Emotional aggression of patients with Xiaoyu: When their profession is offended, they can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore

"Hey, are you okay?" Podcast [Xiaoyu is okay?] S2EP.13 Xiaoyu's chaotic life-12: Late-night practice out of the consultation room-self raking and combing the context of being attacked by Xiaoyu
This episode Podcast universal listening link , the first draft of the verbatim draft (voice to text) is provided by KKBOX

Late-night episodes, recordings that are temporarily not written

I was attacked by Xiaoyu late at night and calmed down after taking a shower. I did not write a temporary recording before the power outage (lost consciousness). I was lying on a chair and practiced self raking. This time I was attacked by Xiaoyu (attack)

The recording has been fixed for a period of time with drug treatment and psychological counseling. When the control is full and stable, there will be occasional low tides, but there is relatively no serious discomfort. Usually, I feel a little uncomfortable. I will take a hot bath, and it will be better after relaxing. Some

But this time, just sitting down after taking a shower, Xiaoyu came to surprise, which is the so-called attack of physiological symptoms. My attack is basically non-stop tears,
Tears kept falling and my body became very tense, and there would be many voices questioning myself in my head.
The questioning was filled with denial and attack.

The chair is well bought, and the power outage is not troublesome

Because of the frequent power outages, I broke the chair given by the landlord.
Because after the power is cut off, the appearance looks like lying down or falling asleep, so the whole person leans on the back of the chair, and the back of the computer chair is directly broken by me.

So I bought a gaming chair with a lot of money to ensure personal safety when the power is off

When I mentioned several times that my body was about to lose power,
"The right hand will automatically pull the handle and let the chair lie down" this magical brain automatic navigation mode,
Just wait for that feeling of dead battery to go away.

My best friend came to a conclusion: "I bought a good chair, and I don't have to worry about power outages."

The chair model I bought under the heavy book: Ducky Hurricane
The picture is taken from the official PCHOME shopping page, supporting Taiwanese manufacturers made in Taiwan!
There is a service that does not increase the price of assembly at home, which is very considerate, don't worry about the wrong parts!

[Declaration: All products are purchased at their own expense, and factory commercial distribution is welcome]

For the first time, after the attack, in a state of half dreaming, half awake, half sitting and half lying, holding a microphone to record

I feel pretty comfortable,
Because I should usually use a stand to put the microphone on the table, and then I would sit very upright and read the verbatim,
Basically, I have to rely on verbatim transcripts to make recordings,
Tell all the content first, type it down, organize it logically, and then record it

This time, try to rake the whole context as an exercise to get out of the consultation room right after the event.

-1-Event: Health Education Graphics for Acute Sports Injury Treatment

Here's the thing, the day before I was recording this time,
Seeing a group of doctors, I'm not sure if they are a team or an individual,
In short, their identity is that of a doctor's graphic and health education fan.

On that fan school, from time to time, they will post a lot of information about health education in different ways of life.
For example, in the case of the previous epidemic, they advocated that hand-washing is not necessarily clean.
Or the health education information of many chronic diseases: liver cancer, heart disease, etc.
In particular, its pictures are actually beautifully drawn and the text is very concise.
So I tracked this IG account myself. Actually, it's been a long time.
I quite like their style of health education expression.

It happened the day before this time of my recording and I saw they posted a post saying,
If there is an acute sports injury, the information written in their picture is,
If you are in the acute phase of sports injury, you should use the price principle.

Price is the English word PRICE for price

In fact, this is similar to the abbreviation of many first aid-related terms.
In fact, it is the abbreviation of the first letter of the English word of the thing to be done in that step.

But when I saw that the price principle was written out again, I immediately left a message under the post, and also sent a private message to this account to tell him
This price principle has been outdated for a very, very long time . The principle of PEACE and LOVE

 (Image source: Ye Yide Drawing)

-2-Professional discussion of PEACE and LOVE by sports people and sports people

PEACE It's the word for peace, PEACE
He has post-mortem rehabilitation and mental health care

Simply put, if you are a sports person or a professional athlete,
After a sports injury, the period just after the injury is called the "acute period"
In the acute stage, you will be advised to take PEACE . There are 5 steps in total. In fact, I don’t like to talk about the steps. It is these 5 steps that you need to take care of your injury and make a proper assessment.

After recovering to a certain state, it will enter the "subacute stage"
That is, after the injury, it has recovered a little, but it has not yet fully recovered and can return to the original exercise intensity.
This is called the subacute stage, and the principle of hot compress is usually adopted.

