Community activity conclusion report (come and vote)|Stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years

Come vote! This case was concluded on September 30, with a review of the activities and a report on the write-off and distribution of bonuses. Come vote!

The community essay collection activity " The Stupid Things We Did in the Blockchain in Those Years " has been concluded on September 30. A total of 6 articles were submitted. Let's review it together and report to everyone on the write-off and distribution of bonuses.

The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years

◈ Review of Proposal Summary

  • Essay topic : The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years.
  • Word limit : 800 words or more (subject to the official report of Matt City).
  • Group Prize: 20,000 LikeCoin divided equally.
  • Individual Award: One Traveloggers will be awarded each for the "Laughing Out" and "Taking the Pain Points" awards.

◈ Bonus write-off and distribution matters

✅ Group Award: Equally divided

Equally divided, each contributor receives 20,000 LikeCoin:

@Reading pen farming3333 IKE.
@Daisy3333 LIKE.
@cattravel〔Erica〕3333 LIKE.
@Ferret pen wide surface3333 LIKE.
@FreeElf|Dobby3333 LIKE.
@谢太仙sen|NFT Community Research3333 LIKE.

✅Personal Award: Anonymous voting

Because the number of articles is not large, after discussing with the site, we decided to use anonymous voting to let everyone vote for the "laughing heartily" and "hit the pain points" awards in their minds, and one Travellogger will be awarded each.

Note: The same person will not receive the individual award twice, so if someone gets the highest votes for both awards, the second place will be filled. The second place will be determined by "adding the votes of the two awards". Come and decide.

Regarding the implementation details, the six submitted articles will be marked with ❶~❻ numbers according to the submission time (will be mentioned later), and will be announced on Matters Discord【 🎇. Cryptocurrency ] channel, the administrator set up an anonymous voting robot in the channel at noon on 10/3 (Thursday). The deadline is three days, and the results will be automatically counted at noon on 10/6 (Thursday).

■ List of submitted works: The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years

The following articles are arranged in order of submission time:

Number ❶ I was wrong, the cold wallet contained not money, but ⋯⋯ .

The appearance of the pen drive, combined with the stereotype, always makes you imagine that you have to "drag" cryptocurrency into this storage device, just like moving files on a computer...

No. ❷ Cryptocurrency | Stupid STRONG HODL UST .

At that time, I thought UST was a "stable currency", so I put it aside after I got it, thinking I could deal with it slowly...

Number ❸The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years | Everyone does stupid things? ! !

⋯⋯Every time I silently thought about entering the Memo, but when I was transferring money, I silently thought about posting the Memo, but my finger just pressed to send it⋯⋯

Number ❹ The stupid things we did in the blockchain in those years .

⋯⋯I just realized that although USDT has the same name, it is a different currency on different chains! You need to rely on cross-chain to convert it into the USDT of that chain before you can use it...

No. ❺Bitcoin is bought in large quantities at super high levels and NFTs are strongly held at super high levels .

⋯⋯But like me: the purchase period is within half a month, buying in large quantities, and not thinking carefully about the law of "if it rises too much, it will fall", that is stupid.

No. ❻ [Learning for Beginners] What those blockchain scammers “taught” me .

⋯⋯It means that these people use this "good intention" approach to coax people to pay into the so-called exchange, which is actually their wallet.

Read Bi Geng’s signature file
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