Fermi Laboratory - Cartoon YouTube

Japanese Learning YouTube Recommended!

Hello everyone~ This is Shepher who has been living too comfortably in Taiwan (cheer up!), Taiwan's summer vacation is coming to an end, and 2022 has come to the last third in a blink of an eye. Today, instead of recommending Tokyo attractions, I would like to recommend a newly discovered high-quality channel [ フェルミ Research Institute ] to everyone!

It can be found that the videos of the フェルミ Institute are presented in the form of comics, and each line will be presented on the screen, so it is very suitable as a material for learning Japanese. In addition, the dubbing of the film seems to be a professional voice actor, watching it as if watching anime, not boring at all, very interesting!

The videos of the フェルミ Research Institute mainly fall between 10 and 20 minutes, but there are also shorter videos like the above example, which fall below 10 minutes. You can choose the theme you are interested in and watch it! However, because I only discovered this channel recently, the frequency of recent updates of the フェルミ Research Institute seems to have become relatively low. If you want to see the latest videos every day, you may subscribe to its sub-channel [ フェルミ Comic University ].

Compared with the main channel, the content knowledge of the university is relatively large. The most recent videos are mainly about books. To sum up, if you want to watch the content of easy life, you can watch [フェルミ Research Institute] first. If you want to increase the amount of knowledge or If you like listening to books, you can choose [フェルミ Manga University]!

PS The above example of the video is mainly about what a person finds when he moves out from his hometown and starts his own life. As an international student, I have never encountered cockroaches abroad (please don’t), all the other points mentioned in the film are Hit my heart! 😢

Whether it’s the loneliness that I feel when I go to the supermarket to buy food, or when I come home and say “I’m back” to an empty room, these make me cherish the time I spend with my family even more. Here, I also hope that friends from the north and the south can take advantage of the summer vacation to enhance their relationship with their parents!

This time sharing is here, thank you for reading~ If you like this content, please click for me 👏🏻 If you like this content, please click for me to support me!


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牧羊人日誌|畢查台灣人、留日大學生、工程專業 熱愛閱讀、致力於透過淺白的方式傳遞知識 文章第一時間會更新在我的網站上,歡迎追蹤及訂閱電子報 網站: https://shepherblog.com 卡稱: Shepher 希望能透過這個平台與世界交流、也歡迎與我分享你的想法 : ) -
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