"Found Again, I Don't Like Myself"


Following the last article on sky photos, I told myself that I would write articles at my own pace... I began to ask myself:

Why am I uncomfortable with my inability to write "planned"?

I have listened to the opinions of many successful friends in the past. When writing an article, it is necessary to have some influence. There is no magic method, just keep writing and keep writing... One day, the effect will accumulate!

Looking back on last year, I also had the goal of writing a short essay every day for 100 consecutive days! On the one hand, I want to train my observation of life, on the other hand, I want to strengthen my writing ability, and of course, I want to know what kind of influence this can achieve!

Looking back now, I probably continued to write for 50-60 days in the middle, and then interrupted for a while and resumed it. At present, I have accumulated about 92 articles...

In the process, I actually met many warm pen pals, and we communicated warmly with each other. Everyone kindly shared each other's articles and opinions, and I felt that I was very happy during that time~ But producing articles every day really made me feel pressured by the huge workload at that time.

Then I slowed myself down and told myself not to rush! Stable output is more meaningful than rushing to kill yourself! But even if I don't force myself after that, I even posted last week that I want to relax, but it will take a week...however I feel uncomfortable!

I had a conversation with myself:

Why do you feel uncomfortable?
Because I want to be seen by my desire to help others. But I can't see it now...

Why do you want to be seen?
Because I hope I can help more people who have the same troubles as myself, I hope to be seen by more people!

So how do you think the article can be seen by others?
If you want to be loved more, please interact with my articles!

I can figure it out here, but I have a doubt that I can't figure out... I often get stuck!

Why do I ask professional teachers to evaluate the articles I wrote, and they are all praised for their excellent writing, good structure and sentences, but my articles on the fan page don't seem to be popular with many people? or little interaction?

While meditating this morning, I asked myself this question again...

Sudden! A voice came out of my head~

"You don't like this self who slows down to write articles at all."
"You don't like yourself, why should others like you?"

I felt like I realized something for a while, and suddenly I felt deeply sorry for myself!

It turns out...I still don't like myself enough!

People often say that to love yourself is to love yourself in all aspects. The good side is easy for us to like; but the bad side...well...sometimes it's not that we don't like it...more often, we may not discover it by ourselves!

Criticizing myself and evaluating my own behavior has always been what I am doing to myself! I don’t know if it’s because of my personality, plus the process of developing an acquired scientist, “criticism” and “introspection” are often things I do to myself! Because without this, it is difficult to find strong scientific evidence, or rigorous experimental results.

When faced with the analysis of objective things, calm and rational criticism is okay! But I didn't notice that when these abilities are used too much on myself, it actually shows that I don't respect myself enough!

"Natural Imperfect"

Accept this statement, and at the same time recognize that your imperfect self is still beautiful. 🥰

Only by identifying with yourself can the mind be stable, and then work hard to let everything bloom.

Thank you for today's little enlightenment! I want to say to myself:
Thank you, sorry, I love you!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

AmyQHi, 我是AmyQ,一個來自台灣的活潑女孩。天生喜歡和人群接觸,卻走上一條需要時常獨自潛心修練的"科學家奇幻之旅"。曾旅居歐洲,目前繼續學習如何當一名專業且優秀的生物醫學研究人員。近期,腦筋急轉彎!想開啟人生新方向!期許在追逐自我實現的過程中,能傳遞愛與勇氣給這世界,感悟生命的奧義與美好!
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