Chaos Daily | Back to 18 - Re-read the homework "No Sighing" for the first year Chinese class

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
Keep writing, and live your life without sighing with words.

teacher who loves homework

I still remember that the teacher who was assigned to the compulsory Chinese course for the freshman year happened to be taught by the head of the Chinese department. I asked friends who had taken his class, and I was curious about the atmosphere and personality of his class.

A friend told me that this teacher likes to talk quietly and ask everyone: How about we write a composition as homework?

When he asked this question, he actually already had the answer in his heart. Just like most annoying elders or supervisors, it seems that they want to ask other people's opinions, but in fact they just ask to confirm that the other person's response is consistent with their own inner thoughts. This essay assignment "Things That Don't Sigh" is no exception.

This was the first long essay I wrote in college, and he ended up giving me 80 points.

refusal to change tone

Before I went to college, I was full of interest in writing, but I always hated the propositional composition in the school education system. More than once, a high school Chinese teacher said: "Your writing is good, but this style is too much for the teacher. taste"

The writing style at that time was that history and politics must be mentioned in the article, and the basis for criticizing reality was found in it. It is not surprising that historical terms such as the Wushe Incident, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, or the French Revolution appear in a composition called "Fuck it on Me".

What's more, he will point out a lot of his own evaluation of historical facts in the article, and he will write and write in angrily to express his various dissatisfaction with Taiwan, China, and the world.

In short, no matter what the topic is, I can write with the tone of "On Shuowen".

pride and dissatisfaction

Most of the time, the scores I get by not following the rules of the game are 4 grades, which are not lower than 4 grades. Sometimes I can encounter "Bole-like" teachers who give me 5 grades or 6 grades, but no matter what the score is, I still believe in it. Your own words are valuable.

Most of the classmates waited in the audience for the teacher to read their name, went to the front to pick up the homework, nervously looked at the grade of the homework on the white paper, only my emotions were both excited and looking forward , thinking: When I arrive at the university, the layout and depth will be different. It's a lot bigger, and my style of writing should be rewarded by the teacher, right?

When I found out that my score was neither high nor low, after class, I went to the podium to ask the teacher why. I was proud of my writing, and refuted the teacher's belief that "thinking" The reason for the different writing direction of "Things That Don't Sigh"" is different from "Things that Don't Sigh".

I questioned him more loudly: Why does writing an article need to conform to a specific direction to be considered a good article?


From the week I got my homework, I went to the teacher to "discuss" after class every week, and I was still not convinced that the teacher only gave me 80 points. The teacher couldn't stand the tossing every week. After class ended nearly a month later, when he was already grading the second homework, he added one point for me, and it became 81 points.

I'm worried that the teacher thinks I'm doing four weeks in a row for the grades, running to talk to him every class - but one point is too little, right? - hurriedly ran to explain that he just wanted to hear, to know why, and how to write to make writing better, he only told me one answer: keep writing.

To this day, I am still wandering in the text, and I will continue to wander like this in the future.

18-year-old bloody

Today after graduating from university, I look back at this childish article, and recall that I used to ask the teacher for grades without shame, and it was fortunate that it did not turn into a ridiculous embarrassment. I don’t know where the face was like the teacher complaining His own score is too low: This situation is even more obvious in the philosophy department to which he belongs.

Four years have passed, and I believe that in the future, on the road of graduate students of tobacco and alcohol , no one can guarantee that what kind of articles will always be evaluated with high scores by others. Thinking that I will always be the same.

Will not abide by those defined dogmas, be a person who is honest and free in words.

Write to your past self

18-year-old HJ, after two years you will meet the first person you like, and after three years you will meet the unforgettable earth-colored beauty. At that time, your favorite Doctor Strange once said: I Tell you what happened and nothing will happen. So I'm telling you now, and I sincerely hope that what I'm saying doesn't happen.

You will want to be loved by others more than you ever imagined, and you will want to love others just because you should. Even though you know it's poisonous, you'll drink it like Socrates, crisp, hearty, and without a single drop of regret. I hope you are not just today, but have always been a free man.

After 4 years, you will come to a free city , which is full of amazing, tearful, and fascinating articles. In this regard, I most want to remind you, and it is the only mission for you.

Keep writing, and live your life without sighing with words.


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HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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