Tell me about my next thoughts on the currency, and investment advice

Everyone has their own ideas, purely on my own stand

Now I see more and more people wanting to join the currency circle, and some people don’t believe in the decentralization of the currency. I think if you have a good stock operation and make money, please stay in the stock market and don’t need to come to the currency circle. Every day up and down 30 %

However, if you are a novice, I think the currency is a fairly high return investment and the threshold for entry is high.

Basically, you can HODL (mainstream currency) if you buy a currency
Unless you're chasing something that's terribly high, it's basically a comfortable rate of return.

Several seniors all suggested the method of accumulating wealth. I think it is also very good. I want to continue investing in it for the next 5 years.

I also received a lot of advice. Most of the people who made money in the currency circle are low-key. I also want to continue to watch the growth of my assets. I also hope that I can help my family and friends to continue to grow their assets.

Thanks for the many suggestions


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廢爸一個過了40歲的老小孩 家有2貓一女兒 用正面積極的態度面對生活 會把心裡的脆弱與負面想法表達出來 需要讓黑暗面消化掉
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