Guided tour of "Astral Realm" (Part 1) - the world inhabited by all spirits (underworld, spiritual realm)

Each of us has access to the astral realm. Who are the spirits living in the astral world? What should we pay attention to?

astral world

The misunderstanding of the astral world (or the underworld and the astral world) is the most of any conceivable occult theme. In this article, we're going to clear up these misconceptions and answer some of the confusions faced by sincere seekers. These people want facts, not psychic speculation and fantasies. Channelers lack training in the occult sciences, so they only partially understand what they see and experience when they travel the astral plane.

In fact, many more seekers don't want to hear the truth at all, preferring the colorful fantasies that pour out of articles and forums and spread online like poisonous weeds. Some popular websites, for example, are popular for describing the situations and inhabitants of the various layers of the astral plane.

Yet they twisted it beyond recognition by removing the parts they didn't understand and grafting in their own ignorant guesswork. The description below for the lowest level of the astral plane is a typical example, and we excerpt some paragraphs as follows:

"The lowest layer of the astral plane is called Avichi, the inhabitants there call it hell, and the astral body there is composed of the same layer of dense matter. Why is there their hell? Because the inhabitants there do not have the flesh to satisfy their appetites. 』

Just think, if the inhabitants of this layer have a body made of "dense matter", they should be able to "satisfy their appetite" through it like we do on Earth. Anyone with common sense should be able to judge this. Yet it is clear that the sensationalist author seems to have left it behind; or, we strongly suspect, that they do not even have this common sense!

Many contradictory descriptions about the astral world also originated from this. Many people believe that the astral world is very similar to life on Earth, and that everyone can conjure anything, such as scenes from heaven, with just fantasies. This concept originated with some psychics and is now adopted and adapted without thinking by many in the New Age movement and its various factions. Thus, one would hear Americans say that the astral world is a happy hunting ground for Native Americans, with herds of buffaloes and no treacherous white-faced clowns to spoil it all; or that the Eskimos say that the astral world is a man's paradise in The belly of a whale, made of blubber, is very warm. Various versions of the astral world have been produced. Of course every race and age has its own idea of heaven, and indeed these astral regions are filled with all the happiness and fulfillment that cannot be found on earth; it is what each individual desires and deems the most ideal. created by the situation.

The various beliefs and visions of these heavens do contain facts; but there are still parts that are not entirely correct, as we shall see later. On the other hand, the astral world is also home to elves, such as fairies, goblins, and water elves that we might read about in occult books, as well as many other not-so-lovely spirits; and by some means we can travel to the area where they live. The Greek philosopher Proclus called these spirits demons because many of them were indeed demonic. Contact with these spirits is very dangerous without adequate preparation and self-protection. You can read from Howard Storm's near-death experience (NDE) that he encountered some of these low-level elves when he "died" during an operation.

"I was held close by a group of malicious and brutal people, and I was forced to go into the unknown darkness.... Some of them started pushing me and my first reaction was to fight them back. The move elicited a frenzy of jeering, screaming, and beatings like carnival. I can only fight back like a wild beast. Obviously, they were having a good time. To them, it just seemed like a game, and I was the center of their entire entertainment. My pain becomes their joy. They seem to want to hurt me by grabbing and biting me. 』

This is the astral realm that some foolish seekers want to "project", wrongly thinking (perhaps "fantasy" is a better word) that this will be "interesting" and "exciting" in their ordinary lives 's pastime. As you are reading this, if you have ever had the desire to project into the astral plane, let Howard Storm's experience above warn you not to get involved in situations beyond your control and your understanding. And what the spirits living in the higher areas of the astral world look like, you can also read in his book, which is very worth reading. We ourselves have seen similar things and beings in the astral world, so we know from personal experience that his account is honest and very true. In particular, the author Howard Stowe was not religious at the time, which greatly increased its credibility. That's one of the reasons we cite it.

