Short Story: The Three Evils in Western Hunan [The Flower Girl in the Fallen Cave] Episode 13 Happy Funeral

"If you can't rob the soul, why don't you come to redeem the soul? You wait for the wedding funeral in three days!" A man's voice came from Yunyue Cave. "He's a cave god! ' Jianwen was shocked.

"If you can't rob the soul, why don't you come to redeem the soul? You wait for the wedding funeral in three days!" A man's voice came from Yunyue Cave.

"He's a cave god! ' Jianwen was shocked.

"Master, what should I do? What should I do? Dongshen is angry, our Qingqing, our Qingqing can't come back! Wow~~" Madam Wang choked and cried! Master Wang has been comforting Madam Wang.

"Dongshen, I'll kneel for you! I beg you to release Qingqing, she is my precious daughter, I can do many things for you, I just ask you to release Qingqing!" Mrs. Wang did not care about the wound on her hand , hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, and kowtowed once, twice, and bleed.

"Mother! Don't do this!" Jianwen supported Mrs. Wang.
"Jianwen, we Qingqing are sorry for you, it is our Wang family who is sorry for you!" Madam Wang lost control.
"Father, let your mother slow down first!" Jianwen said.

Jianwen looked at Madam Wang and thought of the words of the old woman who always knitted shoes in the city who lost her daughter, and he made a decision in his heart.

"I hope my judgment is correct! 』

"Come out! The cave god is right! Come out!" Jianwen roared at the entrance of Yunyue Cave.

"Jian, Jianwen, why are you scolding the God of Caves? Don't offend the God of Caves!!" Mrs. Wang heard Jianwen's provocation. She was crying and stood up and grabbed Jianwen.

"Mother, I'm fine! You go and take a rest! Dad, take your mother away." Jianwen said to Master Wang.

"No~ Jianwen, don't get excited! We'll just have to think about the method. Let's go back to find the fairy."

"Father, mother, this is the end, it's useless! I can only scold him to vent his anger and let me do it, okay?" Jianwen's eyes filled with tears, with a sad tone.

"Jian, Jianwen..." Master Wang said.

"Bring your mother back! I'll take care of what I do." Jianwen tweeted Master Wang to signal.

"Come out! It's good to hide in a cave, isn't it? It's abominable, aren't you a god? Come to a duel between men, don't embarrass Qingqing's parents..." Jianwen turned around and continued.

"Don't stop talking! The grandma who weaves shoes in the city, her daughter was taken away by you 30 years ago. It's not interesting whether you go there or not, so you will change one by one. Come~ Although I am not Girl, but I can sing, can be both literary and martial, and I have been a god for so long, I should change something new."

"You're so brave, dare to provoke the cave god! I'll let you know how powerful I am!" A man's roar sounded from the originally silent entrance of the cave.

A strong wind blew from the entrance of the cave, and the wind was black and came towards Jianwen.

"Jianwen, don't!" Master Wang and his wife shouted.

"Father, mother, hurry home and leave me alone!" These are the last words left by Jianwen!

"Boom..." Jianwen's hands and feet lost the strength, and just fell to the ground.

Not long after, the black wind dissipated, and Yunyue Cave was silent.

"Wow! Jianwen!" Master Wang and his wife ran towards the direction where Jianwen fell to the ground, and Jianwen had a faint breath left.

"Come on, come on, bring the young master back." Master Wang was frightened when he saw this, and the remaining servants brought the weak Jianwen back to the palace.

"Master, how did things change like this? Jianwen..." Madam Wang cried even louder.

"Madam, don't cry anymore, my heart is messed up when you cry, I don't know whether to be sad or comfort you first~" Master Wang regards Jianwen as his own son. Jianwen, and during this time, for Qingqing's sake, Jianwen did it himself and his heart; I never thought that this cave god took away his two loves at one time.

The group returned to the palace in embarrassment, but the maid Xiaocui shouted loudly!

"Master, Madam, Miss Qingqing, Miss she..." Xiao Cui ran out of breath.
"What's wrong, miss?" Madam Wang shook Xiao Cui loudly.
"Miss, she's awake! She's really awake."
"Really? Didn't lie to me?!" Madam Wang couldn't believe it? ! Master Wang was stunned.

"You make it clear!"

"Miss didn't wake up in the morning, I want to say that she was in a coma again. About half an hour, I went to patrol, but I didn't expect the lady to wake up. She even said to me: Xiao Cui, I'm so hungry, what can I get you to eat? Are you alright?" Xiao Cui said carefully.

"Half an hour?! Wasn't that when Jianwen was yelling at the cave god just now?" Master Wang said after calculating.

"You send the young master to the room to rest first."
"What happened to Young Master Jianwen?!" Xiaocui asked quickly, seeing that Jianwen seemed to be in a coma.
"I don't know~ That Ah Xiang, go and invite the doctor to come and have a look!" the master said.

"Wait, it's fine to invite the fairy, please come to the house to have a look." Master Wang thought about it, I don't know why, it would be more appropriate to invite a fairy to take a look.

"Come on, let's go see Qingqing!" Madam pulled Master Wang, and her joy was beyond words. "You go and see first, I'll take a look at Jianwen." Master Wang said.

In the room, Qingqing had already finished her meal and was cleaning up the quilt she was full of doubts.

"Anyone here to sleep? ! ' She picked up a man's white robe.
"It's not like Daddy~ How can Daddy be so skinny? ! 』

"Qingqing! Qingqing! My daughter~~" As soon as Mrs. Wang rushed into the door, she hugged Qingqing.

"Mother, mother, why is your head bleeding? Why are you crying like this, what happened, did Dad bully you?" Qingqing looked at Madam Wang's tears, not knowing what happened.

"It's my Qingqing, it's my Qingqing, it's my sweetheart Qingqing, Niang Fan has been with you for a long time, and you don't even know how many times she's despaired, how many times she gave up..." Madam Wang hugged Qing Qing tightly. and said to himself,

"Xiao Cui, what's wrong?"
"Little Miss, you have been absent for a few months, do you know that during this time, all of us are about to collapse because of you?"

"I'm lost?! How many months?!" Qingqing asked blankly.

At this time, Master Wang sat beside Jianwen's bed and watched.

"Jianwen, how can I tell your father like this~ I have no children, and your family is a single handed down from generation to generation! For the sake of Qingqing, you don't even want your life..." Master Wang said while looking at Jianwen's face.

"Xianniang, please this way!" A Xiang invited Xianniang into the room.

"Xianniang, please take a look at Jianwen." Master Wang nodded respectfully to Xianniang.

The fairy scrutinized for a while, and found that Jianwen's soul was also taken away by Yunyue Dongshen.


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七神光《想妳念妳》 詞/動畫:方晴君
