Interesting cultural exchange during travel

From unsplash

During the trip, I met a couple from Hong Kong who have settled in Canada by chance with my friends. They gave me and my friend a ride, and then I happened to hear them playing Jay Chou's music in the car, and it was a very old song. It takes everyone back to their youth completely.

I know that Jay Chou is very popular, but I didn’t expect that even Hong Kong would listen to his songs, so I asked Hong Kong couples out of curiosity, do Hong Kong people also listen to Jay Chou? As a result, they answered me that Jay Chou was also very popular in Hong Kong at that time, and they still Bought his album.

They also asked us curiously, which artist is very popular in Taiwan? If it is a singer, when Jay Chou was popular, I think Eason Chan is also very popular in Taiwan,

At least his songs are always in the top of the KTV rankings, but Jay Chou and Eason Chan are not releasing albums now, probably because of the epidemic. There is also a big reason that albums in this era may not make much money.

In fact, I personally think that Hong Kong has the biggest influence on Taiwan. It should be Hong Kong movies and TVB dramas. I still remember that when I was a child, every time I came home from school, I had to work hard to finish my homework, just to watch TVB Hong Kong dramas.

Not to mention the influence of Hong Kong movies. Until now, TV stations are still rebroadcasting those classic Hong Kong movies every day. In fact, it is very interesting to exchange popular culture in various places during travel~~


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