Reading to see life | "When I leave, as I like" selection, echoes and experiences

A selection of life quotes from soul actor Shu Xilin. The so-called happiness is not "always there", but "discovered by yourself".

The Japanese personality haiku is the soul actor of Hirokazu Kore-eda, and 120 life quotes

The so-called happiness is not "always there", but " discovered by yourself ".
Selection, Echoes and Experiences of "When I Leave, As I Like" / Book Cover Remake / Source: Chen Wen

The book cover photo is based on the concept of Ophelia (a noblewoman in Shakespeare's Hamlet) by the British painter John Everett Millais, with the ad slogan " Let me die the way I like it ", which caused widespread repercussions.

Chapter 1: Life – about life and happiness


I don't want to be happy, but to have fun. Happiness is objective, and it is interesting to be involved in it. If you don't find it interesting in life, it's hard to go on.
Please accept all things with a funny eye and live happily. Don't try too hard, but don't be too passive either.

The secret of tree Xilin's values not to be taken away by others is "self-reliance", emphasizing that what you want to do and how to do, you have to think with your own head first, and then do it yourself. Ordinary daily life, if you can try to enjoy and ponder, you can find happiness in it.


If you fail, start where you failed. Do not think too much.

What Ms. Tree was thinking when she talked about tailoring kimonos on a TV show.

I'm a little hesitant about this paragraph because I used to think it's permissible to "cut and retrain" things in life like a game. After careful consideration, there is no chance for life to start over, not even the event itself. After all, the time and space in which we live is constantly moving forward, and life is constantly decreasing. As Trees Schilling thinks: there is no time to start all over again.


When we take it for granted that we don't think, we take it for granted that we no longer grow.

In her conversation with the children's literature writer Kenjiro Haitani, she mentioned that she can do things without leaving others' hands. Also mentioned in the book: Never teach children to take things for granted.

I think, in addition to wanting children to be curious about everything in the world and build critical thinking, there is also gratitude to others for their hard work and dedication.


Humans are the kind of creatures that will plant apple trees today even if the earth will be destroyed tomorrow. Let's live with this idea together.

Tree Xilin's desireless and plain values are full of hope and a positive, positive and kind attitude at the same time.

Chapter 2: Sickness - About Cancer and Sickness


Being sick is also good. Even if you win an award, it will not attract jealousy; if you make a slip of the tongue, no one will blame you; gradually lose the strength to quarrel and become very humble.

After the cancer cells were metastasized, Shilin Shulin began to receive radiation therapy. Due to the long course of treatment, she once suggested to the doctor to shorten the total number of hours. "It's okay to burn a little."

I would like to popularize science. The duration of a single course of radiation therapy is usually ten minutes, and the frequency and intensity are fixed. Deliberately reducing the number of times will not be effective.

If Ms. Tree has medical knowledge in this area and has some psychological support, the chances of completing the treatment more effectively may be higher.


After I got cancer, I started sorting out. After filming a play, the script is thrown away; clothes and cutlery are also thrown away a day. The life of subtraction is really refreshing.

A few years ago, the concept of "breaking, discarding, and leaving" in home storage and organization was extended to subtractive living. In addition to summarizing and discarding the items in the living space, thoughts, interpersonal relationships, and relationships are gradually moving towards simplicity in the collective values.

Chapter 3: Oldness—On Old Age and Maturity

Getting older is definitely a fun thing. Things that I took for granted when I was young are gradually becoming impossible, but I don't think this is unfortunate, but I find it interesting.

Tree and actor Bessuo Tetsuya said in a conversation. Without an agent or a stylist, she believes that if she can't handle business by herself in the future, she will retire directly! (This is also the clarity and preparation mentioned in the next chapter.)

Selections, Echoes and Experiences of "When I Leave, As I Like" / Postcard from the movie "Sea よ り も ま だ だ く"

Chapter 4: People - About People and the World

If I want to do what I want to do, I think first of all I have to get out, look down on myself from a height, understand my character, recognize what kind of person I am, and then prepare for everything.

She thinks that her personality is not good, and sooner or later she will offend her contacts, so the way forward for herself is to collect rent as a landlord, have money to eat, and live a good life.

Even if you have no money, no status, and no reputation, and others see it as an inconspicuous and boring life, but I feel that I can do what I really like and feel happy, and that kind of life will shine brightly.

When their goals and ideal happiness are not in line with everything in front of them, people will inevitably have the emotion of "it shouldn't be like this". At this time, you need to think about whether the goal is your own expectations or the values of society, or is it just to compete with whom? Think carefully, look straight into the heart!

Chapter 5: Stumbling - About Husband and Wife

Being with someone is a necessary condition for a person to mature.

In the tree's life, there have been two marriages, and after remarrying with rock musician Uchida Yuya, they have been separated for more than 40 years. She said: "I will look at some kind of calculation with Uchida, in order to make myself more mature."

This episode is really interesting and confusing. It seems that no matter how close she is to her lover and husband, she is still a very independent individual, living her own more mature life.

Chapter 6: Home – About Family and Raising Children

There is no "must be" rule among families.

Every family has its own way of life and upbringing, and there is no absolute right or wrong.

Shu Xilin mentioned that when the cake is on the table, she will be the first to reach for it, instead of deliberately giving the children the opportunity to choose first, because she believes that the reality and cruelty of society can be passed on to future generations in the family, and face it early. is good.

I don't fully agree, but every family has a consensus, and a benign relationship is a good thing.

Chapter 7: Duties - About Work and Responsibilities

If you happen to be doing something you like, and you can rely on it to make a living, you are worthy of great gratitude. However, it would be arrogant to imagine that "relying on interest to eat" from the very beginning.

Shu Xilin agrees with the painter Qiuye Buju's statement that "it is arrogant to want to rely on interest to eat", because people in the world are often unable to help themselves in order to survive.

Chapter 8: Death - about life and death


That feeling is not "when will you die", but "anytime you will die".
When I was young, death was not the norm; now I feel very real that I am on the side of death.

When she was old, Shu Xilin thought that her body was borrowed, she just lodged her soul with character in it, and when she died, she just returned the body. After suffering from cancer, her outlook on life changed from "you will die sooner or later" to "you will die at any time".

In fact, the impermanence of life can be seen everywhere in medical treatment, news, and society.

I think that maybe living to the fullest, without regrets, and with a clear mind will make all departures more comfortable.


My ideal is to live beautifully until the last moment. Existence itself is for wanting to be the kind of person who can hold their breath in admiration when they look at you, not for those tangible things, but for the measure of the heart .
"When I Leave, As I Like" Selections, Echoes and Experiences / Physical Book Commemorative Paper Tape / Source: Chen Wen

laugh at life

Shu Xilin passed away on September 15, 2018. She met her indirectly through books, movies, and interviews.

I think that Ms. Tree's life is to constantly understand the world, establish a outlook on life, and grow independently and freely. There are not too many emotional waves, no stubbornness or persistence, and no spiritual ups and downs, showing a clear and transparent indifference.

In the process of reading, I imagined her sitting on a rocking chair, narrating her simple, pure and beautiful life story, and I was sincerely grateful. I believe that no matter where she is now, she is just as happy and happy!

My other pages: Fanggezi / Potato Media / Facebook / Chen Wen's life / Write as much as you like


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