Grey Lecture Hall Little People Series: A Jian is jumped by a 60-year-old grandma. (Down)

Aunt Hong, her son-in-law and Lao Li have a total of 280,000 yuan, and Hao Nange of the Credit Information Service has a total of 250,000 yuan, and the accumulated defrauded amount is 250,000 Taiwan dollars.

The first "Miss Hong" was startled when the cleaning aunt, who had stopped for many years, fell to the ground, and the melody of Yelaixiang reverberated in her mind.

The second "Miss Hong" frightened the cleaning aunt who had ignored the difference between men's and women's toilets for decades, but would return to shyness when entering the men's toilet.

The third voice "Miss Hong" has opened their hearts. Young Ajian is like a passionate red rose, piercing the nutrients into the soil and making the bamboo bloom. The red and white flowers intersect with the spring breeze. again and again…

The way of getting along in love with a difference of more than 30 years is destined to be different from that of today's young people. There are more language exchanges between them. Aunt Hong often lies on A Jian's body and tells that only Lao Santai and Lao Jiang are still living... At that time, Auntie Hong was the administrative accountant of the decoration company. She worked during the day and went to the training room of the cram school in the evening. She met her classmate at that time, Mr. Tang, who is now her husband. At the beginning, Mr. Tang pursued very diligently, every night. They will definitely drive up and down, and from time to time they will send some tonic fruit to Miss Hong and her mother.

In the eyes of Miss Hong 40 years ago, this is just a ticket to pursue, and there is still a long time before the tool person becomes a regular, but I didn't expect that Mr. Tang would take advantage of his mother's absence one night and pretend to go upstairs to watch the cat. Backflip, forcing Miss Hong to have sex with her. In that conservative era, her mother did not feel injustice for her daughter when she found out. Instead, she urged the two to get married as soon as possible. He jumped down from the apartment on the third floor. Fortunately, only his limbs were injured and it was inconvenient to work, but no one was seriously injured.

Maybe it was the mother who felt that the injured daughter needed a man to take care of her. During the hospitalization, she persuaded Miss Hong and Mr. Tang to hold the wedding as soon as possible. Arranged hastily to marry Mr. Tang.

Miss Hong, who thought she would return to a normal life after marriage, never imagined that Mr. Tang was an extremely vulgar and demanding pervert, and would use various tools to sexually abuse her every night. Thinking of myself as a tool for giving birth and making love, the good times of life are entrusted to a beast by mistake, and when I talk about the sadness, I even cry with the young A Jian in my arms.

A Jian, who heard the story, thanked Bao Bao's uncle Lao Li for sharing his "selfless, correct, and exactly the same" message. On the other hand, he hugged Miss Hong and said indignantly, "Baby, I will never let you be wronged again!" Aunt Hong, who had never been called "baby" in her life, was greatly moved, and panted and replied, "Thank you Ajian baby, you gave me the opportunity to feel true love in my life." So the relationship between the two of them was short-lived. The week heats up rapidly, and it is agreed that Miss Hong will wake up every morning with her husband, daughter, and grandson behind her back... secretly call A Jian to report safety, and let A Jian wash away the ravages brought by her husband the night before with sweet words...

"Go! Who are you? You dare to seduce my wife!" A Jian, who was indulging in love every day, was startled by the sudden greeting from a man on the phone, and hurriedly took the phone away from his ears and wanted to hang up immediately. , I didn't expect the faint cry of my lover, Miss Hong, from the other end of the phone, "Don't scold him like this...he's my lover..." "Brother thief, how dare you talk about it, do it!" With the sound of items falling, A Jian knew that this hard-won relationship was over.

One night outside a Family Mart convenience store in Taipei, three men carrying masks seemed to be negotiating...

"My father-in-law insisted that the reconciliation cost 1 million." Aunt Hong's son-in-law, who is about 40 years old, seems to be a rough laborer. A Jian's face turned black and white when he heard this number, and he could only look at Lao Li expecting There is a solution, but instead of helping Ajian speak, Lao Li started to help the other party to persuade Ajian, "Being a man, you have to be brave. The husband of the other party originally wanted to sue you for disturbing the family. Fortunately, I found a celebrity through my relationship. Auntie's son-in-law has the opportunity to negotiate this time..."

