"Strangers Met in Namtso" (8) Nyingchi, Basongcuo, Brahmaputra Grand Canyon (V)

Dinner for two

While they were eating, a group of people came in and one of them called out his name. After he confessed to her, he went over to talk to the man for a while.

It turned out that the man was a friend of his hometown. It's just that they haven't been in contact for a long time, but they met here, and the two also exchanged contact methods.

she asked him.

"Are you really going to look for him? You haven't been in touch for so long."

"Maybe so. It's not for any particular reason that we didn't contact, but simply let go of this relationship. Since we have the fate to meet here again today, it would be good to find him later."

Hearing this, she wanted to ask. Will he contact her later? He had a chance to meet her in Tibet, and it might be good if he looked for her.

However, this is an unspoken question. There was less than a week to get along, and she just wanted to cherish it. She didn't want some answers she didn't want to hear.

She didn't say anything, just drank beer from a small glass.

She drank a lot of beer, more than usual. With her level of alcohol, she knew it wasn't enough to get her drunk, she just felt a little excited. She felt like she needed to numb herself with the excitement.

After dinner, they went back to the room, she said she wanted to watch TV together, so he turned on the TV to see what was interesting. At that time, the TV was showing some Tibetan song and dance performances, and she said to watch that.

"Watching this reminds me of the Tibetan song and dance show we saw the other day!"

"You drank so much that day, do you remember those songs and dances?"

"Of course I do. I still remember when I told you not to talk nonsense with me. I would have misunderstood."

She laughed.

"Are you drunk again?"

"I'm not drunk. You don't believe we can drink more."

"Stop drinking, let's watch the show."


After all, she climbed onto his bed, sat beside him, clasped his left hand with her right hand, and put her head on his shoulder.

"Don't you always mind that putting your head on my shoulder makes me uncomfortable? Why are you watching TV like this now." He teased her.

"I feel so comfortable now," she said with a smile.

Looking at the Tibetan song and dance performance on TV, he said suddenly.

"You are not mistaken."


"I said, you didn't misunderstand."

He suddenly leaned over and kissed her lips lightly.

She looked at him.

"It's not a misunderstanding, what is that?"

He doesn't respond, just leans in again, gives her a deeper kiss, and looks at her.

she cried. She cried so sadly that he was overwhelmed and had to hug her.

In the morning, she woke up before him again and found herself in his arms, and she felt tears still on her face.

As soon as she moved, he woke up.


"Why are you saying sorry?"

"Last night I seemed to trouble you again."

"I don't care, how are you?"

"How am I?"

"Why are you crying?"

"Did I cry?"

She pretended not to remember.

"Look in the mirror for yourself, your eyes are swollen."

"Why am I crying? Did you tell me something?"

"You really don't remember?"

"I don't remember. Why am I crying?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because of your ex-boyfriend?"

"Why, I've never dated before."

"Never?" He was surprised.

"I've always just had a crush on other people. No boy has ever liked me, how can there be an ex-boyfriend?"

She responded softly, tears streaming down again.

Seeing this, he immediately took out a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Don't cry anymore, when the other group members see you like this, they think I'm bullying you."

She slowly stopped the tears.

"Okay, let's get up, you go wash your face."

"It's still early, can you... hold me for a while?"

He didn't speak, just hugged her tightly.


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