A small conversation with a suspected employee of KK Park


Another telegram part-time job scam, when I cheated them back, I inadvertently had a deeper conversation with this employee.

I have posted articles before to share how to counteract these part-time job scams. To put it simply, they will do some simple tasks for you first, usually go to Instagram or other products, movie platforms to like, and after you like Give you wages, slowly lower your vigilance, and until a certain time, you will be told a task that requires you to pay in advance. After the advance payment, there will be greater rewards, but of course, the amount of advance payment will become more and more Large, and it will be done in combination. For example, you need to prepay 4 times at one time. You think that the first prepayment amount is not much and you can afford it, but the second and third prepayments may be too large for you to afford. But at this time, you have no turning back. One is to stop the task and get back the prepaid money, and the other is to prepay a huge amount and hope to really get the money back.

So I never do prepaid tasks, and use different methods to make them unable to find out that I did not do prepaid tasks, so as to earn more rewards for simple tasks. I actually made two thousand Hong Kong dollars in the sky.

Yesterday, I received a new scam, but this time the staff over there were very vigilant, and soon found that I did not do the prepaid task, and asked me if I didn’t want to do the prepaid task, so I just asked if I didn’t do it. Exit right? Then I wondered whether they were from KK Park, so I asked, "Will she be shocked if I don't do it?":

She actually said "Yes", that's why she asked me to do it, and I asked her if she was in Cambodia, and she replied with an ambiguous sentence: "Who knows?"! At this time, I believe that she is really from KK Park or a similar place. I took advantage of the situation and asked about their deceptive methods. See the screenshots for yourself:

In fact, I have always been curious about how many people would fall for this kind of deception, and I asked her directly, but at this time, maybe she was discovered or something, and she even said: "Don't ask so many questions, I really want to get a phone call." ?”

After saying this, she deleted all the above conversations!

At this time, I was also a little bit at a loss, would I get her electrocuted because of this? But in fact, I have no way to help her at all. When I shared the above information with another friend, I realized that he had done the same thing as me, and the other side also admitted that he was in Cambodia. My friend asked There is nothing to help her, she said to lend her 30,000, and said that 30,000 can kill a person over there, and 1,000,000 can save a person. She also said that as long as she finds the killer, she can save herself. No more reply to my friend.

After all the conversations were deleted, I didn't know what to do, so I had to cooperate with her and said that I was busy and might not be able to work anymore:

I hope this will save her from being electrocuted.


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