Reply from Agu Tomoko and Feng Yuan's contribution - Regarding Teng Biao's invitation to attend the Meiji University International Symposium

Regarding the open letter issued by feminist partners in Japan in response to Teng Biao’s attendance at the Meiji University seminar, we received a reply from Professor Tomoko Agu, and also received a comment submission from Feng Yuan, which is hereby sent together for all friends to read and participate in the discussion. If you are interested in this topic, you are very welcome to submit articles to us.

Synopsis: I attended the Meiji University Research Conference meeting when I was a woman living in Japan, and I received a review from Professor Tomoko Ako.At the same time, I also posted a review of my own work at the same time, and to all my friends, Counselor Review. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to post. Submission box:

Summary: We, feminists living in Japan, published an open questionnaire regarding Ms. Teng Biao's lecture at Meiji University. We received a response from Professor Tomoko Ako and a comment post from Ms. Uhime. I would like to present them all here and encourage everyone to read them and participate in the discussion. If you are interested in this matter, please post. Submission accepted:

Background information:

Tomoko Ako: Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Culture Studies, University of Tokyo, Director of the Society for Contemporary Chinese Studies, Long-term Notes on Chinese Studies (Review: Researcher's Main Page ), Present at Teng Biao ``Chinese Liberal Intellectuals' Challenge to Japan's Angles'' Commentator on the study group.

Professor at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Chairman of the Society for Contemporary Chinese Studies , and has long been interested in human rights issues in China (for details, see ). He served as a commentator at the international symposium ``The Challenges of Chinese Liberal Intellectuals and Japan's Role,'' in which Teng Biao took the stage.

冯媛:Women's employment activist, organizer of women's employment organization, gender equality worker, since the 1980s, has been promoting gender equality through new radio, support society area exhibition, teaching, research and NGO work. ( 冯媛专访: 妇女权 benefit street practitioner )

feminist activist. Co-operator of the Beijing Women's Support Hotline. Activist promoting gender equality. Since the 1980s, we have been promoting gender equality in China through media, poverty relief, community building, education, research, NGO activities, etc. (For details, see ).

(1) Recapture of Ako Tomoko


I am extremely grateful for your understanding. I have made constant revisions and revisions throughout the course of the text of this edition. My impression is very serious.

I personally have a very important view on this issue, but I have many other items in demand that I will be working on as soon as possible. In this case, I am busy with every heavenly capital, and the law will be abolished immediately.

By the way, I am still thinking of posting a photo before the research meeting on March 16th. Because of this, I am currently writing a Japanese copy of the text. On March 15th, the day before the study session, I, Professor Teng Biao, and other study group participants and Japanese media people completed the review. I have heard my opinion as a mature person, I am a comprehensive researcher, and I am a friend and lawyer who is a victim of sexual violence. However, I thought about it and thought about it in my own time.

Worked as a first-item consultant at Meiji University's International Research Institute, and completed multiple reviews of the problems in the research group attended by Professor Teng Biao, a member of the Gawa Research Institute. I am a person, and I am currently attending the next laboratory to prepare for the next training session due to my own abilities.

Mr. Teng Biao is a “public figure”. Without any other independent third party public development, it is therefore impossible to participate in other local public activities.

One thing about this, Mr. Teng Biao said, and the other members of the homeroom director's organization completed the university's opening and the family committee members continued to read. At Guanyu University, I am a teaching staff working in Nari. It is possible for you to review the contents of the report and to determine whether you have talent or not.

During the judicial trial of the immediate envoy and the sexual violence, if there were any circumstances that would cause secondary harm to the infringing party and his or her family members or other private persons, the meeting would not be allowed to proceed. Mr. Teng Biao's feelings are as follows.

The clear truth is absolutely important, but the accusation of "attempting to commit treason" against the woman in front of her, and the existence of contradictions in the refutation of Professor Yanyo Tengbiao. As a result, this incident is a private person's work in space, and I have no legal authority to judge it. The message received by the customer was ``Victim'', but the ``Attempt to commit a crime'' was not confirmed.

As a result, a certain person was identified as the perpetrator of the crime, another person, another family member, and a related person received injury, created a new association, and caused new injury. The truth behind the cause is unknown, so please read this carefully.

