Reading Bigeng|Bibao #08・Airdrop information from three brothers

Brother Beard brings you a positive philosophy of life, stay handsome (Stay Hansum)!

Continue to compile airdrop information (recently seen). When a certain amount of information is accumulated, it will be organized into articles (to avoid articles that are too short). If you want to get the first-hand information, you can follow the Liker Social of Reading Bigeng !

In addition, I included this "Airdrop Probe" series under the #bibao tag. By the way, today is already the eighth episode! Do a little review:

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■ $EX, the exchange brother has not yet clarified

 When I see the word SWAP, since it is called "exchange" - without the word "buy and sell" - it is natural to think that this is a decentralized exchange. The wallet can be used as soon as the wallet is inserted (signed), no need to Real-name authentication.

The news comes from the official Discord group of EXSWAP. The announcement date is 3/2. At the time of posting, I have already taken a snapshot of 2/23 (more details later), and said that I will write a detailed article on Medium later. Give details. So regarding the qualification requirements, currently I can only guess based on past experience that each condition is calculated independently:

◍ Stake 20+ $ATOM.
◍ Stake 30+ $OSMO.
◍As for the liquidity of "5 $ATOM + 15 $OSMO", it remains to be clarified.
EXSWAP’s Discord group

Here to help novices learn about the term block height . Imagine that we are trading on the blockchain network. The "ledger" used for accounting is a stack of Lego bricks, and its "height" is like a "page number". Indexable by everyone, open and transparent. So I entered mintscan, a blockchain browser, and used keywords to find out that the snapshot date was 2/23.

mintscan blockchain browser

$HANSUM, Brother Beard has taken a snapshot

The snapshot of the $HANSUM token, which has been introduced in this article before, has been completed on 3/1 (the airdrop news announcement date is 2/22). The block height has also been seen, which is a good time to learn and use it now. Let’s also review the eligibility requirements:

◍ Stake 5+ $ATOM.
◍ Stake 5+ $JUNO.
◍ Stake $150 USD+ JunoSwap liquidity.
◍ Stake $150 USD+ Osmosis liquidity.

Brother Beard also brings everyone a positive philosophy of life . I always keep it in mind. When I brush my teeth and wash my face every morning, please repeat it loudly to yourself in the mirror 10 times: Stay Hansum!

via @HANSUM on Twitter

The qualification requirements are also set for "liquidity". We see that $EX is described by "quantity", while $HANSUM is written by "market value". What inspires me is that if you want to write a rigorous instruction document (similar to a rule book) one day, you have to think carefully about the words you use. How to write can minimize the resistance when readers receive the message. Use the simplest In a neat way, don't let them go "in a big circle" before they understand.

$CHEQ, the famous guy hasn’t taken any photos yet

According to the comments from netizens at the bottom of this tweet , it is specifically corrected that this is an airdrop event organized by @Cheque Finance and has nothing to do with . Currently, the tokens issued by the two organizations are called $CHEQ.

The airdrop news was announced on 3/3, and the snapshot date is set on 3/15, so there is still a chance to deploy, but the devil is hidden in the tweet. You must pledge 25+ $JUNO to a "single" validator to be eligible. If you are decentralized The total amount of pledges is 25+ $JUNO, but it doesn’t count! The reason is not to make things "too complicated" (announcement from the official Discord group).

◍ Single validator, stake 25+ $JUNO.
@Cheque Finance on Twitter
@Cheque Finance Discord group

■ Looking back at the three brothers

This article will take you to visit the pier with the "three brothers".

I’m waiting for exchange brother ($EX)’s Midian article. I’ve taken the photos but haven’t finished developing them yet. I see my bearded brother ($HANSUM) leisurely on the side, enjoying my photos calmly. Finally, I don’t want to let things go wrong. It’s too complicated to hit the famous guy ($CHEQ), he hasn’t pressed the shutter yet, there is still a chance to be in the same frame with him!

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