Global GDP to exceed $100 trillion for the first time in 2022


The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) in London, UK, predicts that global GDP will exceed US$100 trillion for the first time in 2022, two years earlier than earlier forecasts.

CEBR vice-chairman Douglas McWilliams said the important question in the 2020s is how the global economy will respond to inflation, and if the problem cannot be brought under control using relatively modest adjustments, the world will need to prepare for 2023 or 2024. prepare for a recession.

In addition, climate change will reduce consumer spending by an average of $2 trillion per year by the end of 2036, as businesses will pass on the cost of decarbonization investments.


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品正隨筆財經傳媒三十年老兵, 歷任香港經濟一週社長/道瓊斯中國地區總編輯, 在香港成長, 在內地創業, 在美國上市, 曾旅居英國, 但最愛在台灣流連,
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