Why not part-time

阿信 ahshun
Chinese families are very protective and cherishing of their children; in Chinese society, the concept of class is very important, and their class is divided into rich and poor, educated and uneducated. Therefore, they all believe that "knowledge changes destiny" and hope that their children will study more and achieve higher education, whether their children like it or not. If the local education does not meet the standard, they will be sent abroad if they have the money.

Chinese families are very protective and cherishing of their children; in Chinese society, the concept of class is very important, and their class is divided into rich and poor, educated and uneducated. Therefore, they all believe that "knowledge changes destiny" and hope that their children will study more and achieve higher education, whether their children like it or not. If the local education does not meet the standard, they will be sent abroad if they have the money.

My mother has a similar concept. When she was in middle school and college, her family’s finances allowed her to do part-time jobs. She should concentrate on her studies, for fear of failing her studies. It's just because I studied design in college. First, I came to open capital, and secondly, I only learned theory in school. I must practice it through work. Otherwise, after graduation, I will not be able to get a job and I will not be able to find a job, so I insist on studying at the same time. While doing part-time work related or unrelated to the discipline. When returning to summer jobs and part-time jobs during school, in addition to absorbing work experience, you can also learn how to get along and communicate with people, see people of different classes and ages, and learn to protect yourself.

In Hong Kong, people who are engaged in culture and art are very strange now: they must have a high degree of education, regardless of whether they have work experience and ability, the purpose is to be a professor in a post-secondary college and live a stable material life. People in the art circle are very different. I still remember that among the CUHK art graduates in 2002, only 3 bachelors did not go to further study for the Diploma of Education. And many seniors who are involved in art also have a full-time or part-time job. For example, the famous 64 and later 97 bar, the owner is a mess of art, so he also finds people in the cultural circle to be responsible for the work in the bar.

Traveling to Germany, I met some local art students in Berlin. They did not have work experience, but returned to school because they felt the need for further education, so they took their families and children to study art. University in Germany is free of tuition, but they have to work part-time to maintain the family's economy, so they have a better understanding of the economic state of the local society. And Berlin has a lot of floating people, so it's not easy to find part-time jobs related to their majors. To make a living, do it as long as time permits.

In New York, many professional dance troupes rely on dancers to pay dues to maintain the troupe's funds. Dancers work part-time in restaurants or bars during the day and return to the dance troupe to rehearse at night.

Therefore, many Westerners think that Easterners are very rich.


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阿信 ahshun香港人、設計師、畫畫人、愛城市漫遊、城市觀察、愛吃、愛玩、愛電影
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