There is always a relaxing and stable note for you

Complexity is a human hobby, and interesting is that truth is surprisingly simple and even unbelievable.
Balcony green space and drying clothes is a good place for deep breathing and photosynthesis

Complexity is a human hobby, and interesting is that truth is surprisingly simple and even unbelievable.

Trying to find the simple truth in the complex, it feels like trying to get the fish in the wrong direction and the frequency is not right. First, we can move ourselves in the direction of simplicity, or, at least, accept simplicity. In simplicity, it is easier to find stability.

All the following tricks include books that you have tried carefully or that you have read that you think are good (you can borrow them directly from the e-book library), and try to take notes on the similar appearances, and try to find the ones that everyone can use without any threshold. way , maybe a certain model can inspire everyone.

1. Cut off too much complicated information

The principle is to leave temporarily as long as the information that causes some kind of too strong reaction to you, such as comments that will become popular after reading, special offers that you really want to buy, food that you really want to eat, and related to the epidemic. Whether it is politics, society, work, or all kinds of random attacks and abuses, deliberately creating panic buying, or false and false spreads that seem to be dead if they can't get a vaccine... and so on. Of course, there are more irrational discussions that may come from their respective stratospheres, such as the collision of self-provided tableware on environmental protection issues and the explosion of disposable tableware delivered for delivery, which school of traditional Chinese medicine has the best preventive protection effect, xx Is the therapy just a placebo or is it really effective, which actors and dramas are supported by Japanese dramas and Korean dramas... and so on. The above, there may be many more different aspects of life.

In a word, it is a very effective way to stay away from these clutter when you don’t have the ability or wisdom to sort out your sexual thinking.

The less you buy things, the more you save money, the longer you stay at home; the less you read spam, the more your emotional energy will be more abundant and will not be consumed and wasted; the battle of various xx treatments is based on a full understanding of your body, mind and soul. Under the overall understanding of the therapy, it is good to choose the most suitable method for you. If someone promotes it, it means that someone will be helped by it. However, each person’s physique is different, and there is no right or wrong therapy, only if it is suitable or not.

2. Take a deep breath

  • Recommended pose:
    As long as it is a martial arts novel, the basic "five-hearted" posture is almost certain. Don't you think it is very worthy of reference? Know the wisdom of our ancestors! Seriously, there really isn't a specific required pose.
  • Recommended location:
    In the beginning, it is best to be in a private area where you can relax. You can have a small balcony or green space, you can also have essential oils incense, or you can simply use a comfortable bed full of familiar smells! After the practice is stable, the location does not need to be deliberate.
  • Recommended timing :
    The ideal situation is after getting up and before going to bed. Of course, you can come twice whenever you want, there is no special requirement.
  • Wide-chested exercise:
    Most of the habitual postures of modern people are inward retraction, which can be assisted by some wide-chested exercises to make breathing deeper. The easiest way to do this is to swing your hands back, then stop and relax your shoulders. If you are advanced, you can alternate with one hand and two hands. When one hand is used, you can turn the palm down and rotate the shoulder joint to turn the palm up, slowly move the shoulder joint, and then do the back swing of the hands to be more relaxed and comfortable. Remember to cooperate with your breathing!
  • Take a deep breath:
    At the beginning, it is best to sit with the five hearts facing the sky, relax the spine, and straighten the spine. The ancients said that the five hearts are facing the sky and the qi sinks into the dantian, which is a really incisive trick! It can be used with wide-chest exercises, or with any of the following methods, in short, just feel the breath! In the beginning, you can practice specially when you are at home and restless. After a long time, it will gradually expand to any moment in your life. Life is practice, and your skills are increasing at any time!

