Do not lose this life #00 | First taste | Want to buy Apple Pencil

How can I use the assets of cryptocurrency to generate enough income to buy an Apple pencil without killing the chicken and taking the egg? This is my plan~

don't kill chickens

The elders recently eliminated a 9.7-inch iPad. Although I already have an iPad Pro and it is equipped with the second generation of Apple Pencil, this 9.7-inch iPad can only be equipped with the first generation of Apple Pencil 🤐. In other words, if I want to use this Pad as a drawing tool, I have to buy a [generation] pen!

The official website price is 3090 NT, which is about 109 US dollars. This ~~~~ is a bit overwhelmed 🙄

I was looking for a way to get this Pencil in a way that would allow my existing capital to work for me without losing my capital. To put it bluntly, it is to raise a golden chicken and only use the golden eggs it lays without slaughtering the chicken.

To put it more vernacularly, it is to take eggs, not to kill chickens .

The next question is,

Where is the chicken? Where would it be better to put it? How to get the eggs that are born?

Osmosis Chicken Coop

Chicken is the capital. I have to find a way to earn the capital, so it is basically the assets that I transferred from the physical world to the blockchain before. When there are chickens, there must be a chicken coop that can frame the chicken and raise him.

In fact, there are many DeFi tools that can achieve the function of raising chickens. The tool Osmosis, which is in use recently, I think the income is not bad, and it can be used as a test. There are already many articles written on Matt City, so I won't repeat them.

I also wrote an article a while ago. If you are interested, please refer to Hands-on | Crypto Investment Tools | Osmosis Yield Pool . Later, I gradually moved my assets on the Terra chain, that is, the chickens (funds) I raised on the Terra chain were replaced by Osmosis, and they were driven into the cage of Osmosis' UST/OSMO to raise them. My golden rooster!

The initial principal is 2,118 USD equivalent.

The price of Osmosis today is 9.78. Every day at 12 o'clock, the income is transferred to the wallet . Since I invest in UST/OSMO, I can hear the sound of OSMO coins rolling into my wallet at 12 o'clock every night (Imagine it! how could there be a sound)

CRO/Wirex Egg Picker

The earned OSMO coins cannot be used directly on the Apple store, so an egg fetcher is needed to take out the OSMO eggs generated from the UST/OSMO pool for use.

The first thing that comes to mind is the CRO card, followed by the Wirex card, both of which can bridge the cryptocurrency world and the real world.

CRO card, I have the experience of using the description in this article on investment in cryptocurrency - connecting with life . At that time, what I shared was that I used the currency that I have stored in for a long time (three or four years) , and I used the CRO credit card to go to the blog to buy books. experience of. The CRO card should be the first choice, because CRO and Osmosis belong to the COSMOS ecosystem. After you can exchange (SWAP) OSMO into CRO, you can transfer the money back to the CRO card, and store the value in the credit card for consumption. The process is relatively simple.

Welcome to use the CRO card referral link application ( )

Wirex is a card I recently tested, and it can also be used for cryptocurrency spending, but since it uses an EVM capatible blockchain, if I use Osmosis as my chicken The cage, the eggs that are born, have to be transformed through layers, such as

OSMO - swap -> UST -> cross-chain - swap -> Polygon -> Wirex wallet, it feels a bit complicated, and there is a cost for each conversion. So I still choose CRO card as my egg picker first.

Wirex is just another chicken coop . There is a 16% return on depositing US dollars, which is not without a small supplement! Now use my referral link to apply and you can get wirex to provide 15 US dollars, don't take it for nothing! 😋

Welcome to the Wirex Card Application Link
( )

Chicken (capital) + chicken cage (UST/OSMO flow pool) → raw eggs (OSMO coins) → golden eggs (CRO card)

Everything is ready, only time is left, we will continue in half a month😎

Source of cover and text images:


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