It's not the AI's problem, it's us

I don't think AI is a bad thing. Everything has positive and negative sides. It depends on how you use it. I am most afraid of people's random weaknesses. If you are lazy, you will be lazy. It's not the fault of AI, it's ours make it yourself.....

Has anyone ever thought about what will happen to us humans when AI can do everything? It’s very simple. In reality, someone can help you with everything. Writing things can help you write articles in real time. , draw something and help you draw it instantly. Gradually, you lose all the capabilities that are inherently human, and your brain becomes less and less able to function. Think about it, when we have a computer to help with typing, do we often start not remembering how to write. Maybe everyone thinks that there is always something that AI can't replace. Do you think it's true, you are sure that in 100 years, I can do it in 1,000 years?

I don't think AI is a bad thing. Everything has positive and negative sides. It depends on how you use it. I am most afraid of people's random weaknesses. If you are lazy, you will be lazy. It's not the fault of AI, it's ours make it yourself.....


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