How to use blockchain to protect data from being tampered with and funds not to be frozen in Hong Kong, where people in other totalitarian countries can use blockchain


Hong Kong today! Calling a deer a horse! Reversing black and white.

First, the Education Bureau tampered with the historical content of textbooks and warned teachers to be sanctioned!

No more murderers who crashed cars into crowds and who nearly shot innocent teens without facing the law!

Yijia has another victim at the scene of the attack to become the defendant. The Hong Kong police want to take the lead in tampering with history, thinking that the image of the black police can be slowly restored with time. 721 Yuen Long attack

However, most of the information of everything that has happened in Hong Kong has been stored on the blockchain, and the truth cannot be tampered with. The content you see here has been stored in the blockchain network, which cannot be modified or deleted.

The above is the front page of Apple Daily on August 27, 2020

Here I originally only shared news about the development of the Pi network blockchain project , but why would I talk about politics? Because the blockchain does not have a political position, but the people who use the blockchain have a political position! In addition, the relationship between blockchain and politics are inseparable!

Today I will talk about how the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies can protect people's assets in countries with totalitarian and monetary systems collapsed.

 1) Up to 36% of people in Turkey are willing to pay Bitcoin as a salary 2) Cryptocurrency saves people in Venezuela and Latin America 3) Bitcoin’s front page advertisement in Hong Kong, Next Media management has bank accounts and credit cards frozen 4) Hong Kong University Some people do not have cryptocurrency accounts or wallets
6) Pi Network is not only a cryptocurrency, but also a tool to help eliminate 🦠 Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19)

1) Up to 36% of people in Turkey are willing to pay in Bitcoin

dollar to turkish lira exchange rate

Four years ago, the failed coup d'état in Turkey led to the reckoning of the dictatorial president. Since the failed coup attempt in July 2016, more than 50,000 people have been sentenced to prison, and prosecutors are still carrying out judicial proceedings against about 169,000 suspects. The Turkish lira has depreciated by 250% since 2016. It has depreciated greatly with the renminbi, and in conjunction with China, the currency has depreciated, prices have soared, people have suffered, and the Belt and Road has led to a dead end. The benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative attract Turkey to the east. It has been seven years since China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, which has created many opportunities for Turkey. It turned out to be a death trap! With the big gift from China to the world 🦠Wuhan pneumonia , Turkey's economy will be even worse! Now, as high as 36% of people in Turkey are willing to pay Bitcoin as a salary.

Worrying financial situation in Turkey; also made local people turn to decentralized cryptocurrencies. The Turkish government has frozen more than 3 million bank accounts, and Statista data shows that the country's cryptocurrency penetration rate has reached 20%, such as the use of Bitcoin for hedging and so on!

2) Cryptocurrencies save people in Venezuela and Latin America

The administration of Maduro's government in Venezuela: "Most of the economic policies at the time of Chavez's death continued to be implemented by Maduro who succeeded him. When Maduro took over as president, Venezuela was already facing the consequences of Chavez's policies. high inflation and shortages of many goods.”

By 2014, Venezuela was in recession. By 2016, Venezuela's inflation rate was as high as 800%, the highest rate the country had ever recorded at the time. In January 2018, the International Monetary Fund had predicted that the inflation rate in Venezuela would be as high as 13,000% in 2018, but in July of the same year, it estimated that the inflation rate may reach 1,000,000% by the end of 2018. The International Monetary Fund expects Venezuela's inflation rate to reach 10 million percent in 2019.

Venezuela/Argentina Bitcoin hits $20,000! Brazil's BTC volume hits record high in 'economic desperation' (vs. $3,800 BTC on March 12, 2020)

Living conditions in Venezuela have collapsed completely due to the failure of the government. Silicon Valley's tech liberals and utopian proponents clamor every day that they think Bitcoin can rescue the people from the tyrannical control of the government. A lot of people actually get to this point and even think that Bitcoin can save the whole of Latin America. Latin America is indeed a good place to test this technology in action. Specifically, Argentina and Venezuela would be excellent test environments for cryptocurrencies to replace unstable and unreliable national currencies.

Argentina and Venezuela would have been among the richest countries in Latin America if their governments didn't mess around. Venezuela, in particular, has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. The result of Chávez's experiment was two million people fleeing Venezuela, a shitty economy and a humanitarian crisis threatening the stability of the entire region.

3) The front-page advertisement of Bitcoin in Hong Kong, the management of Next Media was frozen bank account and credit card

On August 24, on the front page of Hong Kong’s Apple Daily A1 page, a “full-page headline ad” promoting Bitcoin appeared, which attracted the attention of the whole of Hong Kong. The headline on the front page reads:

Bank, it's not about you flying me today, it's about me flying you.
Bitcoin will never ditch you.

It means "Bank, it's not you leaving me today, it's me leaving you - Bitcoin will never abandon you."; the background of Bitcoin is briefly explained below the ad, and it is emphasized:

Although many people scoff at it, it has proven its worth time and time again.
Whether you are banned from using banking services for any reason, or wish to enjoy being free from restrictions or supervision by third parties, we welcome you to join the standard family.

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo wrote on Twitter that the U.S. is frustrated with the Chinese Communist Party’s bullying of their British friends and business leaders. He even criticized HSBC Holdings for maintaining the accounts of those who have been sanctioned for depriving Hong Kong people of their liberty, and on the other hand. On the one hand, it closed the accounts of those Hong Kongers seeking freedom.

