😱"Swiss Euthanasia Capsule", you can go to heaven with one click! What about ethics?


Today I want to talk about something. I have been paying attention to this thing since the end of last year. In addition to waiting for more information to be released, I also want to collect everyone's different ideas and make a good article. view of things.

What the hell is going on here? As the title says, today we are going to discuss "Swiss Euthanasia Capsules".

😱 Swiss suicide capsule, one click to go to the west?

At the end of 2021, a news was issued in Switzerland that a capsule capsule "Sarco" was developed and is expected to be launched in Switzerland in 2022. What is this device? It is a capsule for suicide, more precisely a capsule for "euthanasia".

Image credit: Wikipedia By Ratel - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79803878

When you see the words euthanasia or suicide, please don't panic too much, it's not that scary, really not. I will discuss these issues a little later in the article, but let's talk about the author who developed the "Sarco Euthanasia Capsule" first.

This euthanasia capsule was developed by Australian Philip Nitschke (hereinafter referred to as Nitschke ) , the developer is actually a " humanist" , in short, they will put "kindness and fraternity" As the main value of their life, they also attach great importance to "rationality" and believe that reason should be used to reason about various things .

Nichik has his own unique views on life and death, and often studies related knowledge, especially on the issue of euthanasia. Therefore, he not only cares about the psychological level, but also the actual technical level , so he has developed a lot of euthanasia devices, and was even hailed as "the Elon Musk of assisted suicide" by the American Newsweek magazine "Newsweek".

This Nitschke is actually a doctor, and the following is a video of his "TED" speech:

The euthanasia capsule was developed in 2017, but it was not until 2021 that Nichik formally filed a legal application with the government. People who need euthanasia only need to buy this capsule, and then "can choose where they want to die." This is what Nichik thinks is very important, allowing the deceased to decide where to die.

Afterwards, it will communicate through online means, the purpose is to test the user's psychological condition, as long as there is no problem, the user will receive a set of "passwords" to enter the capsule compartment, and the user can stay in the capsule for 24 hours , you can choose to cut yourself off at any time or continue to live. According to the author himself, Nichik, this euthanasia capsule can improve the unsightly and claustrophobic problems of an old "suicide bag".

After you choose to press the button to cut yourself off, the approximate operation mechanism is as follows: After entering the cabin and pressing the button, a large amount of liquid nitrogen will be instantly injected, and then the oxygen in the cabin will quickly decrease to below 5% . Feeling dizzy, will pass out in a coma after a short time, and finally slowly walk into death.

At the end of this paragraph, I want to say that the name of this capsule "Sarco" is actually taken from the word "Sarcophagus sarcophagus". And this euthanasia capsule is said to be available for everyone to download and print. As far as I know, the price is about 30,000 yuan. I don't think it is very expensive.

Image credit: Wikipedia By anonymous - This file was donated to Wikimedia Commons as part of a project by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. See the Image and Data Resources Open Access Policy, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w /index.php?curid=57871336

🤔 What are the shortcomings and how should we look at morality?

After a brief introduction to the "Sarco Euthanasia Capsule", the research and development of each device and machine must be good or bad, not to mention that this is a device related to "euthanasia", it will definitely be related to ethical issues. Therefore, I would like to first propose some shortcomings of this suicide capsule, as well as discuss the moral and ethical issues.

First of all, some people say that the design of the euthanasia capsule allows the deceased to stay alone in the cabin before dying, and he cannot see his family at the last moment before dying. This is a pity, and it may appear very lonely. Well, maybe that's true. Even if the hatch is designed to be transparent, many people may wish to have actual "contact" with the people closest to them before dying! ?

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/5221698/

Then again, it may be a good thing that it seems to help people self-terminate and euthanasia, but is it possible that it can become a tool for crime? Or maybe someone wants to "fraud insurance money" through this device? As for the issue of crime, I don't think you need to worry so much. After all, if you really want to commit a crime, you can use anything. As for the issue of fraudulent insurance money, I think it can be avoided very well. After all, when introducing euthanasia capsules It was also said that before committing suicide, the consent form must be transferred, and it is not that you can die if you want to die.

Then there is the question, some critics say that " this is just a glorified gas chamber " , or is it possible to lead to "suicide parody"? What is suicide parody? To put it simply, when TV news and the Internet spread news and information about suicide, and many people who have the same thoughts or are easily influenced, it is possible to carry out this matter. I personally think it is possible.

