Use Poetry for the Scene & Mid-Autumn Festival Painting & Painting Relay | Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! ! ! (audio article)

I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!! Good night everyone~~

I was going to post another article today, but I happened to see @沙猈 holding an event, so I decided to come and participate. In order not to make this article too dry, short, and boring, and I just thought of combining painting relays and using poetry to suit the situation, this article has so many elements that it is difficult to get XD .

This article originally wanted to make a soundtrack, but because of time constraints, I temporarily found a copyright-free music that can be used with the article (I will write an article to explain this later):

Copyright-free soundtrack

Copyright free music

Z Mid-Autumn Festival painting time Z

Image source: self-made

Because I personally am not very good at drawing (I should see it XD), especially " people ", so I chose " Moon Rabbit" ! And the part of the axe (do you know that is an axe XD), yes Wu Gang's axe, but he went to bed first (it's definitely not that I can't draw, lazy XD ). I also added a small grapefruit at the bottom, and I can actually draw a particle effect. I really admire myself!

This time I also added a little personal element (Zioh). Do you still like it?

Z use poetry to set the scene Z

The following only represents my personal thoughts, not any professional analysis~~

z Mid-Autumn Moon z

For the Mid-Autumn Festival, I chose a song " Mid-Autumn Moon " from a wide range of poems. It's a very straightforward title, right!

 In the Mid-Autumn Moon and Song Dynasty, Su Shi's twilight clouds were all collected and overflowing with cold. Yin Han silently turned the jade plate.
If the night is not good in this life, where will the bright moon be seen next year?
Image source:
z personal translation z

The content tells that at night the night sky is clear, without any interference, the Milky Way is silent, and the white jade disc (moon) moves slowly. But you won't see such a sky and moon all your life; next year, where will it be? What month are you looking at? (personal translation, may be slightly different from the original)

z personal thoughts z

At first, I thought this poem was a poem about admiring the moon, but it must not be that simple.

This poem was written by Su Shi when he met his friend after a long absence. And the moon seems to be often referred to as " missing, missing "; therefore, the first two sentences not only describe the beauty of the night sky and the moon, but also because today is a day to " get together with friends who haven't seen each other for many years ", it is particularly beautiful.

However, not every night can be so beautiful and beautiful, so I threw out the phrase " where to see the bright moon next year ", lamenting that we will be separated soon after we meet, and where will we look at the moon in the future?

There are too many elements in this article (sorry, I have a hard time doing XD), if there is any non-compliance, please let me know below, thank you!

This time, I tried the option of adding the soundtrack. What do you think?

I wish a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!! Good night everyone~~

This article was first published on Matters , and then synced to personal website , square grid , Potato Media
Personal Website: ZIOH Creation Space
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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:
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