Matters Discord co-builder recruitment is complete, congratulations on being elected as Matters Universe driver

The biggest revelation of Web3 is decentralized collaboration, which is the spirit of Matt Universe. In a Web3 world, we can all be creators.

The Web3 world is developing rapidly, with a lot of new and complex information being added every day. In the face of this wave, we find it is very effective and important to learn together and remind each other.

Earlier, we initiated the recruitment of co-builders. Please actively explore Web3 members to come to Discord as "Matt Universe Drivers". After a week of registration, we launched an anonymous vote this Tuesday, and 24 hours later, vote on this Wednesday afternoon has ended, thanks to the members who participated in the voting, and congratulations to the three drivers for their successful election.

Three elected drivers: @Reading Bigen became "Cryptocurrency", @Denken became "Web3 World", @CrypToN3 became the moderator of "NFT Discussion Forum".

They will get:

  1. Discord title of "Matt Space Pilot"
  2. Admin access to this channel
  3. Transfer 2,000 HKD worth of stablecoins and 10,000 LikeCoin start-up funds in three months
  4. Start a campaign and get more than 20 likes to get additional resources you need, up to 50,000 LikeCoins, 10 Travelloggers NFTs, and HKD 1,000 worth of stablecoins at your disposal every three months
  5. Enter the Matters whitelist and get Space Token, Matters Token airdrop and other rights

Let us revisit the operation content proposed by the three earlier, the following is an excerpted and sorted version, please go to Discord "Matt Universe Driver Recruitment" to view the original text:


1. Be good at using mind map to organize analysis, write teaching texts and explain proper nouns and concepts from the "newcomer's point of view";

2. Combine your own reading habits and learn the knowledge of the currency circle from related books. ;

3. Use foreign Twitter and Discord knowledge as the source to verify the news.

Channel targeting:

Starting from the LikeCoin that everyone first got in Matters creation, it has derived a series of subsequent discussions on various topics in the management of tokens, and an exchange field for incurable diseases.

Operational goals

1. Continue to produce Bibao series articles: Focus on the "Airdrop Radar" column under the Cosmos ecosystem;

Second, the introduction of practical application teaching;

3. Continue to study and organize books related to the currency circle, and publish them into articles;

4. It is planned to use a part of the working capital to match (hire) experts from all aspects of the currency circle in Matt, to stimulate and curate interesting ideas, such as special topics, essay writing activities, etc.


1. More than seven years of experience in software development and column writing, good at researching and commenting on technology products;

2. Is operating a Matters perimeter that understands the Web3 world from the perspective of a "software engineer";

3. Participate publicly in the Matters and LikeCoin communities from time to time, and assist Matters to solve their doubts from time to time.

Channel targeting:

Let the "Web3" world become a novice village.

Operational goals

1. Let the novice's questions be answered, not afraid to ask questions, and discuss with each other;

2. Irregular reward activities, LikeCoin and stablecoin funds will be used to reward high-quality questions, responses, or discussions of popular news information, and polls or expression response statistics will be held from time to time;

3. Reward NFTs to Matt citizens who have not yet owned them but have compiled high-quality questions and responses;

3. The time interval of the above-mentioned activities depends on the popularity of the discussion. It will be held at most once a week or at least once a month.


1. He used to be a semiconductor hardware engineer, a new software engineer and a short-term software project manager. He is currently working full-time in the field of cryptocurrency and NFT.

2. Worked in small companies and world-class companies: from international companies with well-organized structures to software innovations with flat management, from hardware to software, cultivated innovative ideas, flexible scheduling (Flexibility), information level & Vertical aggregation capabilities, trend insights and communication skills.

Channel targeting:

Become a comprehensive NFT discussion forum suitable for both novice and veteran.

Operational goals:

1. Friendly content interaction for newbies: such as the establishment, use and operation of hot and cold wallets on the chain, and solving incurable diseases; concept sharing of preventing online fraud, phishing or hacking attacks; basic knowledge sharing and discussion of participating in NFT projects ;

2. Content interaction for NFT interested parties: latest and popular information discussion; tool sharing, experience and features; project discussion, including early participation in information, Giveway, Roadmap, future and pros and cons; Alpha Group sharing, etc.;

3. Hold at least one NFT-themed essay call every month to make the dissemination of knowledge and information smoother;

4. Select a number of high-quality contributors to the NFT discussion forum channel every three months and give additional rewards.

Next, Matt Universe drivers will gradually implement their own operational goals, allocate start-up funds and NFTs by themselves, and accept community supervision (please refer to here for specific operations).

If you are interested, please join the Matters Discord ( to participate in the discussion. The three channels are "Cryptocurrency", "Web World", "NFT Discussion Area", or you can browse other channels.

If you are not the person in charge of the channel, but you also want to initiate some activities on Matters Discord to help more community users understand, participate in web3, explore new ways to play, create and play games together to enhance community communication; or communicate with others The project party negotiates cooperation and conducts diplomatic activities, so as long as you want to do it, we will support it! How to initiate? Please refer to here .

The biggest revelation of Web3 is decentralized collaboration, which is the spirit of Matt Universe. In a Web3 world, we can all be creators.

Once again, I wish the driver a smooth driving and look forward to more citizens building together.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!