Magical powers can't reach karma

I have a feeling after reading a drop of the text in the ocean, and the shameless will write it in the text (cover your face XD

Master said before, "Don't come to learn Buddhism if you ask for supernatural powers and inductions! There are many ways in the world to get supernatural powers and inductions, and it may be faster and more interesting than learning Buddhism. You don't need to come to learn Buddhism!"

Supernatural powers cannot overcome karma, and supernatural powers cannot overcome karma.

The first supernatural power, Mugalian, could not use the supernatural power to save his mother. In the end, he was able to save his mother from the hungry ghost realm by dedicating the merits of the monk to his mother.

Shakyamuni Buddha's great supernatural powers can't use supernatural powers to make people realize and let people down. At that time, most of the disciples were at least Arhats, and everyone had supernatural powers, but the Buddha basically stipulated that supernatural powers were not allowed, so the deeds handed down were only a drop in the bucket.

Arahants are like this, not to mention mortals like me. What about divine powers? Supernatural powers cannot make people immortal. If supernatural powers do karma, only oneself can be rewarded. There is no supernatural power that can transfer one’s own karma to others.

From another point of view, the ability to achieve supernatural powers may be due to the maturity of the current karma. They meet each other because they are mature, they seem to have some kind of miracle or magical power established because they are mature, and they are bewitched by the fact that they can't pull them back.

But at the same time, there are people who respond with "Oh~ that's amazing~ Then what?"! Therefore, those who are bewitched by supernatural powers are, after all, only those who are mature by fate. Otherwise, if the supernatural powers are powerful enough, wouldn't it be good to take care of the whole world? At the very least, they have also managed to get the high-level dignitaries! If the state supports and is designated as the national teacher, wouldn't it be more complacent?

It should be easy for this little thing to have magical powers, right? To put it bluntly, it is not just a sentence "The old man has no relationship with the benefactor! (laughs XD" ~ The deeds of relying on supernatural powers in ancient times, but being reversed by great enlightened people or Dharma protectors seem to be heard from time to time. Even today, how old are supernatural powers? I heard that a mortal law enforcer who does not have magical powers kicks the iron plate? You should show off your magical powers, and then all politicians and law enforcers will become devout believers, conquer the world all the way, and rush out of the universe. This is the correct life script for the magical powers. isn't it? XDD

Mindfulness, practice.

Cultivate your own heart, cultivate your own behavior.

Relying on other people's supernatural powers and relying on all external objects is nothing but the cause of reincarnation. It is difficult to say whether it is the so-called blessings and merits of the world. After all, it's all about their own hearts.

Are the psychic's intentions pure? Is the faith of the believer pure? Is the giver's intention pure? Is the intention of the recipient pure?

The habit of reincarnation always makes us always look for shortcuts, and supernatural induction is just one of them. It is easy for us to look outside and seek, but we don’t know that the most powerful shortcut is always in our hearts.

never left.


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