【TCLin's painting time 🎨🎨】- Mike Stroke: Flower 🥀🥀

There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded, don’t wait until there are no flowers to break the branches 🌺🌺

Today, let's share a rare flower painting. The painting medium is a marker~✌️

👇👇👇 The following is the time for painting appreciation👇👇👇

Drawing: myself

No matter how long the flowering season is, there will be an end to the day. No matter how beautiful the flower is, it can't stop the withering from coming.

Sometimes life is like a beautiful flower, but it is short and fragile. If you touch it accidentally, it will wither and dissipate.

You said, life is longer than flowers, I said, as long as the word accident is added, it is shorter than you think and sudden

How many goodbyes, but never meet again, how many futures may not come

Before death, everyone is equal regardless of race, age, or gender

With more people in contact, there is also more about parting

Someone left in a car accident on the way to work, someone was poisoned on the way to work, someone was infected with a virus during an epidemic of alternative service, someone left in a wrong car while on a working holiday abroad, and someone left because of a medical diagnosis.

These "people" are when people they know leave, and they are not even 30 years old.

Not to mention how many people older than me leave because of illness

You never know what tomorrow will be like but you will get used to leaving a lot of things you want to do in the future

Maybe it's about education
It is often a negative interpretation. Maybe everyone is lucky and the people around you can grow up with you safely.

Therefore, for the "present", we do not cherish too much for the "future", but we have too many expectations

But after a lot of partings, you will find that only the present and only the present are the most real possessions.

Whoever you want to see, go see it!
Go wherever you want to go!
Eat whatever you want to eat!
Do what you want, do it!

Not all people, things, and things can wait for you. When you think about it, many may be gone.

Cherish the people in front of you, get along well when you can get along, and be careful when you can care

Don't wait until you really leave to say how sorry you are, it's already too late

To live in the present is not to give up the future, but to understand the value of the present


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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【T.C.Lin 的繪畫時間🎨🎨】- 炭精筆畫 : 金采源