The more boring the investment target, the better

Einstein said: The power of compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.

The bank fixed deposit interest rate is about 1-2% (The interest rate varies by country/bank/type of fixed deposit.)

Inflation is about 2%

Bitcoin trend from March to April 2021

1 Bitcoin price trend (USD)

  • 2020/01: $8,000
  • 2020/03: $5,000 (The outbreak of the epidemic, the bear market is a good time to overweight)
  • 2020/12: $19,000
  • 2021/01: $35,000
  • 2021/02: $50,000
  • 2021/03/04: $46,329 (Good time for overweight entry)
  • 2021/03/25: $50,000
  • 2021/04/10: $61,000
  • 2021/04/13: $63,756

From March 2020 to March 2021, Bitcoin grew 10x (1000% return).

Even if you didn't enter in 2020, if you entered today when it was down at the end of March, you would still have a 25% return today.

Even if you got in at the highs of early April this year, you're still getting a 4-5% return today.

Investors can buy 1 or more bitcoins at a time, but did you know that you don't need to buy 1 bitcoin at a time if you have insufficient funds. Many investors will buy cryptocurrencies on a regular basis, for example: $100 per month in Bitcoin. The advantage is that the purchase cost price can be shared equally.

2021/March-April VOO trend

S&P 500 VOO ETF Price Trend (USD)

2021/03/04: $341

2021/03/25: $356

2021/04/1: $370

2021/04/13: $379

If you're willing to get in on the dip in March, that's a 6% return today.

If you have a lot of people who need to complete the itinerary every day, and people who don’t have enough time every day, the investment you choose should not only be invested in the bank’s fixed deposit, but also need some investment targets that can help you create the power of compound interest, and the more you choose. Boring targets are better because you don't need time to tinker, you just need to invest the money long-term and on a regular basis. So while investing to make money, you have more time to fulfill your dreams.

Einstein said: The power of compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.
Buffett's Snowball Theory: As long as you find wet snow and long ramps, the snowball will get bigger and bigger, and the compounding effect will be maximized.

Compounding means that the value of money increases over time. The value added due to time is your passive income.

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