New arrival me-Angela

A novice writer, Xiaobai, is very good at shopping with Amway friends. He wants to turn words into income and step into the world of online writing. He once wrote a blog article without a proper job, but it has been abandoned for a long time, and it has been many years. …

Hi everyone, myself, how are you all in the current epidemic situation?

I'm Angela, a novice in online writing ❤ My main business is the beauty industry. Currently, it is closed due to the epidemic. I want to come to the Internet by thinking about how to have passive income in the level where physical work cannot be carried out. The world of writing

A week or two ago, I set up my own website on wordprss. I have racked my brains for several days to write an article about affiliate marketing, and I have basically completed it, but there are still many places that need to be revised. I am working hard to meet the SEO requirements~ Pressure There must be Shanda, although the traffic is definitely not large at the beginning, but the mentality of Virgo to do well is sometimes really bad! I want to do my best as a novice☝

I am very good at buying things from my friends, so I want to write articles about affiliate marketing, because my friends keep pushing me to record videos and become a Youtuber, but I really don’t know how to face the camera. I just have a little confidence in writing articles, so I decided to Step in, write, read, and take it step by step~

The original idea was actually to write articles on the Internet. It seemed that I could make some extra money, so I checked the square grid first, and saw many teachers (I call them teachers who write teaching articles), and I recommend you to be yourself in the long run. It is more suitable to write articles on a stand, but at present I don’t dare to write with hands and feet tied. I just downloaded LikeCoin and accidentally learned about Matters. Although it is not my own website, I think it can be regarded as a writing article at this time. It's also a nice place to relax!

When the articles on my website are finished, they can be linked together, which is very convenient. I don’t have to write twice. At present, I have to learn more about arranging the paragraphs and key points of the articles. I hope that I can write more and better in the future. ❤ If there are novice babies who read my article, let's cheer together!

The teacher said, don't be afraid, just write it!

You can also come to my website to have a look~ Although there is nothing yet, but there is a push to write it quickly!

Send me a cup of coffee and support my creation


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Angela寫什麼嗨!我是Angela, 因疫情暫停工作,進而思考如何增加被動收入,為了賺賺小外快而上線寫文♥
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