Adlerian, Jungian, and Fromm psychology: why contemporary society values revisiting


Adlerian psychology, Jungian psychology and Fromm psychology were all discussed after World War II. What are the similarities and differences among the three, and why are they re-emphasized to contemporary people?

After World War II, human beings are faced with the unresolved scars of World War I and the devastating war of World War II, while European rationalism and optimism (civilization, Christian values, human nature towards goodness, scientific trust due to the doubts about the invention of the atomic bomb) Breakdown, trying to find both the breakdown and symptoms of the human mind as a whole.

Adler Psychology: Inferiority and Social Interests

The standpoint of Adler's psychology is that people's inferiority complex and sense of powerlessness about body organs become human's character and life development, and social orientation is the driving force.

Each person is unique and irreplaceable, and the life-form governs the performance of the person, the self-perception (and its changes) of the conception of himself and his environment, which determines his behavior. Those problems faced by the individual can only be communicated through society, that is, he pointed out that the social interests (social awareness) of people can be solved through cooperation between people, and only in this way can people develop their inner potential and awaken children's creativity. potential, which was greatly influenced by Nietzsche.

As long as people recognize that they are part of a group society, with the cultivation of social interests, the sense of inferiority and alienation will gradually disappear. Caring for others and mutual respect strengthens one's social interest, and makes the collective play a positive role in human nature. However, Adler defines homosexuality as a "failed way of life" in society. Homosexuality is the result of not being able to transcend inferiority complex, which is certainly debatable and criticized in contemporary times. Adler's psychology and treatment orientation is very deep, by no means popular psychology, treatment process, techniques, paper citations, and comparison with other schools of psychology and neuropsychology, it is a very strict school.

Unfortunately, the commercial society is accustomed to popularizing things, but everyone thinks that a few books can replace the entire school of scientific research. During his life, he kept writing, but he did not establish a systematic system in the experiments of the scientific method, which only later appeared in the school of psychologists who were chasing him. He influenced later Rawls, cognitive rational behavior therapy school and structural therapy school. In the United States, because of the rise of the new school, not many people continued his systematic research on psychology. On the contrary, many people started to study him in Gulie.

After that, his works were sold in the United States, which indirectly influenced Japan, and Japan liked this kind of popular psychology, so he simplified and published his works.

Jung: the collective unconscious

Jung believed that there is a superconsciousness outside the phenomenon, that is, in the universal mind, human beings have some psychological universals of primitive human beings, such as the collective subconscious, the common symbol of human beings regardless of region and culture: the female in the subconscious of the man, the subconscious of the woman The masculine character in the subconscious, the subconscious opposite of the ego (the shadow side), the core nature of the person. The prototype image is the entire content of the object's mind, and people may not be able to perceive it, but the original psychological state of people will be revealed unexpectedly, and people are born with a tendency to form certain images. However, people will be affected by the environment, even if a person has A masculine character that tends to be subconscious in women, but with communication, social ethos and personal experiences are bound to be different. Personally, such a classification is rather arbitrary, and the human mind should be more complex and multi-level. The above classification is only a general hypothesis after comparing the religions, myths, legends, fairy tales, and dreams of Eastern and Western human beings. Jung believed that the mind has four levels:

1. Personal consciousness, or daily awareness;

2. The personal unconscious, which is unique to the individual mind but cannot be detected;

3. The objective psyche, or collective subconscious, which is obviously a ubiquitous structure of the human mind;

4. The external world of collective consciousness, a cultural world with common values and forms.

Human consciousness can transcend physical limitations and form a larger collective subconscious, which is somewhat similar to the form of God. However, people's introspection and communication with inner symbols (the above four symbols) and introspection (he said the methods include talk therapy and meditation) have not been able to develop a positive, balanced and healthy self/individuality, and then develop character and human nature. temperament.

The temperament of people is mentioned in the psychology types, and people more or less belong to two kinds of personalities: "introverted" and "extroverted". Introverts like to be alone, reflective, and thoughtful. And love to participate in activities and care about the feelings of others. Some people think that this psychological system is very suitable for constructing characters and story forms in literary works. Jung believed that individualization is an innate force. People tend to create specificity that is different from others.