inhabitants of the astral world

There are three different types of spirits in the astral world: "undead", "human spirits" and "spirits". The first is the so-called "undead". The undead are human beings who once lived on earth, and the husks or shadows produced after death. They are the shrewdest and the most cunning. The dead are the remnants of man. These people have rejected all spiritual light and have been mired in the material quagmire and died so that the higher self, or the immortal self, needs to slowly separate from the sinful character that exists on earth. Fortunately, these poor creatures only last in undead form for a short time after their physical death; as the undead form gradually disintegrates, they will gradually lose all consciousness of their former character. When a person's character on earth is purer, the vitality of the undead form produced will be weaker; on the contrary, when a person lives more crudely, the undead form will survive for a longer time, and the greater the chance to enter the "descendant" the chamber of God" or the head of a psychic.

As we saw above, there is no real benefit to any contact with these spirits. Even if they are not really evil, they are imperfect and weak; their influence on us can never lift us up. Furthermore, it is a very serious mistake to continue to stimulate the undead's body to make it active, or to feed them with the essence of human life, so that they continue to invent their own existence. This is what we often hear now as "guiding spirits" or "guardian spirits." They spread ethereal dreams and speculations that are, in fact, nothing more than medieval succubus and monsters in modern clothes. If we critically examine messages from so-called external "guides", we find that in almost all cases they are unlikely to say things that the psychic can't imagine in his own head. Often the "messages" received are so banal and meaningless that they can shame even the youngest child. But since they are claimed to be from the "interstellar" or "spiritual world," they are devoured like nectar from heaven.

Years ago, we met a woman, an accomplished singer and famous "psychic medium" who "married" the "soul" of the great British author David Herbert Lawrence. We have absolutely no doubts that she had a completely "real" close relationship with the spirit who pretended to be the deceased writer. But we look behind the mask and find it's just a fake undead, and she - the poor woman - actually has to see it, but just doesn't want to expose it. Fortunately, she finally "overcame" her spiritual fascination with this star undead. Sadly, however, her obsession robs her of her talent, her health, her family, and finally her sanity at the same time. You might snicker in disbelief, but we assure you we're telling the truth.

Since channeling became popular in the 19th century, there have been thousands of good, pure and honest men and women just like her. If they hadn't cultivated this evil ability to come into contact with the undead, they might have lived a more useful life and moved toward higher wisdom. But because of the gradual and detrimental effects of these lower, earthly beings on them, they have gone from bad to worse. What a sad farce all this is! Worst of all, there are still millions of people who believe in this evil disguise of moving shadows and engage with it in modern times through witchcraft, wicca, "psychics" and other "new age" practices.

The second type of spiritual body in the astral world is the spiritual body of human beings themselves. The spiritual body of human beings may refer to the human astral body, that is, when the human body is asleep, the mind wanders in the astral world. Or referring to the higher self that humans wait for the next incarnation. These spirits have various degrees of evolution, as we see here on Earth: some are very intelligent, some are not so intelligent. Some people have a very low degree of evolution, and except for having a name, other behaviors are very similar to animals. Everyone lives in the area of the astral plane that they are most comfortable with. These highly evolved human spirits can be contacted; but only by elevating their own minds and ascending and attuned to the finer areas they inhabit. Rather than through a "seance room" or "psychic channel," this can at best be linked to the least evolved inhabitants of the Astral Plane; therefore, from such a link, meaningless information is often received.

The third type of spiritual body in the astral world is the purest "elf". They never evolved into human beings, but exist on different vibrational frequencies as natural spirits. Each sprite is limited to its corresponding element. The Roman theologian Tertullian called them "princes and forces of air". They have no physical body, but they are not immortal either; they only have the elemental astral form that is most closely related to them. Therefore, there are elemental spirits of air, fire, water, and earth, as well as flower spirits, tree spirits, and so on. They are a combination of sublimated matter and superficial thought. The lower elves usually act collectively and have little individuality, although the deva (Deva) who govern them are unique individuals of great power, compassion, and wisdom. None of these beings can be seen with ordinary physical eyes, but only with spiritual vision. If you want to know what they look like, we'll share them in a future article, or refer to Geoffrey Hodson's book.