I'm clear that #MeToo behavior is widespread, because we can't rely on law enforcement and police, and because we can't afford fair treatment under the law. I gave my own strings and Ito translations, and directly delivered all kinds of stories to my mouth, starting from the beginning. Unfortunately, I am not a female proprietor, but recently I have been writing from a different angle, and I am a female proprietor. I am aware of the fact that there are people who have no knowledge of the matter, so I have to warn you that you should submit the law immediately, and that there are people who are missing. I support #MeToo movement. I personally have the ability to eliminate my own wishes and review their own capabilities.

Of course, the reality is extremely cruel. Change the unequal social structure, establish an unjust system, demand a political system, and make efforts to reconcile the demands. As a result of the short period of time that we have seen, the bottom line of our society has changed in the East and West, and our general demand for use has strengthened our ability. It is possible to induce violence, inadvertently harm people, and create other victims. Due to the current situation, there are many social activities in various parts of the world.

I agree with the creation of "conversation space", but I also acknowledge that I must avoid emotional and violent speech and behavior, and that I must also respect reason. I have been in charge of this group for a long time and have had to endure a lot of hardships to build a dynamic foundation meeting. Finally, the division of the species led to the establishment of male-dominated social vitality. In order to prevent this, we understand that you will not be able to receive any information from us, and we may not be able to make any inquiries between female or non-female practitioners at the same time.

Tokyo University Tomoko Ako March 16, 2024


I read your letters very carefully and seriously. I believe that my fellow feminists must have discussed it many times and reworked it many times before writing it. I was very impressed.

I personally place great importance on this issue, but I also have many other projects that require urgent action to protect human rights. Therefore, I was very busy every day and could not reply immediately.

However, I still wanted to write a reply before the symposium on March 16th. So now I'm cutting back on my sleep and writing. On March 15th, the day before the symposium, we had a discussion with Mr. Teng Biao, other symposium speakers, researchers, and members of the media. I also asked the opinions of my acquaintances, including gender researchers, friends who support victims of sexual violence, and lawyers. Although I do not have sufficient knowledge or experience yet, I would like to share with you my current thoughts.

As someone involved in a project at Meiji University's International Labor Research Institute, I have had many discussions with the people at the institute regarding Mr. Teng Biao's participation in the symposium. Personally, I believe that we have done what we could in the preparation stages of planning the symposium.

You all agree that Mr. Teng Biao is a "public figure" and that despite the fact that no public investigation has been conducted by an independent third party, he cannot continue to participate in public activities as if nothing had happened. It says it's inappropriate.

Regarding this point, I have heard from Mr. Teng Biao that a review committee of experts was held and discussions were held at multiple organizations where he is a director and at the university where he provides lectures. Regarding the university, I also checked with the faculty members who work there. You may think that a judgment cannot be made unless the contents of the report are made public, but I don't think that is necessary.

Even in trials related to sexual violence, deliberations are held behind closed doors if there is a risk of infringing on the privacy of the parties involved, their families, or other parties involved, or causing secondary damage. I believe that this applies to Mr. Teng Biao's case.

It is most important to clarify the truth, but regarding the ``attempted rape'' that is being raised as a charge, there are conflicting testimonies between the woman and Mr. Teng Biao. Since this happened behind closed doors and with little other physical evidence or testimony, we are unable to make a judgment. Your letter mentions the word "victim," but it does not confirm that it was an "attempted rape."

If someone is mistakenly labeled as the "perpetrator," that person, his or her family, and related parties will be hurt, and new harm will be caused. Precisely because the truth is not clear, we must discuss this carefully.

I am well aware that the #MeToo movement has spread because we cannot rely solely on the courts and police because we cannot receive fair treatment under the law. I personally interacted with Tsuneko and Shiori Ito, heard various stories directly from them, and shed tears together. Although I am not an expert on feminism, I have recently been actively writing papers from a gender perspective and learning about feminism. We can see that unknown people are suffering because they are unable to make accusations, and even if they do, no one notices. I have a strong desire to support the #MeToo movement. I personally want to do my part to eliminate structural discrimination.

However, the reality is very harsh. It takes time and effort to change unequal social structures and institutions and political systems that tolerate injustice. If we try to drastically change something that has been created by humans and society over a long period of time in a short period of time, we will need to use a lot of force. It can lead to violence, hurt people in unexpected ways, and create other victims. Such situations have arisen in many social movements around the world.

I agree with creating a ``space for dialogue,'' but I also believe that we must avoid statements and actions that involve emotional conflict or violence, and that we must respect reason. I fear that this will cause conflict among the feminists who have worked so hard, and that the foundation of the movement that they have worked so hard to build will be destroyed. In the end, such a structure of division leads to the energization of a male-dominated society. To prevent this from happening, I believe that we need to persistently continue dialogue while reconciling differing opinions, both among feminists and with non-feminists.