 (Image source: Ye Yide Drawing)

The concept of LOVE is that you can slowly resume low-intensity activities or sports, and do some light training for your injured area.
At the same time, some psychological training should be involved.
Because our bodies are very delicate
In this place, you have been injured and will hurt. In fact, the body will subconsciously avoid using the painful place <br class="smart">But in fact... the brain is easy to be deceived . She remembered and remembered that the place will hurt,
In fact, in terms of physical observation, she has already recovered from that place.
But the brain has no way to convince itself,
Or that he has no way of canceling the memory of feeling uncomfortable or painful

At this time, if it is an amateur athlete, the impact may not be so great,
But what if today were professional athletes, competitive athletes, professional athletes?
At this time, he is likely to have his movements deformed.
There will be no way for him to get back the good performance that he was used to, and the movement will disappear and run away.
Because the place where he was injured made the brain remember,
There's no way he can do it the way he's done best before,
So now the new concept will feel that psychological intervention will also be needed

In short, this is probably the so-called post-sports injury care principle called PEACE and LOVE, which includes a total of 9 links of evaluation, treatment and training.

 (Image source: Ye Yide Drawing)

-3 - Scientific research is overturning yesterday every day

The so-called price principle has long been overturned, the key lies in the "I" in PRICE, which is "ice"

Even the scientists who originally proposed this theory admit that PRICE is not the most appropriate general rule,
Because of the relationship between modern scientific research, it is found that ice compresses in the acute phase actually do more harm than good.
So basically, acute sports injuries are not particularly recommended for you to use ice packs. I think it applies to everyone.

According to current sports medicine research,
Ice packs are not necessary,
Of course, after the ice is applied, you will feel a little more comfortable.
Because the nerves in that area are less sensitive due to cooling, they usually feel a little more comfortable and also slow down the circulation of the affected area, and the feeling of swelling will subside a little.
But now the lab has found that swelling makes sense

The swelling means that he wants more repair cells and cleaning teams to go in to repair the injured tissue,
Then the waste is metabolized quickly, so the affected area will swell up,
Because that place he now needs very, very many cells to work there

From the current point of view, he is not a bad thing.
But it used to feel swollen for a long time, which may hinder the recovery of the injury, but now, it is not the case anymore

-4 - The tipping point of Xiaoyu's attack

Based on the above background knowledge, I checked the so-called "by a group of professional doctors#%^&*" behind the account.
When I saw that this account, which claims to be a medical professional, is still pushing the PRICE principle,
instead of the updated PEACE and LOVE principles

Emotions came up, but I couldn't figure out what was coming up

To be honest, I think this has something to do with Xiaoyu,
Because I can't feel what's going on with me,
I can only feel as if I have a little...


I can't watch this thing.

A person who claims to have a professional individual or team and has a lot of fans, but it is conveying a very outdated information about health education that is at least two or three years behind.
In the medical field, or we say scientific research field,
In fact, we need to constantly update the current new research results.
Because today's theories may be overturned by tomorrow's new evidence,
Especially in these fields of medicine and people,
This phenomenon is even more obvious. From the things written in the textbooks that everyone has read since childhood,
Maybe everything is different from what I learned 50 years ago 100 years ago, because it's always improving

the old unreasonable, it will be overthrown,
Or he is limited to a very small range to apply. It's not a generic state.

PRICE, this principle is the same.

-5 - Impulsive behavior, physical symptoms, and strong mood swings at the moment of the attack

This happened. After I saw the picture and text, I immediately left a message and sent a private message to this account to tell him that the PRICE principle is outdated, and now sports medicine recommends the PEACE and LOVE principle.

Then I set myself a deadline: 24 hours.

Because it's a weekday, everyone has to go to work and work, so I give myself 24 hours, I hope they can respond <br class="smart">Whether it is to discuss these principles of disposal,
It's fine to modify the picture and text or to remove the picture and text. I hope the other party will respond.
Because as far as I know, what he said is outdated and he is wrong.

"Looking forward to the other party's response", this is the conclusion after thinking about it after the fact

-6 - very small origin, very large seizures

Spreading the wrong and wrong information is something that I think is not allowed in the online world, whether you know it or not. If you know that you are spreading the wrong information, then you must clarify and admit that you did not have such knowledge at the time before putting the facts. Make a good statement, everyone makes mistakes,
But you have to make corrections, you have to have a good argument, this is my own thought,

After a full 24 hours,
This account has not responded to my messages and private messages at all, and has not read anything.
I am very sure that after I leave a message and private message, this account is online and it is under this picture and text, respond to the message of thanks and support their picture and text, but there is no response to my message or private message at all

After a full 24 hours, I was in an uncontrollable, very, very excited state.


It took more than 24 hours to enter an excited state. If you have IG and Facebook fans who follow this show,
You will see that I have posted a limited-time update, and I have also sent an article to criticize this matter.

