akaSwap Artist Club's Intervention, Occupation, Game (2): Occupy

Corresponding overweight and reward activities allow collectors to actively exchange. Sufficient editions and many participating collectors have further promoted the interaction of the community. In exchange for the missing SpyMash, there are quite a few private message owners who trade. And akaSwap's Discord has additional sub-channels for users to exchange SpyMash.

In addition to intervening in the chaos club, I am also thinking about the gameplay of occupying other clubs. In fact, whether it is intervention or occupation, this is a very political action. Having said that, politicality does not mean resistance or resistance, but rather the creation of dynamism through the loosening of the mechanism (this is also the way I ideally play the blockchain). Under all legal circumstances, the improvement of individual initiative and the enhancement of community initiative, awareness that one has the initiative , rather than passively waiting and receiving.

On the other hand, from the previous few actions I felt that there seemed to be some kind of aura in the community, which was similar to the fear of missing out (FOMO), but it was a little different. In the past, whether it was a secret base, an album dominating the charts, a spy war, or the fact that there were no products for sale, or a small edition, many friends who were eager to participate but could not participate in the publication for some reason could only watch things. Happening and ending. Although all actions are open, anyone can directly participate by referring to the release method (only the spies Aran nomis and Chi.L are in the impression).

If the previous actions were only small-scale practices, it may be time to try to scale up a little, it is time to think about how to make it easy for the whole community to participate, it is time to combine some delicately shaped gears in Together, see if you can make a smooth mechanical sound.

The name of the bean puree club has been changed to "MashVerse", and the pledge limit and quota have been opened.

Ever since the artist club opened, I've been thinking about where to be naughty. In addition to Aran, another key target is naturally the bean puree that loves the community. It just so happened that the bean paste club was empty at the time, so it was suitable for occupation. I imagined that before the club works were released, it would be filled with fakes, like a group of wild children occupying a newly completed but unoperated factory, like a group of wandering spirits living in an unconsecrated idol. Get the music up to the max, improvise absurdly outlandish dances, and light a campfire for a frenzy.

At that time, MashBunk set an astonishing auction record in aka store, attracting big aka dao to kill each other. Each 1/1 avatar has a unique story, and those who are interested ask Bean Paste to post and tell it again.

MashBunk , which was previously auctioned at aka store, recorded his knowledge and experience in the blockchain world through his pixel avatar. It was first reported that he played the PFP project of CryptoPunks , and formatted its memes in a simple and low-tech way. On the pixel grid, the original 24 x 24 pixels become 23 x 23 pixels. If you don't mention it, no one will notice where the deleted pixels end up, and you won't even notice a significant difference. In addition, bean paste has been working hard in the world of the chain for a long time, and has promoted many projects and cooperation, such as Baiyue who has just solved his blindness on the ether chain recently, the Kng project about Ganlushui , and the treasure that I have not understood. The village operation on the rock chain ... . In the hearts of the community, he is definitely a top-notch celebrity and a well-known FOMO master. I believe that there are many people who have been scratched by his " Probably Nothing " and can't sit still. After they didn't catch the correct signal, a smug smile appeared in their minds. As if to say: "I have reminded you."

I think the spy MashBunk would be a pretty good choice.

The artist club of the community red bean paste, the pixel avatars derived from flipping, the meme format with low technical threshold, and the community's desire to participate in the event (maybe my hallucination) seems to make this possible.

CryptoPunks of Guisensen.

In order to allow everyone to participate, this time I decided to increase the number of editions, increase the styles, and lower the threshold for participation. And as usual, I sent a private message to the creators who participated in the spy Aran project last time: "I have a new idea, this time I want to use the lottery package to try new ways to play." And send the relevant information and methods together. , and finally five brave men responded to the plan at the first time: roupin_art, Ann Chou, Artic Poor, Chi.L, Graphyni . It is also because these creators are willing to shoot the first shot with me, bombarding with rich styles and editions, and it is possible to have follow-up effects. The strategy formulated this time is not to sell out, but to ensure sufficient supply, and even dilute the feasibility of sniping specific styles through quantity, and make it more difficult to obtain favorite styles or sets through lucky draw packages (and encourage exchanges) .

The outline of the plan is as follows:

Project name: SpyMash

Planning content: Just like the spy Aran, invade the squad leader's support club page through the support club contract.

Occupy target: Bean mash club

Edition: 50 each

Club profit: 5%

(Note: Because the total number of editions is relatively large, the profit distribution is reduced to balance the income target with Spy Aran. As a result, the sales distribution of the lottery package cannot be distributed, which reduces a lot of money flowing into the support club.)

