Little sparrow likes boiled eggs


The days of not being able to go anywhere lasted for a long time, and the life of walking on the street was all gone, and even buying a breakfast outside had to be careful.

In front of the desk, I turn the swivel chair, my feet sway, I am so hungry but too lazy to think, I am tired of eating milk and oatmeal, and eating toast alone is boring, I really want to have a tuna omelet in front of me~~

Lying on the table, most of the morning has passed, and the sunlight outside the window is so dazzling, reminding me that it is time to eat breakfast, otherwise I will have to eat lunch later.

So I propped up my upper body lazily, looked at the electric cooker, and then looked at the refrigerator. Let's make boiled eggs.

No cooking skills are required. Boiled eggs are really the greatest invention in the world. Add water and eggs, then turn on the switch, cover with a transparent glass lid, and wait for ten minutes to complete.

I stared excitedly at the boiling water in the lid of the pot, and the round eggs turned up and down in the water.

Carefully poking at the eggshell, it was so hot, so hot, I couldn't wait for the egg to cool down, I was sighing at my hand with a happy smile.

The little sparrow likes boiled eggs, and eating one in the morning always warms his heart.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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