In this way, A Jian, who was helpless that night, insisted on asking Miss Hong's son-in-law to accept 120,000 first, and entrusted him to go back to his father-in-law to intercede.

Three days later, the same three men carrying masks were negotiating matters outside the same Family Mart convenience store...

The working man said, "Father-in-law said, it is impossible to reconcile without 1 million yuan!" No matter how stupid Ajian is, he knows that it is not easy to make money. When he heard that it was 1 million yuan again, he wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but was forced by Lao Li. Let's go, I want Ah Jian to sit down calmly and have a good talk. At this time, the working man said, "If it wasn't for the fact that my mother-in-law was being beaten at home every day, I would never have come out to talk to you." As soon as he heard that his beloved was beaten , A Jian, who was in a panic, handed over another 160,000 that night...

Three days later, it was also outside the door of a Family Mart convenience store, but this time only the son-in-law and the security guard Lao Li were left.

As soon as they saw that the fool Ajian didn't come to the scene, the anxious look in their eyes was worse than the loss of their demented parents. Lao Li called Ajian immediately, saying that if he would not bring money to the appointment for reconciliation, Mr. Tang would Bring the underworld to the company to make trouble, then your underground romance with Auntie Hong will be made public, and the two of you will be ruined!

A Jian was silent on the phone. At this time, he was also very anxious, but he paid almost 300,000 settlement fees one after another. A Jian also vaguely felt that the payment would be a bottomless pit. At this time, he Sitting in front of the computer and looking for solutions, I asked netizens in the nickname chat room. Naturally, "The most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is people!" The vast majority of netizens are still kind. A prostitute working girl or a fraud group far away on the other side of the ocean, regardless of nationality, first persuaded A Jian to call 110 to call the police, most of them intend to help this fool stop the bleeding first, and then establish a relationship.

Just when A Jian was seriously considering whether to report to the police and confess his adultery with Miss Hong, an unfamiliar private message with the ID of Wan Huahao Nan came over, "Little friend, I have run a credit bureau for more than 10 years and dealt with emotional problems in private. Count, tomorrow night, I can help the little friend to determine whether Miss Hong is safe." Sure enough! No matter what career you do, you can't forget the importance of reading. This brother Hao Nan has obviously read "Blue Ocean Strategy".

Customized solutions such as private solutions, whether the lover Miss Hong is safe, etc. directly penetrated into A Jian's heart. He immediately forgot the thought of calling the police. After asking some questions in the chat room, he brought a reminder. The card went out to the credit bureau... Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. The cost of the credit bureau plus the additional cost after the event cost a total of 250,000, but Ajian is quite satisfied, because Hao Nan is really doing a big business And the big boss who is loyal.

Not only did Ajian agree to pay in installments, but Aunt Hong's husband and son-in-law really never came to see him again. Even Lao Li, who knew everything, applied for a transfer to the company every few days, except for his lover who could no longer be contacted. Besides Miss Hong, the credit bureau really got rid of Ajian's troubles, so that Ajian's life slowly returned to the normal track.

Defrauded items: Aunt Hong, her son-in-law and Lao Li have a total of 280,000 yuan, and Brother Hao Nan of the Credit Information Service, 250,000 yuan, with a total defrauded amount of NT$530,000.



Located next to a park in downtown Taoyuan. The man in gray robe "just walked you through the dark alley, any woman standing outside the door looking at it can ask."

The male right, about 30 years old, asked, "You didn't lie to me, did you? Those were really only 1,000-1,500 yuan just now?"

The man in gray robe "Don't worry, come in, I'll be waiting for your thoughts in the park."

20 minutes later... "How do you feel?" the gray-robed man asked.

"Not very cool."

"Oh, why?"

"Why did I spend 700,000 for something that 1,500 can solve?"

"Well...because you're grown up now."

(A Jian is finished dancing by the 60-year-old grandma fairy)


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