In 2021, Bi billion funds will pour into the stock market


In 2021, more than one trillion yuan of funds will pour into stock funds, and the stabilization of economic fundamentals this year will continue to benefit risky assets

According to statistics from foreign media, as of the end of last year (2021), the overall net inflow of stock ETFs last year was 1.03 trillion US dollars, and the main inflow to US stocks was 19.9 billion US dollars.

Franklin Securities: Looking forward to the first quarter of this year, economic growth, high inflation and the exit of major central bank easing policies will be the main themes of investment. The epidemic and supply chain bottlenecks may delay the recovery momentum but will not change the expansion trend. Maintain a positive view on risky assets .

In January, the focus will be on US corporate earnings reports, the progress of the Biden Reconstruction Act and China's policies, and the three major axes of stock allocation recommendations can be mastered.

PGIM Jennison is optimistic about the solid fundamentals of U.S. economic growth. It is expected that the main axis of consumption will shift from goods to services in 2022, and the combination of goods that are in short supply due to supply chain bottlenecks, such as the restocking of automobiles and some electronic products, will push up U.S. corporate earnings in 2022. Profit growth of 8% to 10% is also beneficial to the Asian market, which is highly linked to the US economy.


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品正隨筆財經傳媒三十年老兵, 歷任香港經濟一週社長/道瓊斯中國地區總編輯, 在香港成長, 在內地創業, 在美國上市, 曾旅居英國, 但最愛在台灣流連,
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