In the group of sports coaches I know, I try to call and connect, hoping that everyone can speak with me and promote correct concepts

As soon as the message was sent, he was attacked by Xiaoyu. He couldn’t stop crying, his whole body was tense, and he felt that his head was being kidnapped. A voice questioning himself appeared in his head. Repeatedly ruminating and doubting himself

-7- The subject of life that is entangled in yourself: always feel that you will not be seen

This is the first time I have self-disclosed in the space of the program "Hey, Are You Okay"? My own expertise is sports and sports science, which is something I didn't intend to reveal on the show.

But seeing this outdated error message in the health education graphic,
I didn't respond to the other party, maybe this loss made me feel offended

Because I'm pretty sure I'm doing time-limited updates and postings, I feel subjectively that I'm doing the right thing,
I feel that doing such a thing can be worthy of my own professionalism in sports and exercise science for so many years,
I feel that delivering such information is worthy of my efforts over the past so many years.

If you jump out and see,
In fact, it was me who took this very small thing,
Take me and my past "so many years of hard work without being seen",
tie it together

I have been working in the field of sports and exercise science for many years,
But always whether in promotion, in education, in research,
In fact, I have never had an obvious milestone or something to promote physical education or something. That is actually a very difficult thing. In vernacular, it is a very remote field. complicated.
A lot of effort has been made, but the effect is not good, and the results are twice the result with half the effort.
But I still do it stupidly, I think this is something that helps people.
I will be within my reach, within my reach,
I will try my best to promote the logic of these thinking and the correct actions and postures

photographer: cottonbro , link: Pexels


This episode also gave me a...
If you want to say it is a lesson, you want to say it is a wake -up call to reflect,
It's actually a very small thing,
There is no direct connection with the original life and life,
But those emotional responses,
There are also behaviors that seem a little impulsive:
Telling this today is to publicly release screenshots and post limited posts. It seems that I am targeting others, but in fact I am targeting myself. I can't accept that my profession has been offended.

These are all things that came to mind after taking a hot bath, symptoms completely subsided and calmed down

I'm thinking, in fact, whether it is a patient or a companion, these raking and thinking processes are a kind of so-called "awareness" in psychology.
To rake and comb yourself from a small incident, what happened?
Why is there such a big reaction?
How does this thing relate to the topics and issues in your daily life and life experience?

Of course, raking and combing these things by yourself is very hard and tiring.
Especially under the situation where Xiaoyu came out from time to time to make trouble,
It's hard to do this

Thanks to sister Kelly, the godmother of chicken soup in Taiwan's Podcaster world, and thanks to the jet lag in the late night in Taiwan and the early morning in the United States,
Follow me back and forth with messages, chat, pour chicken soup, speak dry words

If, every time, these small emotional events can be explored and combed through the whole vein,
I think, whether you are sick or not, it should be a process of getting to know yourself better!

In fact, what will the content of this picture and text eventually become? It's really not that important anymore.
But the point becomes: Why do I feel offended?
Why am I so excited?
Why are you trying so hard to clarify,
The one that clearly shows the number of fans or the volume of my own voice,
There is no comparison with others at all, and in front of others, he is simply nobody.
But I still want to try to express what I know is right, good, logical, matter-of-fact

Photographer: Tommy Lopez , Link: Pexels

This time the content may not be so organized and well planned,
Or the mouth is very smooth and so on, all of them are not,
I was totally thinking about what to say, but if you've heard anything here, so thanks for listening


The point is that acute sports injuries do not necessarily require ice!

Psychological First Aid Kit

There are many small things in life that bring emotional fluctuations,
You can find your own daily life or the accumulation of life in it,
Even in your entire life, you haven’t dealt with issues that you haven’t dealt with, or you haven’t learned.

It's not to let the emotions disappear completely, but to put a few more tools in the toolbox. Next time you encounter a stressful event, there will be more ways to live peacefully with these discomforts

PS. It has been a long time since the release of this episode of Podcast, the team continues to produce graphics and texts,
But I didn't publish any corrections publicly at all, so I just retreated, out of sight

Extended Podcast episodes

" Sauce Heart Voice " Medical Knowledge Lollipop Ep6: Do you need ice for sprains? You need PEACE & LOVE to take care of sports injuries!


Further reading

Principles of Soft Tissue Injury Management PEACE & LOVE (by Physician Chen Yanzhi Orthopaedic)

// The original text was published in the narrative column of Medium and Podcast episodes, supplemented and rewritten with the transcript of the recording//

// The first draft of the verbatim script (voice-to-text) is provided by KKBOX for Podcasters creator platform //

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