Tomoko Ako, University of Tokyo March 16, 2024

(2) Posting a review of my own experience

Chinese original text

Professor Teng Biao attended the Meiji University International Research Conference.

A female executor living in Japan attended the ``Attempted Sexual Violation'' episode of the International Activities Research Institute of Meiji University, where she attended one of the international research conferences. This study group is famous for ``Chinese liberal intellectuals' challenge to Japan's cornerstones''. One of the 121 people in the production team and the consultant's office, who has been working on this issue, has a rather shallow view of the matter, and has contributed to the #MeToo behavior/resistance and other violent behavior.

The first edition of the public trust is the main issue of different violence, and since then the official method has been revised. Appendix of the Public Public Birth Herus, Professor 对 滕 滕 这样 这样 这样 物 物 这样 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 别 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该 应该This is also the fault of all parties. In order to develop an independent third party, it is necessary to have a relatively idealized expectation, but it is necessary to ensure that the process is fair and orderly, and that the arrangement is completely sufficient. As a result of the public access, I understand that the intention is to review the procedures for the public access, and I do not request public access to the information regarding sexual assault/sexual assault cases.

Currently, non-sexual violence (sexual assault, sexual assault, family violence), other violations, crimes (such as theft, rape, assault, etc.), and under the circumstances of the third place where the child is not present. As soon as this happens, the public authorities and the legal authorities can make judgments on each type of law and make judgments on the basis of each type of law. Immediate delivery of detailed information, due to the various causes, the most detailed cause of the attack/damage or criminal existence, however, the results of the monitoring by the personnel, the judgment of the personnel, and the judgment of the staff, the situation is to a large extent. possibility , or whether or not this is the case, etc. It is impossible to deny the fact that it is impossible to obtain an actual result, to avoid partial urban comprehensive construction. This is the reason Class incident. It is a public road that each party can initiate, it can be promulgated, but it is necessary, and there is an emergency construction.

Mr. Teng Biao's self-guided journey. Behavior is self-understanding, is true and is instinctive. Currently, there is no unconfirmation between the person who is pointing and the person who is being pointed, and it is very contradictory, which is always the case. There is no doubt that the law is in the court, and a private person's space is the same as the law. Mr. Teng Biao is a practitioner of law, and he affirms his deep knowledge and immediately enshrines the law of the court, who cannot accept it. Before the explosion of the "attempted attempt", there were some people who opened the public, Mr. Teng Biao gave considerable time and space, other institutions were appointed, and other international scholars and assistants were involved in the collaboration. It's very important to look at women's intentions in other places, and it's self-innocent. After Mr. Teng Biao came and went on his own public road trip, he recognized that his own law was "unacceptable, irreconcilable, original," was "a call under my own personal responsibility, and after that, I was personally responsible for the transfer, and since then my friends were constant." No need for me” [1] . It has been one year since Mr. Teng Biao's path was announced, and it has not been one year since the public trust was announced.

Mr. Teng Biao is working directly in the laboratory, and in the midst of many public activities, this is the choice of another person. However, if anyone attends a public activity, it is possible that a female resident in Japan will be present at the research conference. I know the way, #MeToo is moving around the world, and many people have come to know the meaning of the human capital, and I've done some minor unconstructed "attempted trespassing" behavior. , The government has made a mistake in conducting the transaction; the government has been unable to comply with the law, and the government has been able to take measures to resolve the issue. How many times have I been there, Mr. Ji Teng Biao, the number one woman in the series has not been found in the same page, I have personally encountered, I have submitted a formal summary, and I have submitted my own contribution, I have submitted my own detailed explanation, and I have added more details. Confirmation line. To the public, I do not know whether or not the female party has any responsibility for the construction of Yuina, and whether or not she has any responsibility for the construction of the machinery, I will continue to ask for confirmation. However, there is a very small number of ``attempted attempts'' to suppress the active actors, and the public statement released in June 2023, acknowledges that the information at the time is ``important'', and this is not an issue. Certain responsibilities, such as inflicting violence on the ground, resulting in severe damage, and causing severe damage; Part 2: Participation, location, organization, and personal appearance; inferior Sensation of the incident; Part 3, the responsibility of avoiding the victims of the production of the company, and the relief of the women who lost their jobs [2] . At that time, Nana had a lot of negative thoughts about the activities of the movement, and after gaining some knowledge, he borrowed Meiji University's International Dynamics Research Institute.