Royalties: 15%

Pricing: 1t per draw

Hash tag must contain: club lurker, SpyMash

Name of works and registration method: From SpyMash #01 onwards, when completing works, please private message the number of organizers (if you have completed a total of 7 works, then inform the organizer of the completion of 7 works), and assign a uniform number.

Release method: At the discretion of the player, there are at least 5 styles, and it is recommended to play the lottery package.

Work information:

SpyMash is a fan art project that pays tribute to MashBunk.

mashbean's artist club will receive a portion of the profits.

SpyMash is a fan art project that pays homage to MashBunk.

mashbean's artist club will receive a portion of the profits.

Casting time: After obtaining the number, it can be cast.

Contents of the work: 23*23 pixels tribute work, enlarged to 1000*1000 pixels after completion.

Reference: https://akaswap.com/metaverse/?tag=mashbunk

In this project, each creator has adopted a different strategy, all of them have achieved quite dazzling results (thanks to the support of the community), and they have shown amazing creativity (even a bunch of unrecognizable mashed beans have been mutated). The bean puree is a strange line). For example , roupin_art replayed the little witch doremi's "Little Witch Bean Rui Mud", Ann Chou 's "Legend of SpyMash Expedition" composed of fantasy characters, Graphyni 's "Little Mud Age" composed of various people, and integrates fragments of their own lives into Among them, Artic Poor , Chi.L full of girlish heart and sense of humor. (Interestingly, the cat raised by Graphyni has the same name as bean puree, so after drawing a Graphyni collector, you can get a SpyMash of cat bean puree. This is also one of the tricks that bean puree later spy SpyMash played.)

My SpyMash #01 - SpyMash#13

My personal SpyMash #01 -#13 doesn't have any themes or even names for the avatars. If every MashBunk of bean puree has a story and a context to follow, I would like to try how the community will understand and interpret them in the context of decontextualization, nonsensical and meaningless performance. Having said that, I still regard SpyMash #01 as my ancestor SpyMash, in addition to paying homage to the bean paste, I also wrote the words FOMO clearly and clearly as the beginning of the whole operation. In other words, SpyMash #01 may be the only image in SpyMash #01 -#13 that is positively related to refried beans. Interestingly, even though I didn't name the avatars, the community still gave them names or nicknames for ease of communication.

To be honest, the sales have far exceeded my expectations. I still remember that not long ago, I was talking with my base partners about akaSwap. After the bear market came, the transaction situation was sluggish, and a transaction that did not reach 1 tezos may rush to the sales rankings. Although the albums topping the charts and the spy Aran operation were all sold out smoothly, as a one-time small-scale operation, the impact was limited and the popularity faded quickly. This time SpyMash's action, perhaps a big version of the meme strategy, has been very enthusiastic. Almost all participants' lottery packages have been consumed about 100 times, and Ann Chou and I have exceeded 200 purchases. We are very grateful and grateful.

A screenshot halfway through, SpyMash accounted for about 200t of my sales. All creators participating in SpyMash are on the list.

Then, the corresponding bonus and feedback activities allow collectors to actively exchange. Sufficient editions and many participating collectors have further promoted the interaction of the community. In exchange for the missing SpyMash, there are quite a few private message owners who trade. The Discord of akaSwap has temporarily opened sub-channels for users to exchange SpyMash. The powerful Nako has also developed corresponding tools to allow collectors to check whether their collections meet the feedback criteria, and also allow creators to easily check all eligible wallet addresses.

Tools for creators, tools for collectors

Nako developed a tool for creators to view the addresses of eligible collectors.
Nako has developed tools that allow collectors to confirm whether their collection is eligible for giveaways.

Link to me : Bean mash's artist club, you can see all the current co-creations.

SpyMash #60 with super cute and healing pixel goddess Rona halfway through the battle.

Even the bean mash released SpyMash spy our spy, the second creation of our second creation ( the super cute and healing pixel goddess Rona joined the battle in the middle of the battle SpyMash #60 sold out instantly, bean mash followed by SpyMash#61 ) . He drew 14 versions of SpyMash portraits for all creators who released SpyMash, and released the lucky draw package at a price of 0.2t each time. Sure enough, it was also sold out, and it also added topicality in a short period of time (SpyMash#61 sold 50 editions separately, 0.5t). Thinking about it carefully, if MashBunk pays tribute to CryptoPunks, and SpyMash pays tribute to MashBunk, is SpyMash a tribute to CryptoPunks? Is the action of the bean puree spy SpyMash a tribute to his own actions to pay tribute to CryptoPunks? Spy, Impossible, Bureau in Bureau, Zhuang Zhou Mengdie in ancient times, and now there is a dream of bean puree. I think, this kind of development is probably because the full activation of the gyro has been forgotten?

