The Romantic Revolution of Unscripted AI NPCs Ryan Reynolds Made Me Cry

But what about the people you throw out the window? What about those managers whose jaws were dunked by you with the butt of a gun, and those brainless big tits who jumped into the driver's seat of someone's sports car without your invitation? Real world players, do we care?
Photo credit: IMDb / Free Guy

I finally went back to the cinema last weekend to watch a movie. The epidemic has caused more subscriptions to several streaming platforms in the past few months. I still occasionally miss being in a huge black box and enjoying two hours with a group of strangers who share a common goal. around time. We take our seats, keep our distance, drink a drink in our left hand, and hold carefully selected food in our right hand, and enter a beautiful and splendid world. The bullshit outside the black box, the success and failure, and the struggle for the future have nothing to do with the present.

The free city in "Unscripted Players" is also a concept. After people connect to select characters and skins, they enter an alternate reality of New York City and enjoy a world hosted by dozens of servers. There you can punch a passerby at will, and then shoot him in the head, without having to bear any consequences, even, your task is to commit a felony such as robbing a bank. After the end, other people's large sums of cash will become yours (just like the whole Taiwan raising money to buy the power lottery for one person), you will also increase the experience value and become a ruthless character admired by everyone in the city.

But what about the people you throw out the window? What about those managers whose jaws were dunked by you with the butt of a gun, and those brainless big tits who jumped into the driver's seat of someone's sports car without your invitation? Real world players, do we care?

Before watching this movie, I have browsed the analysis of a group of film critic fans, the rationality of AI artificial intelligence and NPC background characters, learning and resistance, etc. I think everyone should be very clear about the key points, so I won’t repeat them here. What I want to say is that after I saw it, I actually had to hold on to keep the tears from falling. There are a few points to cry. After the "man" (Taiwan flipping Guy, lost the ingenuity of the original text) knew that the world he and he was in was not real, he experienced psychological activities like "The World of Truman", and his lover Like a fairy descending into the world, the love between two people is just an episode of one person, but the end of another person. Such personal sadness has surpassed 1 and 0; the other is "man" and "good friend" stepping out of the wall together When he ran to the free world on the bridge, what his "good friend" said, even though his freedom was only a few dozen minutes, he was already satisfied and could happily accept his fate that he would eventually disappear and return to zero.

Can you not cry?

On the contrary, the "man" told a group of people at the beach full of great truths. The scene in which everyone was asked to fight for human rights was really indifferent, because we all know that after the fight for rights is successful, the next step will be downhill, and no one can promise anything. Or you can simply say that you are a tired generation, and you are all familiar with lying flat, top customers, and black clothing. Of course, this is a fun and funny comedy, and what foreign netizens said about "Ryan Reynolds getting paid to be himself" is absolutely right.

An article in "Duan Media" on "Unscripted Players" mentioned the video game "Detroit: Become Human", which was released a few years ago. In fact, I didn't play it for the first time until a few months ago. At that time, a friend gave me a second-hand PS4 as a birthday present. There were "Mario Kart", "The Last of Us", "Blood" and a lot of masterpieces, but the only thing I played from start to finish was "Detroit" ", this work has the same core as "Unscripted Player", which is the awakening of AI artificial intelligence and anti-slavery resistance, human rights, freedom, and being your own master; it's just an easy one, and one is likely to happen in the future.

The game has three storylines, Kara, Connor and Marcus. Marcus would later become a protest leader; Connor was a partner who helped police investigate and negotiate criminals; and Carla was a housekeeping robot that cleaned up the house, cooked meals, and looked after children.

My selfish favorite is the story of Carla, no matter how scumbag her master loves to beat her daughter after drinking, or even blame her daughter for her wife's death, Carla, who should not be emotional, is regarded as a girl. A bystander who must obey completely. At this time, the player must make a decision. What should Cara do? I remember being overwhelmed with sympathy at that time, and even being afraid of my own decisions, as if I was the artificial intelligence. I was afraid that I would not be able to save the girl, and I was even more afraid that I would not be able to save myself because of it. Once I was scrapped and recycled, the girl's tragic childhood would be forever. No one knows, she will be worse off than she is now.

taken from the web

Taking the girl on the street to find a place to stay in the rainy night, trying to prevent the patrols and surveillance cameras from finding out, risking her life in the laundry to steal someone else's freshly washed clothes to change it, and facing a man who is oppressed by human beings and can get out of control at any time. Kill our robots. I was playing games by myself on the sofa during bedtime, thinking only about how to protect the poor child and escape together.

Because it is an interactive game, different choices will trigger different plots. Many people have made inhuman choices based on wanting to know the "gestalt psychology" of the development of each plot, such as letting the girl die or kill her. Rich old painters and so on, as a collection of experience, to satisfy curiosity.

But I couldn't do it, at least not the first time I played it. At that time, of course, I didn't think from the perspective of "NPCs have their own lives to live." I just thought that when I closed the PS4, I didn't want Carla to lose a chance to become a human being or a better existence than a human being. I didn't want to. To let the broken robot cry out to keep him alive just died in the rubble. I don't want to make myself feel bad.

The album "Western Paradise" makes these NPC and artificial intelligence issues more philosophical. Each one has delicate human skin, and they are all learning various small details of how to become human, but in the end they also have to take revenge and fight.

Of course, these are just cool entertainment.

I'm still me when it's over, and every 60 seconds in Africa is still one minute.


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張靖新媒體編輯/寫作者/樂於攝影。立場:支持免治馬桶和社交距離常態化。 微單眼與底片相機拍的一些東西 Instagram : moonightmorningpie
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