Life motto - put aside prejudice and believe in yourself.

Prejudice doesn't have to hurt you badly, but it can silently keep you from accepting what you really think.

Let go of prejudice and believe in your infinite potential.

We are accustomed to seeing things around us with prejudice, and we gradually get used to only caring about other people's opinions, how others view my choices, how they comment on my life direction... and so on. Over time, you become to give up thinking and discard your ability to judge things.

Prejudice doesn't necessarily hurt you badly, but it can silently keep you from accepting your true thoughts, and inadvertently miss some stages of life that may be suitable for you.

Don't let the prejudice of others kidnap your ego. Sometimes there are negative opinions of others about things themselves, but if you think it's right, go for it! After your judgment, if it makes sense to you, do it.

Tesla Elon Musk was unsuccessful many years ago, and probably very few people know about Musk.

When he founded the aerospace technology company SpaceX and implemented the electric car Tesla project, he also encountered criticism from others. However, when he successfully developed a Tesla electric car, successfully launched a rocket and became the richest man in the world, he once said, I didn't have time to listen to what others thought of my choice, I only knew that I was doing the right thing , when I know it's the right thing to do, I just try to do it and get it done.

He changed the prejudice and negative impression of electric vehicles in the outside world.

Here is another success story I want to share with you:

Ms. Yan Yujin is a disabled person with cerebral palsy , and is also a sales master of Atomy's global daily necessities online shopping company. He has won the President's Education Award and is a member of the 2017 Christian Mission to the Philippines Overseas.

She has experienced many twists and turns in her life. Although she has severe cerebral palsy, her speech is unclear, and her limbs cannot move freely like a normal person, but she has thoughts and ideas, and her intelligence is not inferior to ordinary people. Brain numb, no one is willing to give her a job opportunity.

When she first joined Atomy, she also heard people's prejudice against direct selling, but she believed in her potential, and today she has succeeded.

She spoke at Atomy's success sharing session:

Being able to join Atomy is the luckiest thing in my life. Originally, my mother was not optimistic. Later, I used time and actions to prove that I never thought that I could create income through Atomy and my own ability. She thanked the Chairman of Atomy for helping us turn our lives around.
I never thought that I would be able to complete the master's degree. If the family environment allows us to challenge different things, we should not underestimate ourselves. Sometimes people's potential is unexpected even for themselves, but they are so full and active.
Encourage sharing of your achievements with love.
Self-reliance is more helpful.
Raising children in need overseas.
Help stray and mutilated dogs heal them and give them a warm home.
At Atomy, I succeeded! There is no complaint in life, only action and effort. I can do it, you can do it too. If you don't try it, how will you know if you can do it!

Seeing here there is really no reason to be pessimistic or complain about life anymore. Sales master-Yan Yujin's special situation does not affect her combat effectiveness in life. Her extraordinary life and success and glory are a model for everyone.

Atomy is a good business that helps consumers succeed. No matter you are young, old, physically or mentally handicapped or someone who thinks you have little ability to work...etc, as long as you are willing to give yourself a chance, you can join Atomy to realize your dream of passive income and financial freedom.

👉Yan Yujin-Atomy Success Story

👉One more home work income - Atomy

@ Shooter Mommy Tingting shared a great passage: A lot of things don't require hard work and you can see results immediately, but every step of your hard work is not meaningless, and you will always be rewarded at the right time. Just need to be patient and keep putting in the effort.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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