[Life Sharing][Life Insurance Business] Work Experience-§Part II

The last article has briefly described the insurance industry that I know. This article will further analyze whether to choose the insurance salesman industry. I hope my short article can help you just so well.

◆Is the insurance business easy to do?
To answer this question, we must first confirm 2 factors
1. Personality Traits
2. Time environment <br class="smart">First, let’s discuss what kind of personality traits are suitable for selling insurance. Outgoing, lively, and good-natured should be a common image in everyone’s mind, but I saw many in the insurance circle at that time. The successful old business actually gives people a simple and simple feeling, so there is no absolute. But the simplicity of the business at the same time as me is absolutely impossible to survive. The key lies in the time and environment . If you are like me at the time, you are 25 years old and ready to start selling insurance. Family members in the first sales circle, friends in the second sales circle, and referrals in the third sales circle. If your family is willing to support you, you can probably maintain it. 2~6 months of income, the problem of entering the circle of friends comes. At the age of 25, your friends are all as young. At the beginning of making money, you have no savings and no insurance concept, and everyone’s friends and friends are similar. Classmates and friends simply enter. Before the introduction stage, it is very difficult to survive in such a time environment. Maybe the suit army will teach you not to worry about doing unfamiliar development . Really don’t listen to them. The insurance industry practitioners in Taiwan are full-time + part-time jobs. There are millions of people, and there may be less than one customer that an insurance salesman can directly develop and develop in his lifetime.

Therefore, the focus of the time environment is the network. It does not mean that you have a lot of friends and you are called a network, but the right person at the right time is an effective network. If your personality traits are suitable for the business, the survival rate will be higher, but for young people coming It is generally unfavorable to say that the time environment is a factor.

◆Do I recommend insurance?
I don't recommend it. There are many disadvantages for young people to work in the insurance industry. Let me tell you why I left the insurance industry. When I visited a client, I saw the manager of the office (the top executive of the office) bowing to the client for an accident insurance. Not what I want. They are already the top executives over fifty years old, and they still have to sell in a low voice. I don't mean to say that this is wrong, that this is disrespectful, that this is humiliating, but that this is not what I want to plan. But if I miss my precious golden career learning period along the way down this road it will be hard to go back. There are more reasons why I don't recommend

1. Take credit as a bet. After entering the insurance industry, the suit army will teach various sales techniques. A love card for guaranteeing a single life is also one of the mental techniques. They will require a carpet-like search and classification of your relatives and friends, unless The credit between relatives and friends is as light as a feather, otherwise don't use this card casually, but it is difficult to avoid it, because the first layer of sales circle mentioned above is how relatives and friends can't play emotional cards. These things also cause me some regrets.

2. Wrong income concept The insurance commission mentioned in the previous article is really profitable. The monthly new single income plus the renewal premiums, for a newcomer in society, the money is quite fast, unless your growth is still good. They have learned that making money is not easy to cherish, otherwise, it is easy to have the illusion that money is easy to earn. Some people even take the earned income and buy insurance policies by themselves (in order to meet the performance standards) to increase their turnover and enter a death spiral.

3. Disconnection from society In this circle, every day is to think about where the insurance policy comes from, and take a bunch of sales courses (which may be mistaken for useful financial courses at the moment), driven by various pressures, you may not consider other things. Work. But if one day you have to leave or you want to leave, where can you go? Most of the options I have seen are direct sales, colleges, credit card sales, and at first glance it doesn't seem to be bad , but if you think about it carefully, it seems that you are still spinning around in this kind of business work, because although you have been stereotyped in the insurance business environment in just a few months to a few years, you will not go to study a second specialty or a second language, because You don't need it at all. Every circle of your dating community is superficially pushing you to make a deal quickly, which is very unnatural and very scary.

The conclusion is not that the insurance salesman is not good, but it is not recommended that new people in the society take up this job so quickly. You can first work in the grass-roots job. After you have some social experience, you can look at this job later. Your thinking may be completely different. . And I can fully agree with insurance, insurance business, and insurance marketing. By the way, the insurance business, MLM, and delivery people all over the street are actually not very healthy social structures. It is worth thinking about carefully. I hope my short article can help you so well.


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