Finally I know!! How my ENS domain name (Ether domain name) was "destroyed"!

In decentralized transactions, wallets are often used to sign contracts, but do you really know what you are signing? Be sure to take a few more looks to avoid losing your NFT and coins!!!

Let’s talk about the conclusion first:

  1. Don’t click to confirm the contract on the chain randomly
  2. If you want to use a wallet for on-chain transactions, it is recommended to install Fire ( )
  3. Before pressing the button to approve, be sure to see clearly what you are approving!!!

The domain name actually changed hands😬

When I was browsing opensea a while ago, I suddenly discovered that 😶‍🌫️ the ENS mactone.eth I registered was not under my opensea. I searched for it but couldn’t find it. It just disappeared! 🤐🤐🤐

 🐸Popular science: Ethernet domain names, that is, in the Ethernet network, your wallet address with a string of numbers can be matched with a name! Just like actually corresponds to Internet address

Later, I checked the transaction records and found that it was transferred out 3 months ago (I don't remember selling my ENS!) , and it was transferred from my wallet to the wallet address 13DE7....

Inexplicable transaction records

I can't find it or remember it. How could I forward it to an address I have no memory of? Am I too old?!


My ENS was fucked away!

Yes, it was taken away!!! Although I bid 0.045 ETH to see if I could buy it back, I think there is a high probability that there is no other way and I can only let it go!!!

I had never figured out what was going on before, but just recently, I finally figured it out!!!

Find out what transactions you confirmed

The reason is that from time to time I see people being tagged on Twitter, saying there are airdrops or free mints (free mint NFT), like the following⬇️

Showing Binance’s MARK, it seems credible! Click on CR7DAO’s Twitter, it has 94,000 followers, it is also a popular account, it should be credible!??

After clicking on his URL (if you are interested in trying it, you can try it. Click on the URL on Twitter and you will be taken to a different URL (This is a danger signal 1️⃣ ) , it seems that the picture is also very high-quality.

After clicking CLAIM NOW, the problem came out!!!!

If you do not have the FIRE chrome plug-in installed, you will only see the screen on the right. Seeing that the gas fee is not high and it is free mint, you may press it (this is a danger signal 2️⃣).

Here's the problem!!! If you look carefully at the one on the right, you will find that he wants to access one of your NFTs (GAMA Station V2 in blue font) . Strange, I obviously want to mint his NFT, how come I want to access my NFT??!!

After installing the FIRE plug-in, the left screen will appear while minting, clearly indicating what this contract is going to do. You can find assets approval. The orange Overview above clearly shows that this contract is going to spend all your money. All NFTs of GAMA Space Station v2 , that is, when you press Confirm, you will send the NFTs in your wallet to others!!! 😬😬😬

What's even worse is that after you reject this transaction, he will continue to jump out of the next transaction. (This is danger sign 3️⃣) This time I want to empty your wallet and transfer all my remaining ether to the other party’s address!

Through the above experience, I am sure that my previous mactone.ens should have been taken away in this way!

I can only say that I was not familiar with it at the time! I hope this article can make everyone take a second look when approving front-end transactions in the future.

It is best to install the FIRE plug-in ( ) to have a clearer understanding of what the contract you are about to sign and agree to is. but

Even if you pretend, remember to take a second look! Because it only displays and will not actively block it for you!!

Otherwise, it is easy to lose NFT and lose ETH .

I hope that my experience sharing can help those who are new to the cryptocurrency industry lose less!


我的NFT損失經驗有幫到您嗎? 看官請賞點吧! 😁

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好久沒寫作啦! 筆尖(不~是手指)鈍了嗎?