Picture from Fortune Insight Pompeo also issued a statement on the US government website, criticizing HSBC for preventing Next Media's Hong Kong managers from using credit cards and personal bank accounts under the theme of China's continued coercion against the UK. Pompeo also named and criticized Wang Dongsheng, chief executive of HSBC Asia-Pacific, for his co-signature a few months ago to support Beijing's decision to undermine Hong Kong's autonomy and people's freedom. Detailed news reports about Next Media's bank account freezing by HSBC can be found at the following website

For this reason , the front-page advertisement of Bitcoin reminds Hong Kongers that only a decentralized currency that is not controlled by the government can escape the control of the government and assets will not be frozen at will.
The background of this advertisement is to be traced back to March 2019

Beginning with the anti-extradition movement, the government's inaction and taking the lead in dividing the society have shielded the police from using illegal force against Hong Kong citizens. Today, the government and the Hong Kong police are arrogant, telling right and wrong, and turning right and wrong, bringing the sense of antagonism between Hong Kong citizens and the government to a new high. Everyone feels that their personal safety and assets cannot be guaranteed by the government, and they hope to avoid risks through fund transfer.

4) Most people in Hong Kong do not have cryptocurrency accounts or wallets

Ordinary Hong Kong citizens cannot open offshore accounts to protect their funds, so cryptocurrencies have become the best choice for ordinary Hong Kong citizens to protect their funds because they are not controlled by the government. But most people in Hong Kong do not have cryptocurrency accounts until now.

From a macro perspective, if China does not let Hong Kong go, it can only be buried with the economy of mainland China! Because about 70% of China's foreign exchange income and foreign capital are obtained through Hong Kong, an international financial center. If the United States further expands and restricts Hong Kong's use of US dollars for settlement, the linked exchange rate of Hong Kong will collapse, the Hong Kong dollar will depreciate significantly, and the international financial center will officially come to an end!

The next step of the US sanctions is believed to have a more direct impact on the Hong Kong economy. Therefore, Hong Kong people do not have much time. Apart from busy fighting, we must also take into account the protection of our assets , so as not to be dragged down by the government's wrong administration and suffer serious losses. , or freeze the account at will through the bank.

5) A subversive traditional cryptocurrency was born at Stanford University on March 14, 2019 (the original intention of design ~ empowering the poor and empowering the weak )

Hayek, the father of money, said that as long as it is a sovereign currency, it is not a currency in the true sense.

The original intention of Bitcoin design ~ empower the poor, empower the weak, and create something as valuable as people's money ~ no boundaries, no nationality, no discrimination, nothing is controlled by the government, no one rules and no mistakes Politically destroyed People's Bank.

The mission of Pi Network is to create a digital currency for everyday people. Most of the everyday people are ordinary people. To be more specific, it is the poor and the weak as mentioned in the original design of Bitcoin! The white paper reveals Bitcoin's original light of fairness, justice, equality and freedom!

Pi Network - Mobile Social Cryptocurrency! is a cryptocurrency project designed to run on mobile phones developed by Standford postdoctoral graduates Nicolas Kokkalis, Chengdiao Fan and Vince McPhillip. 

Dr. Chengdiao Fan said: "The world's most widely distributed and widely used global market is a multi-faceted problem involving distributed systems, cryptography, economics, law, political security science. She believes that Stanford University's Interdisciplinary collaborations and approaches will provide the talent needed to make this vision a reality.” “I like to joke that an anthropologist, two computer scientists and a businessman walk into a bar and ask: How do we bring the forces of error To ordinary people?” “Then, we all decided to start a company together and finally launched Pi Network on March 14, 2019 (Pi Day),” McPhillip wrote.

6) Pi is not only a cryptocurrency, but also a tool to help eliminate 🦠 Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19)

A new algorithm developed by researchers at Stanford University's School of Engineering and School of Medicine assisted by, a startup owned by Start X, predicts the risk of COVID-positive APP-FeverIQ, which today has data from about 3-4 million contributors , has now been able to build machine learning models that predict the risk of being positive for COVID. The algorithm will be widely used where deep throat virus testing is not yet available or where local testing capacity is overwhelmed. It also includes the use of people in countries where the outbreak is concealed.

The first DApp released on Pi Network is FeverIQ "Wuhan Virus Checker". The data collected shows that 70% of patients have never had a fever, and everyone can use it together to help improve the screening of possible infections. Used by over 3.5 million people worldwide!

The following is a country that has almost no official new local infection numbers, and some people in various provinces and cities in this country use FeverIQ to upload their own, family members or neighbors may be infected with Wuhan pneumonia. The actual number of infections may be 100 of the uploaded cases. to 1000 times. Because FeverIQ will protect the privacy of data providers and will only see the approximate coordinates and the date of uploading data on the map, people "hostages" under a totalitarian government can upload data with confidence.

 Whatever your reason: Join Pi Network as a pioneer tester, build a new blockchain project that will subvert all the cryptocurrencies you know, will make the best use of other cryptocurrencies, and now enter the second place In the phase test, when the active number reaches 10 million, the mining reward will be halved or stopped. As of now, the active number of Pi has exceeded 7 million, and the main chain will not be activated until the third phase.

🎯Come and join PI NETWORK MINING (20 seconds a day, 10 minutes a month, only 2 hours a year!! What is the value of 2 hours relative to you? But for Pi pioneer testers only spend 2 hours a year, the rest of the time to do Own)

▪️Register for free 1 Pi coin

▪️Please use PlayStore or AppStore to download PI NETWORK

▪️Use Facebook / phone number to register account

▪️ invitation code Invitation code: kyle2051

▪️ Done

Tip: You don't need to keep the Pi app open, the Pi won't affect phone performance or drain battery power or use network data. You can even close the app after pressing the lightning button and you'll keep mining the Pi. The mining of Pi will stop every 24 hours, the lightning button is pressed once again, repeating every day until the end of the distribution


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