Finally, we have to discuss the question of morality. Taiwan still has not passed the euthanasia bill in 2022, but Switzerland has already developed such a "euthanasia capsule". Why? I think this is closely related to education, culture, and thinking from childhood to adulthood. After all, Chinese culture always preaches that "longevity" is a blessing, a symbol of beauty, and a truth, isn't it? Although thoughts and values are slowly changing, do many people still think that "death" is a bad thing, something to be avoided, and a taboo that cannot be discussed?

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/116909/

But is this really the case? Death is a bad thing, shouldn't it be talked about? Let me give an example. Suppose there is a person who has a very miserable life and lives in pain every day. Would you want to say something like "Bless you with a long life"? If you wish you could live a hundred years, maybe it's because your life is not bad and you think it's worth living; but for those who live a bad life every day, it's not a good thing to live at all, to her It is said that life has no value and meaning. But you wished him a long life at this time, which is not the same as wishing him to continue to suffer, but you are cursing him at all!

Maybe the above example is not good, but what I want to say is very simple, living is not the only truth, death is not that scary, our fear comes from not understanding, so it is the unknown, not understanding that causes fear, But not death itself.

Of course, I have said so much. With my little power, if I want to change what is an "impossible task" in a short time, I must continue to change it with time.

🙋 I want to be euthanized, is it possible?

According to the information I have checked, this euthanasia device has submitted an application to the government at the end of 2021, and is expected to be launched in Switzerland in early 2022. However, I haven't heard the news of the official listing. Maybe I really didn't find it, or it really hasn't been listed yet. After all, the concept of "euthanasia device" is not only not particularly open to the public, but there are also many more. The moral and ethical issues remain to be explored.

And the question is, if this device is really officially listed, can foreigners use it? I think I have already explained this problem in the first half of the article. Before euthanasia, you must pass the review. That is to say, from the current point of view, you must have severe depression, terminal cancer, etc. A series of very serious and extremely difficult Only cured diseases can be used. If you want everyone to use it as you want, I think it is impossible for the time being, and you have to keep moving forward, and I also said that there are still many issues to be discussed.

I think, even if you really have major depression and terminal cancer, it may still be difficult to use this device. how to say? Switzerland is already a very advanced country in euthanasia, but even Switzerland has not easily passed the legalization of the device, let alone other countries. Not only that, many countries are involved, I think there is another layer of concern in the law, it is not simple.

But I believe time will tell everything, if you know a Taiwanese anchor Fu Daren, then I believe you are no stranger to the following videos. I believe that in the near future, this device can really help a lot of people.

👊 You decide your own life!

I think the design and installation of the "euthanasia capsule" are very good. Many people will say "if you want to die, don't affect others." Regardless of whether this sentence is very unsympathetic, I think no one is walking halfway. Would you like to be depressed from the sky by a sudden person, and then you have to be sent to the hospital, and even your life will be in danger? Therefore, the design of the suicide capsule can completely eliminate such problems, and no one will "directly" affect the lives of others because they want to commit suicide.

There will also be no more tenants committing suicide in the house, causing the house to become a haunted house. At the same time, I think the disposal of the corpse can save a lot of time.

Everyone's life should be respected, so "do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself", I think it is very correct to want to die without harming others. And your own life should also be respected. Humans never agreed to be born before they were born, right? Or maybe there is, but we don’t know this at all, can it be said that the “I” in the real world now agrees? Therefore, our own life should be respected, and we may not be able to decide whether to give birth or not, but shouldn't even a person's right to die be taken away?

Of course, this euthanasia capsule does not seem to be officially listed in Switzerland at present. Even if it is actually listed, it may not be said that it can be used as desired, or even foreigners can buy it for use. And don't forget, we have to face the biggest problem of "social perception, morality and ethics"! Things are never as simple as imagined, always difficult.

Image source: Pexels https://www.pexels.com/zh-tw/photo/247314/

In any case, I am still very optimistic about this euthanasia capsule, even if the current laws, systems, and even social perceptions may not be so advanced, or the values are just unacceptable. But to me, everyone should have the right to decide their own death as long as no one is hurt. I hope that in the near future, this euthanasia capsule will be officially launched in Switzerland, helping many people suffering from diseases.

I don't know what you think about this matter, welcome to discuss in the message area below.

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