3. Stretching and Lajin Yoga

It is best to relieve and relax, do not require too many postures, do not force the length of time, and cooperate with breathing postures. There are so many styles of yoga that are explosive, some are biased and some are biased, and now you can find a lot of information on the Internet, practice on the premise of not forcing yourself! There are also a lot of stretching and Lajin series derived from various theories to take relief routes. For example, you can refer to:
Zero soreness fitness exercises: Combine the principles of ballet, Tai Chi and acupuncture, 10 sets of stretching exercises can help you relieve stress, straighten your bones, and loosen your fascia
Now popular book titles are as long as possible, and the content is really good and practical.

4. Massage

Continuous habitual massage, the cumulative effect is really enough to have a significant improvement. It can relieve many sub-health problems, such as long-term continuous massage of the head and face meridians and a super side effect - healthy and beautiful skin! Really cool!
5 minutes to easily create a small face beauty: the beauty of the meridians and tendons in the Yellow Emperor
This is a very practical reference book for head massage and you can learn a lot. Although the style of the title makes me want to rant... The content is really good!

  • Half-dumb beard - old boy playing old boy playing
    I accidentally found this blog while searching, and it was amazing! The meridians divided by body parts are really very practical! It is also intimately divided with obvious colors, which is great!

Five, meditate meditation

How effective is meditation? As long as you see that there is a meditation in which every faith has its own way, you will know how useful this trick is. Not to mention the major religions, all the martial arts experts love to use them. In modern times, there are special energy, chakra, high frequency, dimension and so on. Meditation is a great way to settle.

Do you still remember the news that a teacher in Thailand led students to be trapped in the depths of a cave, and they all meditated together and persisted until they were rescued? Sleeping Beauty Cave Rescue Operation

Each genre will have huge differences in the basic theory and viewpoints, so there is no need to compare with each other, and there is no difference between good and bad. The goal of this article is only to "relax and stabilize", and a more in-depth discussion is not within the scope. Most of them I have only heard a little, don't understand, don't know, don't research.

There are so many ways to meditate that you can find on the Internet, it should be dizzying, and breathing together should be the easiest way to get started. Of course, I want to be more fancy and go deeper into some special genres, such as those who meditate and visualize various colors of light! With all kinds of links! On the premise that suits you, it is best to find a professional and righteous teacher to lead the entry, so as to avoid being crooked to the ends of the earth and unable to pull back.

6. Essential oils

If you don't have essential oils at hand and you don't have the habit of using essential oils, please skip it directly. Misuse will cause accidents.
Know why everyone relaxes and generally pushes lavender? Because it's safe enough!

If you want to relax and soothe with breathing meditation, sweet marjoram, frankincense, coniferous, and citrus essential oils are all good choices. But be careful not to use it for safety reasons if pregnant women, infants, and people with special diseases do not have special homework. In addition, citrus basically has photosensitivity, it is best to avoid the sun when it is used.

A good quality essential oil has its own forest and sunshine as soon as it smells, and it is also very suitable for using different flavors to change different scene impressions when you are at home. The usage of essential oils is actually quite flexible, you can use incense, smell directly; warm a drop with your hands and apply it directly on the chest, abdomen, waist, etc.; add high-quality vegetable oil to dilute it to make oil, which is used for massage, daily maintenance, etc. .

Ken Garden Aroma Online Private School - Online Essential Oil Aromatherapy Course
I really admire their family. I have a bunch of essential oil books from their family, and I can learn a lot in private clubs! Kenyuan's official fan page is also full of interesting, the editor is very good at editing haha, you can also follow it.

When I saw it on the Kenyuan fan page, I laughed instantly, it was so strong!


When the body and mind are good, they help each other to make progress, and when they are not good, they pull each other back and try to degenerate. Our Chinese medicine practitioners have written the relationship between these two clearly early on. It is too easy to be affected by emotions, and will damage different internal organs according to different emotions. Conversely, the same is true. When the internal organs are damaged, it is easy to cause the ups and downs of different emotions.

When the stability is relieved, you will be able to face the explosion of information with a relaxed attitude, and you will not be easily led away by emotional imbalances, and you will be able to find more rich nutrients for your growth in this information in turn.


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