How to Clean an Ampoule


When I saw a news, someone asked "how to clean the ampoule" on Zhihu and got 404, along with the question and answer. A very good question, the ampoule is really difficult to wash, and it is normal for someone to ask this question. But the ampoule can't seem to be cleaned, so this question asked on Zhihu is a matter of course.

Whenever this happens, I want to Baidu to see how Baidu handles search results.

It seems that Baidu is very clever in splitting the narrow-necked bottle into a narrow-necked long bottle, and also searched Baidu Knows according to "how to wash the bottle". Tsk tsk tsk, Baidu is really amazing.

It seems that there is nothing new under the sun, and we seem to be really in an era of "the breeze is illiterate, and there is nothing new to read". Each of us will pass away, and history will record this era. How will the history books record? How will future generations make an evaluation of history?


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