On the morning of 7/6, the Firefighters' Work Rights Promotion Association and the family of Chen Zhifan, a firefighter who died in the Qiao You case, held a press conference at the Supervisory Yuan and put forward two demands, including that the Supervisory Committee should correct the relevant negligence of the Changhua County Government, and at the same time deal with the incident. At that time, there were doubts about the administrative transfer of Qiu Congjia, the acting director of the Changhua County Fire Department, and Chen Weihong, the acting director of the Construction Department. . .

Text / Gongku reporter Hong Yuzeng

In particular, Qiu Congjia and Chen Weihong had originally proposed to resign, and then the county government returned the two to their positions, only to be transferred to the deputy director of the fire department and the deputy director of the construction department, respectively. The association and their families requested the Supervision Yuan to conduct relevant investigations.

Zhu Zhiyu, secretary-general of the Consumer Promotion Association, pointed out that the Overwatch Council also took the initiative to intervene in the investigation at the time of the incident. However, the reason why the association and the family members still came to the Overwatch Council to lodge a complaint was that the Ministry of the Interior's disaster accident investigation report had been released a year later, but it was not yet known. Any unit was punished. In order to avoid the Changhua County Government's follow-up to avoid the important points, I hope that the Supervisory Yuan will make relevant clarifications and request the administrative organs to review and correct them.

Zhu Zhiyu further mentioned that the disaster investigation report of the Ministry of the Interior has clearly pointed out a number of negligences of the Changhua county government, and the business operators have violated regulations due to the negligence of the county government. The negligent units, including the Health Bureau, did not come forward to answer relevant questions. Zhu Zhiyu emphasized that now the relevant reports have pointed out the negligence of the administrative agencies, and in fact no agency should be held responsible. This move makes the association and family members deeply surprised.

In particular, after the report is released, there are only three areas left for supervision, including representatives of public opinion such as the Changhua County Councillors, the units that the Disaster Investigation Commission of the Ministry of the Interior requests to control, and the Supervisory Yuan. Zhu emphasized that the position of the association and the family is not to identify the culprits, but to hope that the Supervisory Yuan will correct the mistakes of the administrative organs and help the reform of public safety in Changhua County.

"I came to the Overwatch Council today in the hope that with the help of the public and the Overwatch Council, this matter can be brought back to normal."

Chen Zhifan's sister, Chen Yizhu, mentioned that Chen Zhifan died heroically in the fire to rescue Qiao You a year ago. It was not until the results of the disaster investigation meeting report came out a year later that everyone learned that the county government's negligence caused the firefighters to risk rushing into the fire. . He appealed to the public to understand the situation of the Changhua County Government involving the three major bureaus and four major negligences in the accident, as well as the situation in which the failure of the bureaus led to the illegal operation of the industry, which led to the death of duty.

Chen Yizhu hopes that all circles will continue to pay attention to Qiao You's case and understand the current family members' demands for a monument to commemorate Chen Zhifan. Especially in the aspect of monument erection, the association and family members were dissatisfied with the passive response of the county fire department and launched raids and sit-ins. Later, the Zhangxian Fire Bureau also agreed to hold a second monument erection meeting on 7/7 ( relevant report ). However, on the evening of 7/5, the Zhangxian Fire Department temporarily notified Chen Yizhu that the pre-meeting meeting of the monument erection meeting was expected to be held on the morning of July 6, and asked the Consumer Promotion Association and public opinion representatives not to attend.

Chen Yizhu pointed out that not only was the pre-meeting arrangement too temporary, but also conflicted with the time expected to hold a press conference at the Overwatch Council. Furthermore, the Fire Department's request that "the association and the people's representatives were not allowed to attend" also made the family deeply dissatisfied. The Fire Department also told Chen Yizhu that only the plan of "setting up public art outside the Eastern Division" could be discussed, which made the family members dissatisfied.

Chen Yizhu mentioned that on the day of the first monument erection meeting a few days ago (5/9), although the representatives of the fire department also proposed the plan, they only took it lightly as "this plan is a personal opinion", and even the follow-up meeting minutes were not The scheme is not mentioned.

During the few days of the sit-in protest, the Changhua County Government told the media that it had proposed this plan but the family members did not agree. Chen Yizhu was extremely dissatisfied with this statement. He emphasized that now the Fire Department has clearly stated that only this plan can be discussed before the second monument erection meeting, so he has also clearly responded that he will not accept it.

First, because the county government did not actively propose a plan at first, and secondly, the county government did not actively discuss the plan, and now the family members are forced to discuss only the plan. In the face of the related disputes caused by the erection of the monument and the county government, Zhu Zhiyu emphasized: "The erection of the monument or the "investigation report" to restore the truth are all part of the reform of firefighters' public safety!"

 Editor's note: About the Qiao You case The Qiao You fire occurred on the evening of June 30, 2021. The fire lasted for nearly 9 hours and spread to the "Passion Fruit Hotel" located in the same building as an epidemic prevention hotel, resulting in a total of 4 deaths. 21 injuries. Among the dead were three residents of the epidemic prevention hotel and Chen Zhifan, a member of the Eastern Division of the Changhua County Fire Department.

【Extended reading】

In May of this year, the results of the disaster investigation were released, and the families continued to strive for a monument

2022.05.02 The investigation results of Qiao You's case are released, and the disaster investigation will list ten improvement directions

2022.05.03 The family members of the firefighters who died in the Qiao You case tried to erect a monument and were put to rot? County promises meeting to discuss

2022.06.28 The family members of Qiao You's case ended up sitting in exchange for a commitment to a meeting, calling on all walks of life to continue to pay attention to the establishment of the monument

2022.07.01 On the first anniversary of Qiao You's case, the family calls on the Changhua County Government to come forward and erect a monument to commemorate

The voices of family members and the current situation of fire protection can be found here

"The Reception Room of Splendid Time" Episode 326: Why Vulcan Tears (Part 1): Families of the firefighters who died want the truth

Episode 327 of "The Reception Room of Splendid Time": Why does Vulcan cry (Part 2): Can the lives of dozens of firefighters be exchanged for peace?


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