Moreover, I understand that Meiji University's International Activities Research Institute has completed the preparations for the 2019 Violence Japanese Competition, and has decided to write the 2019 Violence Japanese Competition . violence and elimination The joint framework was established. The aim of the company is to carry out social studies, establish a fair, respectful and safe moving world.无论城乡、无论为正规和未正规经济济测该传轥或public门门,该该约约逦选问问. During the period of public and private activities, travel, education, activities, and social activities, communication between employees and employees. Under the leisurely affair, the lord of the lord of the lord of the lord of the lord of the lord of the lord, the lord of the lord, and the leisure, and the submitted doubtful doubt, and the incompetence of the incompetence.

The purpose of public development is peaceful, the goal is to promote the main direction, and the author has a proper method. The main purpose of Japanese research is the commercial characteristics of the Japanese movement, and the purpose of the international conference is to explore the world freely. On March 16th, at the seminar, the first female student in the position arrived outside the venue, and there was also an emergency situation. As a result, the public communication activities will be injured, Naoya will be responsible for the separation of Mr. Feng Biao from the public road a month ago, and will be praised by others as self-made people, as well as by his own family members and related people. The new damage caused by the old damage caused by the current damage to the public sector. I saw a sexual predator in the room, and I was about to encounter a woman who was showing off. Immediate delivery and other self-existence are currently not available. The slightest injury is to be stopped, but if it is not possible to continue or to be added, Mr. Yu Teng Biao has decided to make his own choice afterward. Meiji University's International Dynamics Research Institute is a public institution that does not have to be in charge of, but is an academic institution that has social demand, is a public institution, is a public issue director, and has no public responsibility.

冯四 Beijing's support for Ping's wives and women

March 18, 2024

*Text notes and quotations

[1] Main text: Direct Japanese conversation by Mr. Teng Biao, published on June 22, 2023:

[2] Ibid.

[3] Fifth item on the agenda: Violence and harassment in the world of work: pdf.

Japanese translation:

Meiji University's International Labor Research Institute invited Teng Biao, who was accused of attempted rape, to a symposium titled "The Challenges of Chinese Liberal Intellectuals and Japan's Role" as a guest. Feminists have published an open letter raising questions. As one of the 121 people who signed this open letter, I would like to express my views. I hope this contributes to the #MeToo movement and the discussion on sexual violence.

We understand this open letter as a call to the organizers to pay attention to the topic of sexual violence and to respond appropriately to the public. From the perspective of the author of the open letter, the response to accusations against a "public figure" like Teng Biao, especially when it has caused widespread public concern, is to require an independent third-party investigation and publication of its findings. It's possible. This can be the answer for the public and those interested in the incident, and it shows respect and responsibility for those involved.

Currently, it would be ideal for an investigation to be conducted by an independent third party, but if the investigation is to be conducted based on fair and strict procedures, it would be better to have an investigation conducted by a related organization (even if it is not a third party). The commissioned survey based on this is considered to have sufficient reliability. I understand that the open letter's request for the results of the investigation to be made public is not in any way asking for the details of the sexual assault or damage to be made public, but rather for a legitimate investigation process and the publication of its results. I am.

In the real world, many conflicts, violations, or crimes (theft, robbery, assault, etc.), as well as sexual violence (sexual harassment, domestic violence), occur without being witnessed by a third party. Nevertheless, the public, relevant institutions, and judicial bodies can use a variety of methods to find evidence and make decisions based on that evidence. Even if, in a particular case, it is difficult for the investigation to ultimately determine the existence of a clear act of infringement, perpetration, or crime for various reasons, the results of the investigation may reflect the judgment of the investigator. For example, what is the likelihood that the incident occurred as accused, or is there a possibility of misunderstanding? Regardless of whether a conclusion of proof or disproof is reached, the conclusion section of the investigation report includes suggestions for improvement, such as response methods and future countermeasures/damage prevention methods. Such an investigative process, conclusions, and recommendations can provide the parties with a minimally fair outcome. Publishing such results is considered necessary and highly constructive.