SpyMash#54 - SpyMash#59 for Refried Beans, and SpyMash#61. From the left in the upper row are rona, Graphyni, Ann Chou, Chi.L; in the lower row from the left are me, roupin_art, Artic Poor.

And we don't know how many SpyMash there will be (what if we add more), and we don't know how everyone will feel when they wake up and see their wallet full of SpyMash. Are you regretting your impulsive spending? Or use them as proof of presence at community events? Or amused by the humorous situation at the time? Whichever it is, but my wild guess is that people are craving more interesting things (right?). I also look forward to more people launching different actions on the chain - native actions belonging to the community. After all, if I am as rotten as me, I probably just want to get these frivolous plans of May, Four and Three.

Link Me: The Deca gallery for refried beans has a full MashBunk and SpyMash in it.

If fxhash is a gorgeous casino with all kinds of machines fighting against odds, then I expect akaSwap to be an amusement park full of laughter and frenzy. There are good works, diverse creators, more community events, and more interesting interactive states.

Then it will be irreplaceable.

other works:

SpyMash#01 - SpyMash#13 holds seven different ones to get the left "bean puree game", and nine extra to get the right "FAB bean".
Collect all SpyMash #01 - Collectors of SpyMash13 get a unique SpyMash. Top row from left: Hello Mashbean, squad leader ranking, Ni Nisi. Bottom row from left: Concubine mud, black and white photography style bean paste.
Collect all SpyMash #01 - Collectors of SpyMash13 get a unique SpyMash. Top row from left: God bean puree, mud Kachu, bad bean puree. Bottom row from left: Mud ko, Mud brother.
I also made myself a SpyMash #78 (Bean Soul Saw).
roupin_art Little Witch Bean Rui mud. SpyMash#62 (small flower puree) on the left is the reward that can be obtained by collecting a full set of bean paste. Top row, from left: Xiaoai Mud, Feather Moon Mud, Dou Rui Mud. Bottom row from left: Magic Mud Lika, Peach Mud, and Note Mud.
Graphyni's era of less mud, the rewards have not yet been announced. Top row, from left: the photographer on Akka's stockings, Shaomu Nisha's smile, from the left in the bottom row: Shenyin Shaoni, Afghan Shaoni, and Pearl Earring Shaoni
Arctic SpyMash#14 - SpyMash#19. Top row from left: Smelly Mud, Ice Cream Mud, Nasty Mud. Bottom row, from left: Drunk as a mud, touch mud, slag mud.
Artic Poor's Giveaways and Bonuses - Bean Paste: SpyMash#63 - SpyMash#68. In addition to the conditional gift, it can also be purchased directly with 2t. From top left row: Onmyoji bean puree, Datengu bean puree, Crowtengu bean puree. From the bottom of the left row: rice fox mud, red ghost mud, green ghost mud
Those who hold #18 and #19 will get Yaktengu bean puree, those who hold #14, and #15 will get Onmyoji bean puree, and those who hold #16 and #17 will get rice fox Mud, those who hold all #14~#19 will get Datengu Bean Puree.
Ann Chou's Legend of SpyMash Expedition (SpyMash#20 - SpyMash#31). It contains a total of 10 occupations, 1 beginner who can transfer various occupations, and a bean puree map.
Melee: #20 Knight, #21 Swordsman, #28 Goblin, #30 Beginner Ranged: #22 Mage, #23 Ranger, #30 Beginner Support: #24 Assassin, #25 Bard, #26 Priest, # 27 Slime, #29 Elder, #30 Beginner 
Melee, long-range, and support can form a team. Gather one team to get: #82 Treasure Bean Beans; two teams get #83 Demon King Bean Beans; three teams get #84 Princess Bean Beans.

Link to me: ann_chou's Deca gallery to see the entire Legend of SpyMash expedition.

Chi.L's SpyMash#32 - SpyMash#38. Top row from left: red bean puree, thank you puree, and noodle. Bottom row from left: Banana puree, rice puree, Shakyamuni puree, beautiful as flower mud.
Chi.L's Rewards SpyMash#87 - SpyMash#94. Send #32-#38 to the designated wallet to get the Laughing Mouse Mud in the upper left. Top row from left: laughing rat mud, you're welcome mud, this mud, mung bean mud. Bottom row from left: Apple Clay, Mickey Clay, Guanyin Clay, Mianruguanyu Clay.

With SpyMash#32-SpyMash#38 different five types, you can get the fairy flying mud on the right. Send the Fairy Flying Mud to the designated wallet to get the Dream Come True Mud on the left.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!