Reading pen farming|Three-headed dog, binomial, one friend (including airdrop information)

Introducing the airdrop event organized by Cerberus and Diffusion Finance.

Hello everyone, I'm a nonsense keyboard man called aka coin farming and airdrop probe (rhyme) on the rivers and lakes! Today I want to bring you two pieces of airdrop information. The common point is that the threshold is very low. There is a bet, but...

PS: I have nothing to do with this article. The DESMOS ($DSM) soft tofu I received yesterday.

DESMOS ($DSM) Soft Tofu

■ Three-Headed Dog Coin ( $CRBRUS)

The first time I knew about the three-headed dog (Cerberus) was from "Harry Potter" Rupa Hagrid's pet "Mao Mao" ; according to the promotional copy, the tone was meme coin, see A strong opponent to Chihuahua has appeared?

Source: ⚛️ cryptodanny twitter account

When the new currency is listed, it is inevitable to have some airdrop activities. Connect to this official FAQ page and extract some relevant information:

  • Eligibility <br class="smart">Users who have staked $ATOM, $OSMO, and $HUAHUA are calculated independently of each other, which means that if you stake several coins, there will be several airdrops, up to three.
  • The distribution quantity <br class="smart">As seen in the copy image above. What's interesting is that the amount of $HUAHUA users is more than the other two big brothers. It is normal for the canine brothers to take care of each other.
  • What is the minimum threshold for staking?
    No threshold. There is a bet, but...
  • Did you take a snapshot?
    Not pictured yet. The snapshot date of $HUAHUA will not be announced until early March, and the other two coins are left to be determined (TDB).
  • is FairDrop
    Although I mentioned "no threshold" just now, it should be noted that the distribution method adopts FairDrop , which means that the more you contribute, the more rewards. At that time, the official will use your pledge amount and multiply it by a ratio to calculate the amount of your investment.

    At present, this ratio has not been determined, and it has to be derived and reversed based on the "total pledge amount and total number of wallets" of all participants at the end. The following is a hypothetical simulation example:
Hypothetical Example | Source: Cerberus ($CRBRUS) Airdrop FAQ

■ Binomial, a friend

This is an airdrop event held by Diffusion Finance, an Automated Market-Makers (AMM) project in the Evmos chain. It is delivered to four types of users. Here we focus on the identity of the “ $OSMO pledger ” that we are more familiar with. .

If you also meet the other three qualifications, you may wish to take a closer look at this original tweet announcement.

Airdrop Announcement by Diffusion Finance

The general idea is that the two validators - @Binary and @Frens - benefited me a lot at the beginning, so I also counted them in this event. I selected a few comments from netizens below, which just reflected the questions everyone wanted to know. as follows:

  • Eligibility <br class="smart">relevant only to $OSMO, pledged to "Binomial" and "One Friend".
Find @Binary and @Frens validators
  • What is the minimum threshold for staking?
    No threshold. There is a bet, but...
  • is FairDrop
    The more effort, the more reward.
No threshold, it's FairDrop
  • Did you take a snapshot?
    Snapshots will be taken continuously until the mainnet goes live, which is a kind of "rolling" adjustment!

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