Joseph Campbell's mythology extends Jung's individuation. Campbell and his followers listed twelve outlines, pointing out that the story of life can be unified as an important step in human evolution, and make people think more deeply, through the human archetype and its opposite, the tug of shadow. , accumulate wisdom, pass it on to people's collective consciousness and subconsciousness, and form further civilization and insight. The twelve steps of its human story are:

1. Ordinary world; (individual existence)

2. The call of adventure; (entering the collective subconscious)

3. Refuse to call; (for the refusal of the archetype, this name is called the dark side, which is formed because of people's past injuries, that is, the personality opposite to the self in the subconscious)

4. Meet the master; (female character in men's subconscious, masculine character in women's subconscious)

5. Cross the first threshold; (individualization brought by society)

6. Trials, allies, enemies; (the enemy in the trial is the personality opposite to the self in the subconscious, and the allies are the reflection of the collective consciousness encountered in the individuation)

7. Enter the deepest part of the cave

8. Suffering and torture; (forced to face the subconscious self-opposite personality and past injuries, and try to eliminate them)

9. Reward; (insight and recognition of the fundamental archetype of the self)

10. The road to return; (self-individual self-confidence)

11. Recovery; (self-individual affirmation)

12. Return with the elixir (fullness of self-integration)

Fromm: "Psychoanalysis of the Whole Society"

Fromm went on to develop a "psychoanalysis of society as a whole". He believed that because of human obedience to paternal authority and dependence on maternal care, people could not be independent, develop positive feelings for others and complete love. He pointed out that, In the process of developing the city, the alienation from nature leads to guilt and shame. It is also due to the division between people and the social division of labor (including the breakdown of extended families into nuclear families), and people need to rebuild. Taili's creativity, love and rationality can eliminate the damage of society's separation of human relationships.

He believes that capitalist society is pathological, full of injustice, irrationality, and incompatible with the scale of human nature. He pointed out that people have five needs: people belong to each other, transcend the limitations of material conditions, realize the intimate integration with others, society and nature, integrate and reflect on one's own personality, seek life direction and social orientation, and feel at ease. He discussed that in capitalism people tend to accept others, exploit others for self-enrichment, hoard what they need and do not need. In addition, he proposed the social subconscious, which means that when civilization progresses, the ruler exploits the majority, and the exploited have an unreasonable sense of struggle, and the ruler knows and wants to minimize these oppressive actions. , the rulers created the repressive mechanism of "social filtering" to remove oppressive actions, which includes language control that makes it difficult for others to express the most profound feelings. This filtering logic through school education refers to the cognitive system established by social experience. For example, psychological counselors or social workers point out that positive psychology is the rational attitude that people/citizens should have, or the logical social taboo (the most important one) that social propaganda pressure can be transformed into motivation (the most important), in society, some people are excluded. Thoughts and feelings, so that they cannot be thought, felt and expressed, such as authoritarians cannot deny the authority of the regime and leaders, in the United States, if others are imperialists, they will be detected and bounced back, in Islamic countries non-Islamic / believers Men who read the book realize that it is necessary to have a family distance when interacting with Muslim women.

The inheritance of three kinds of psychology

Adlerian psychology, Jungian psychology and Fromm psychology are all derived from Freud's psychoanalytic theory and Freud was indeed influenced by Nietzsche and Shakespeare's works, Jean-Martin Chacoe on neuroscience It was Freud's teacher, who influenced Adler's psychology for cognitive psychology and neuroscience for the theory that people can change their lifestyle/socioeconomic composition to eliminate psychological problems. However, strictly speaking, Adler eventually developed a very different orientation from Freud, and Jung inherited the subconscious but mystified it, but its inheritance and influence on the subconscious do exist. Fromm's focus is on the socio-economic composition, but he believes that in addition to the transformation, it is necessary to rebuild the harmonious relationship with nature and between people before urbanization/capitalization, and the collective resistance of people in capitalism tendencies and repressive mechanisms of rulers to build a human society that understands love and creativity.

It is worth mentioning that they developed their own explanations and methods of why the collective/society had such a biased mental state during World War I and World War II. For example, Adler was a democratic socialist, Fromm opposed capitalism and suggested the establishment of socialism, while Jung suggested that human beings should establish spiritual introspection, such as the spiritual life community of Buddhism/philosophical Taoism/philosophy.


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