Every day we unconsciously feel like blind people touching the elephant

Reality is complicated, but people like to keep it simple, why? Because if we try to interpret the reality around us with all the available information, we might go crazy
The truth is a mirror broken into countless pieces, and everyone thinks that little piece of himself is all - Richard Burton

Reality is complicated, but people like to simplify, why?

Because if we try to grasp all the available information to interpret the reality around us, we can go crazy, so most of the time we feel like blind people, even more shocking is that we mistakenly believe that we are doing it by free will Action (comment), in fact, we have already been controlled by the algorithms that people with intentions have hinted to us.

Simply put, there are many ways of narrating a piece of information (facts), and these narrating ways can be divided into: opinions and positions...

Personal opinions are not the same as facts. We have different opinions on the same fact, but many people will express their further "stance" with subjective opinions, and the position is the faction that is influenced by the algorithm.

As for factions, there is no right or wrong. When we are in a struggle (emotion), we must compete with each other like children.

In fact, when we fall into a pointless argument, the brain stem will block our thinking. At this time, you can choose to give up communication with the other party, because the other party is as unreasonable as the primitive people.

Everyone is multi-faceted, and it is always problematic to evaluate a person or a thing one-sidedly, so before you fully understand it, be careful to become the helper of spreading false information. The following are the two most common methods :

  • Omit: Talk about what you want to talk about, and hide your shortcomings. The more important thing is not to hide your shortcomings, but avoid the important and try to use other truths to play smoke bombs.
  • Correlation: looking for causal relationships or using part of the truth to insinuate others, devaluing the value of others

In this post-truth era of information explosion, right and wrong are not what people care about most, but in fact this is the key, but you actually care more about face than you think~


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