In addition to the above, we have fairies, goblins, goblins, goblins, goblins, leprechauns, pixies, water elves, wind elves, fire salamanders, and a large number of other strange creatures, which cannot be listed here. enumerate. As Brewer-Leighton wrote in his mystery novel "Zanoni": "Some elves are of extraordinary wisdom, some of terrifying malice; some are as hostile to man as the devil, and some are like heaven and earth as gentle as the messenger.” As we said above, one needs inner spiritual vision to see the various inhabitants of the astral realm. But people who assert they don't exist are ridiculous because they can't see them simply because they don't have spiritual vision. However, having spiritual vision is not all blessing. This can be troubling and disturbing, especially when children have this gift that their parents are unable or unwilling to acknowledge and understand.

Spiritual Vision - Seeing the Astral Realm

A friend of ours with "spiritual vision" met a stranger who asked him for help. As they talked, the stranger's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a diabolical sheep man, glaring at our friend in the most horrific way possible. Later investigation of the stranger revealed that although he often begged for money, he lived in a gorgeous house in a wealthy area. And when he came to see our friend, he was almost in rags, and complained that he could not get enough food and clothing for three meals a day. So what did our friend see? Is it the stranger's ego? Or did his astral body become a demon? Or see an undead that controls a stranger's mind? We have no way of knowing. Because there are many explanations for this spiritual observation, and only a trained enlightened person can distinguish between these possibilities and draw correct and true conclusions.

Another time, our friend was walking in the park when he heard a speeding sound behind him. Looking around, he saw a group of plate-like figures circling around him in the moonlight. We know many occultists, though they are not so gifted with psychic vision; but as they wander alone in the country, they occasionally see a sudden flash of light from under a hedge, and a fleeting form, out of their astonished Fly in the eyes. Those who have seen it will know that this is a beauty that cannot be described in any language. Children often see such spirits, and some even become his "invisible" "playmates". This left their parents shocked and even angry because they didn't want their children to "see things that weren't there". As long as those poor parents realize that what they themselves see, hear, taste, touch, or feel in any way "doesn't exist", they can Those kids have learned something valuable.

We are never alone. Others we've spoken to have had very similar experiences; but it's everyone's right to believe these things or not. It is easy to develop this ability of spiritual vision. But this is not always recommended. In addition to the methods we've mentioned in other articles - and the ones taught in really great mystery schools, there are all sorts of other ways to do it. For example, using an esoteric method to emit some specific audio, so as to tune itself to a certain area of the astral plane. But we strongly advise you not to try any of these methods you read about, as they can lead to dire results if you use them the wrong way. These methods, also used in gatherings or ceremonies of dark groups in the East or the West, can cause spirits to appear without the person using them being aware of it. But for those of us on the bright path, these things hold no appeal to us. We do not wish to see these dark spirits in action at any time, or to follow their plans, other than to try just for verification. They have no power to hurt us as long as we don't adjust ourselves to be as evil as they are, or invite them to do these things.

At the same time, having knowledge is a good thing because it helps us, the inexperienced and careless seekers, to avoid the trap we fall into innocently. Many victims were captured by dark spirits in this way; but by the time they realized it was too late to escape the clutches of these black magicians.

As we study the astral realm, we also begin to realize who the spirits are so often found in stories of Eastern magic and miracles. Like Aladdin and his "god" lamp. These spirits do exist, but their use can lead to annihilation. No white magician would do that. Black and white cannot coexist. Speaking of which, we offer another hint on what karma is. Karma is "attunement" (adjustment to harmony) and nothing else. So you'll be well aware that if we "tune in" with these lantern spirits, elemental spirits, demons, and other not-so-pleasant astral inhabitants, and we deliberately conform ourselves to theirs, we'll find something like People with inclinations can also be attracted to affect us and our lives in the most suboptimal ways.

Next: Guided Tour of the "Astral World" (Part 2) - Astral Projection, Astral Light

Reference: “ Astral World ” All translations on this site are for personal use only. Please contact me if there were copyright issues and I will remove the posts.

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