I have also known about Mr. Teng Biao's self-defense and apology for some time. It is both the right and the instinct of accused actors to defend themselves. In fact, it is common for the testimonies of the accuser and the accused to disagree or contradict each other, whether in court, in private spaces, or in debates. Mr. Teng Biao is a legal expert and should be well aware that he has the privilege of refusing in absentia in court. Teng Biao must have already known that he would be publicly accused several weeks ago when the "attempted rape" accusation was made. This is why Teng Biao has the time to plead his innocence to the institution he works for, to the university institutions he works with, to international experts, scholars, and funders, as well as to the feminist activists he values. I had a chance. Afterwards, Mr. Teng issued a ``public apology,'' believing that his actions were ``unacceptable and should not be forgiven,'' and ``I made a mistake, and I alone should take responsibility for it.'' Therefore, I hope that my friends will never advocate for me.'' [1] Teng Biao's "apology" has been out for less than a year, and this open letter signature campaign shows that he keeps his word, bravely accepts the consequences of his actions, and won't let his friends defend him. Also, be careful not to share responsibility.

Mr. Teng Biao has always actively participated in the media and many public activities, but this is his personal freedom. However, being invited to a public event by an organization or institution is a public event. That is why some feminists living in Japan published this open letter just before the symposium was held. Now that the #MeToo movement has spread around the world, many institutions and administrators are trying to convince the recipient of the act, even if it doesn't fall under the category of ``attempted rape'' or ``extremely clumsy courtship.'' Unless you see it that way, the behavior is generally considered inappropriate. Actors and related organizations can be questioned and required to take responsibility and countermeasures. Furthermore, as far as I know, multiple women have publicly disclosed their own experiences (sexual harassment/violence perpetrated by Mr. Teng) to different extents against Mr. Teng, and have filed formal complaints with some institutions. and submitted detailed testimony and evidence. It is unclear whether the voices of women parties were heard, investigated, and considered by these institutions, as they did not release any relevant information. However, at least the organizers of the event related to the "attempted rape" accusation issued a public statement in June 2023, admitting the following three mistakes. ① ``Regardless of whether it's true or not, seriously hurting the woman concerned (victim) by assuming that she bears some responsibility for the incident (alleged sexual violence) and harshly blaming her. (2) The organizer placed too much emphasis on the reputation of the meeting, his or her organization, or the individual, and ignored the feelings of a single team member or meeting participant who was harmed; (3) From his/her responsibility as the person in charge of the team. and failed to provide appropriate support to the women involved.In this way, the reflections of the event organizers in the above examples can at least serve as a reference for Meiji University's International Labor Research Institute. It will be considered.

The Meiji University Institute for International Labor Studies should also be aware of the Convention on the Eradication of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and its Optional Protocol, which was adopted by the International Labor Conference in 2019 [3] . The Convention defines violence and harassment, sets a common framework, and aims to create fair, respectful and safe working environments through social dialogue. The Convention applies to all private and public sectors of formal and informal economic activity, both in urban and rural areas. The Convention also covers work-related business trips, training, events, social activities, and work-related communications. It would be extremely difficult to hold a public symposium on freedoms and rights in a context where such a treaty already exists and ignore the concerns, questions and predictable objections that have already been raised. I have to say that I regret it.

The content and language of the open letter is peaceful and aims to arouse the organizers' interest and take appropriate action. This letter calls on organizers to demonstrate social sensitivity and responsibility as respected and responsible institutions. Its purpose is completely consistent with the sponsor's expertise in labor issues and the purpose of the International Symposium on Freedom and Rights.

On March 16, the day of the symposium, several women politely expressed their opposing views outside the symposium venue. If the open letter caused anyone any hurt, it is because Mr. Teng's actions deviated from his own public apology months earlier. It is he himself who has caused damage to his reputation as a human rights defender, his family, and the people involved, and this open letter is by no means the cause.

Although Mr. Teng himself may not have admitted it at first or even now, based on the testimonies and evidence provided by several women, Teng Teng is now a prominent figure for those who oppose sexual violence and sexual harassment. It is determined that he is the perpetrator of sexual violence. The fabrication does not label him as a perpetrator. Whether the damage caused by Mr. Teng until now stops, heals, continues, or worsens is entirely determined by Mr. Teng's own choices from now on. Although the Meiji University International Labor Institute is not a public institution, as an academic institution with social authority, we believe that we have an inescapable social responsibility towards the public and those who are interested in public topics. am thinking.

Feng Yuan Beijing Weiping Women's Support Hotline March 18, 2024 *Source

[1] Direct and indirect quotes to Mr. Teng are taken from the June 22, 2023 Radio Free Asia report below.

[2] Same as above

[3] Reference for Japanese translation:


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